Udacity-AT&T 'NanoDegree' Offers an Entry-Level Approach to College - NYTimes.com - 0 views
"Yet this most basic of efforts may offer more than simply adding an online twist to vocational training. It may finally offer a reasonable shot at harnessing the web to provide effective schooling to the many young Americans for whom college has become a distant, unaffordable dream. Intriguingly, it suggests that the best route to democratizing higher education may require taking it out of college."
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/240193/13-117... - 0 views
Some specific issues for MOOCs in HE and FE are handled in separate sections: Education theory: are MOOCs an innovation or a continuation of prior ODL Futurelearn - the UK MOOC platform: what will it offer FE - can the sector profit from the maturing of MOOC formats Completion and drop-out rates and metrics for MOOC quality Technology evolution: how will learner analytics develop to enhance MOOCs