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Sean Weaver

Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems - Business Insider - 0 views

    "Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard Zuck: Just ask. Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one? Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They "trust me" Zuck: Dumb fucks."
Vincent Iannone

Many teachers think entertainment media use has hurt student academic performance | Com... - 0 views

  • When asked about a range of specific academic skills, teachers are much more likely to say entertainment media have hurt rather than helped those skills. (Entertainment media was defined as the TV shows, music, video games, texting, iPods, cell phone games, social networking sites, apps, computer programs, online videos, and websites students use for fun.) The biggest problem area for teachers is students’ attention span, with 71% saying saying entertainment media use has hurt students either “a lot” (34%) or “somewhat” (37%) in that area
  • Another key problem area for teachers is students’ writing skills. Nearly six in 10 (58%) teachers say their students’ use of entertainment media (including texting) has hurt their writing skills “a lot” (19%) or “somewhat” (39%). Many teachers think students spend so much time with media that they neglect their homework and aren’t prepared in class. Just under half (48%) say entertainment media use has hurt the quality of students’ homework “a lot” (15%) or “somewhat” (33%). Teachers also say that entertainment media has hurt students “a lot” or “somewhat” in their ability to communicate face to face (59%) and their critical thinking (42%). There were no statistically significant differences between veteran teachers (more than 15 years of experience) and those who are new to the job (less than 5 years). Nor were there differences between teachers who describe themselves as “tech savvy” and those who admit to being “uncomfortable” with new technologies.
Joe Abate


shared by Joe Abate on 13 Sep 13 - No Cached
    heres the video we should use. 
Brielle Rendeiro

Digizen - Social networking - Report - Risks - 0 views

  • Negative views of social networking services
Brielle Rendeiro

The Negative Effect of Social Media - 2 views

  • ypically, a negative review by a customer on one of these major social media sites reaches forty-five people. Of these, thirty people will not purchase anything from a company they’ve heard bad things about.
Vincent Iannone

Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites for Students - Performancing - 0 views

  • The popularity of the social networking sites increased rapidly in the last decade. This is probably due to the reason that college and university students as well as teens used it extensively to get global access. These social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook have become a raging craze for everyone nowadays.
  • The negative effects of these social networking sites overweigh the positive ones. These sites have caused some potential harm to society. The students become victims of social networks more often than anyone else. This is because of the reason that when they are studying or searching their course material online, they get attracted to these sites to kill the boredom in their study time, diverting their attention from their work. Other negative side effects of social networking websites include the following:
  • Reduced learning and research capabilities Students have started relying more on the information accessible easily on these social networking sites and the web. This reduces their learning and research capabilities.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Multitasking Students who get involved in activities on social media sites while studying result in reduction in their focus of attention. This causes reduction in their academic performance, and concentration to study well
  • Reduction in real human contact The more time the students spend on these social media sites, the less time they will spend socializing in person with others. This reduces their communication skills. They will not be able to communicate and socialize effectively in person with others. The employers are getting more and more unsatisfied with the communication skills of the fresh graduates due to this reason. The effective communication skills are key to success in the real world.
  • Reduces command over language use age and creative writing skills Students mostly use slang words or shortened forms of words on social networking sites. They start relying on the computer grammar and spelling check features. This reduces their command over the language and their creative writing skills.
  • Time wastage Students, while searching and studying online, get attracted to using social media sites and sometimes they forget why they are using internet. This wastes their time and sometimes students are not able to deliver their work in the specified time frame. Low grades Students get low grades in school due to lack of the desired information and writing skills. Loss of motivation in students The student’s motivational level reduces due to the use of these social networking sites. They rely on the virtual environment instead of gaining practical knowledge from the real world.
  • Effect on health The excessive use of these sites affect the mental as well as physical health. Students do not take their meals on time and take proper rest. They take excessive amount of coffee or tea to remain active and focused which effects negatively on their health. The overuse of these sites on a daily basis has many negative effects on the physical and mental health of students making them lethargic and unmotivated to create contact with the people in person. The parents should check and balance on their children when they use the internet. They should be on guard whether they are using it for appropriate time period or not. The peers and teachers should also help students make them aware of the negative effects and explain what they are losing in the real world by sticking to these social networking sites.
Sean Weaver

Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication? - Forbes - 1 views

  • As human beings, our only real method of connection is through authentic communication. Studies show that only 7% of communication is based on the written or verbal word. A whopping 93% is based on nonverbal body language. Indeed, it’s only when we can hear a tone of voice or look into someone’s eyes that we’re able to know when “I’m fine” doesn’t mean they’re fine at all…or when “I’m in” doesn’t mean they’re bought in at all.
  • Social technologies have broken the barriers of space and time, enabling us to interact 24/7 with more people than ever before. But like any revolutionary concept, it has spawned a set of new barriers and threats. Is the focus now on communication quantity versus quality? Superficiality versus authenticity?  In an ironic twist, social media has the potential to make us less social; a surrogate for the real thing. For it to be a truly effective communication vehicle, all parties bear a responsibility to be genuine, accurate, and not allow it to replace human contact altogether.
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