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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jason Bao

Jason Bao

跨越时间返回地球?用八百美元赢几千万的奇人 - 西祠胡同 - 0 views

    美国联邦调查人员去年在纽约华尔街逮获了一名谜一般的股票投资者,据称此人仅靠800美元起家,在短短数月的时间内至少获利数千万美元!美国调查人员相信他之所以能"东方不败",股市长胜,是因为非法获得了可靠的"证券内幕消息",但当调查人员要求他透露"消息来源" 时,此人竟破天荒地声称他是一名来自 2256年的时间旅行者,他之所以炒股屡胜,只因为对21世纪初的美国股市涨跌行情"了如指掌"。
Jason Bao

油茶研究会 - 周五趣闻:史上最倒霉的12个标志/有点荤,小孩请闭眼 - 0 views

  • 1。London2008奥运会标志,当然从你开始,为啥倒霉,请看油茶上月的周五趣闻:糟糕Logo的下场,有详细的报道。 2。拉丁美洲的一个牙科诊所: 3。这个可能要稍微考验一下您的想象力: 4。德国热狗Frankfurt长成这样,唉,太有创意了~ 5。捷克香肠,真的很像香肠! 6。巴西东方研究学会,是个房子迎着太阳。。 7。这个,也跟教育有关。。 8。日本的药房标志,很漂亮,可是。。 9。儿科中心 10。多功能厕所,中文繁体字,港澳台胞。。 11。医院的标志,有人视角独特,发现了趣味。。 12。这个比较高深。。 作者:油茶研究会§ User eXperience STUDY 本文如看不明白,请放弃发问。
Jason Bao

Social Annotation: Seamless Integration of Social Bookmarking, Web Highlighter, Sticky-... - 0 views

shared by Jason Bao on 23 Sep 07 - Cached
    厦门,有一个传统,就是"小春节、大中秋"。 中秋,是厦门最隆重最热闹最有特色的一个节日,为什么呢?其实很大程度是因为厦门中秋有一个民俗活动――博饼。
    据说是三百多年前,民族英雄郑成功以厦门为根据地,驱逐荷夷收复台湾。郑成功的士兵基本上来自福建、广东各地,到中秋节前后,士兵们思念亲人。郑 成功的部将洪旭,为了抚慰士兵离乡背井、思亲想家之念,激励士兵先国后家,克敌制胜的斗志,便与兵部衙堂的属员,经过一番筹谋,巧设"中秋会饼", 通过"掷骰子"活动让士兵们赏月玩饼、品茗谈天。
Jason Bao

[转]一个网管眼中的用户 - Xiaoxiao's Weblog - 0 views

    "  语音聊天不会开MIC,说网吧耳机是坏的.


      问我:"网管,有没有毛片看?"我说没,他怪电影不全! "

Jason Bao

第六套广播体操 - 视频 - 播客 - 土豆网 - 0 views

Jason Bao

World of Solitaire - 0 views

shared by Jason Bao on 25 Aug 07 - Cached
Jason Bao

酷似"林志玲"美女老师,学生眼都直了 - 视频 - 优酷微视频 - 0 views

  • 酷似“林志玲”美女老师,学生眼都直了
Jason Bao

Do fairieslive at the bottom of your garden? - 0 views

  • ...3 more annotations...
  • !! PLEASE READ !! The following statement was issued by Dan Baines on 1st April 2007 -   Dear All   Thank you for the interest you have shown in my story.   Even if you believe in fairies, as I personally do, there will always have been an element of doubt in your mind that would suggest the remains are a hoax. However, the magic created by the possibility of the fairy being real is something you will remember for the rest of your life.   Alas the fairy is fake but my interest and belief has allowed me to create a work of art that is convincing and magical. I was also interested to see if fairy folklore is still a valid belief in modern society and I am pleased to say that yes it is! I have had more response from believers than I ever thought possible.   As well as an artist I am also a magician and you have been my fantastic audience. That spark of magic ignited your imagination and made your day more memorable and exciting.   I believe fairies to be Earth spirits rather than physical beings so my performance was slightly flawed. The question stills begs to answered though, are they made of flesh and blood like you and I?   I hope you have not been offended by the events of the past few days but if you are I sincerely apologise. It took 50 years for the Cottingley fairies to be revealed as a hoax; at least you’ve only had to endure a few days of mystery. I will be adding a section to by website to document the Derbyshire Fairy, please let me know if you’d like to be updated.   Kind Regards   Dan
Jason Bao

新浪论坛_全球最大华人中文社区_新浪网 - 0 views

  • 一群群的拿着砍刀.....和铁管...我看了..感觉心理都是沉淀淀的..   现在的孩子都这样?   冲动真的是魔鬼.....   保安也不能完全制止这场暴力!   被砍死的是那个穿红衣服的,他是去那学校砍人.....某校同学提供视频。   谁知道这是什么学校啊!!!太残忍了!!   这是在校门口后观看的学生、老师或其它居民
  • 残忍!初中学校40多个学生群砍2学生,1人惨死[视频]
Jason Bao

腾讯最新概念设计? - Xiaoxiao's Weblog - 0 views

Jason Bao

减肥论坛-漂漂不胖胖 - 0 views

shared by Jason Bao on 24 Mar 07 - Cached
Jason Bao

Yasly插画作品--apparel(一)-视觉中国 - 0 views

Jason Bao

cnBeta.COM - 印度一流大学晚上断网 强制学生回归现实 - 0 views

  • 印度一流大学晚上断网 强制学生回归现实 3月13日消息, 印度一所著名理工学院最近对学生在宿舍的上网时间加以限制, 称沉迷网络、游戏和博客导致学生成绩下降, 并助长了他们的孤独感和自杀倾向. 据路透社报道, 印度精英大学孟买理工学院 (Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai) 的领导们称, 现在的学生已懒怠进行社交活动, 而且许多学生上午要么上课迟到, 要么就干脆睡过去了.
    • Jason Bao
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