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Tare was safe. Let people talk. She had too many other matters to occupy her mind. The most important was how to make Frank realize, in a tactful manner, that his store should bring in more money. ...
Tare was safe. Let people talk. She had too many other matters to occupy her mind. The most important was how to make Frank realize, in a tactful manner, that his store should bring in more money. ...
Coming out to the carriage block they greeted her in accents that always made her feel that one could forgive Yankees almost anything except their voices."You are just the person I want to see, Mrs...
"Come off your high horse, Miss," said the old lady tartly. "I shan't attack your precious sister, though I might have if I'd stayed at the burying ground. What I mean is with the scarcity of men i...
"But, Mr. Kennedy, I must do something. I must take care of my poor little boy and there is no one to look after us now.""You are a brave little woman," he pronounced, "but I won't have you do this...
It was pleasant to hear approving words again, even if she had little idea what they meant."There's plenty of folks hereabouts who'll have something to say about you letting Sue marry a Cracker-for...
The role she enacted was that of a refined sweet Southern lady in distress. With an air of dignified reserve she was able to keep her victims at their proper distance, but there was nevertheless a ...
She's still the shy well-bred Mrs. Wilkes, the perfect lady! And Ashley can see death and war and be wounded and lie in jail and come home to less than nothing and still be the same gentleman he wa...
"She can get mad quicker and stay mad longer than any woman I ever saw!"Even at the times when things were most pleasant, it was amazing how completely and how quickly the teasing, affectionate wif...
It ain't his home and he don't feel like he's earnin' his keep. He's a mighty pore farmer and he knows it. God knows he tries his best but he warn't cut out for farmin' and you know it as well as I...
And he'd probably tell her that no one had any money with which to pay him. Well, perhaps that was true. Poverty was certainly no news to her. But nearly everybody had saved some silver or jewelry ...
So, because he was tired, he bought peace at her own terms. Sometimes, he thought it was worth it to have her smiling when she opened the front door in the cold twilights, kissing him on the ear or...
There was a hard and hunted look about this face."I'm not pretty enough to get him!" she thought and desperation came back to her. "I'm thin-oh, I'm terribly thin!"She patted her cheeks, felt frant...
She was silent a moment, trying to accustom herself to the idea of Carreen as a nun."Promise you won't fuss at her.""Oh, well, I promise," and then she looked at him with a new understanding and so...
"I went there-I went there to see if-if any of the officers would buy fancy work from me to send home to their wives. I embroider very nicely."He sank back against the seat aghast, indignation stru...
So I came up here to get me some frocks made and then I'm going over to Charleston to visit my aunt. It'll be lovely to go to balls again."There, she thought with pride, I delivered that with just ...
"You look very prosperous and very, very tidy. And almost good enough to eat. If it wasn't for the Yankees outside-but you are quite safe, my dear. Sit down. I won't take advantage of you as I did ...