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Alex Parker

Nuclear powered aircraft: Cold War fission to new-age fusion - 1 views

    Inspired by the promise of vastly increased flight durations, the Russian and American militaries experimented with nuclear powered aircraft for two decades, but the concept never progressed beyond a handful of trials. Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works claims to have the solution in its grasp, unveiling plans for a compact nuclear fusion generator that could power everything from aircraft to naval vessels within ten years.

Fusion5 8" Android Tablet PC - Android 7 Nougat, 803B Model, Quad-Core, 16GB Storage, 1... - 0 views

    TABLET ANDROID PC (ANDROID 7.0 NOUGAT): Loaded and powerful which is back with many features such as Prioritized Communication, better Sound Profile, Better Protection and many more.
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