woices.com - where the words go - 0 views
Fred Delventhal on 23 Oct 08Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Concepts * What is a walk? * What are tags? * What is the Twilight Zone? * Why no photos or videos, just voice? Recording and uploading * How do I record and share an echo? * How do I give recorder permanent permission to use microphone? * I've got a .wav audio file how can I upload it? * How do I encode audios to mp3? Managing echoes * How many echoes can I create? * How do I place an echo on its exact location? * How do I change an echo license? * How do I change an echo location? * How can I change the title of an echo? * How can I delete an echo? Using the site * How do I register? * How do I find echoes from some place? * How can I keep favorites? Community * How do I contact another user? * What should I do if I find an offensive or illegal echo? Legalese * Is Woices free? * Can I modify or redistribute any echo? * Which kind of license do my echoes have? Other * Can I help translating woices.com to my mother language? * Will you go GPS? * Problems playing echoes and walks? * How do I report bugs or feedback about woices? Concepts top What is a walk? Registered users can group some of their echoes and create a walk. A walk is a collection of related echoes, usually geographically close so that they can be listened in sucession (during a 'walk'). Walks are dynamic since users can keep adding or removing echoes from their walks.