Spend time in any school talking to teachers and even students about thinking and learning and you are likely to hear the phrase 'Bloom's taxonomy' passed around. More than likely you will see it displayed on a wall as a set of processes learners engage with when working in the cognitive domain but how might we maximise the benefits of Bloom's taxonomy?
Good to remember with any mention of Bloom that these are stages before goals. Mastery in one necessitates the next.
Bad teachers tend to shoot for the highest and overshoot the others. These are developmental stages that must be passed from one to the next.
Welcome to the iPads4teaching site! This site will provide you with tips, tricks and resources for teaching and learning with the iPad.
It does not include the links of apps by Bloom's. You can find those (and more) on my iPads in the Classroom page, Teaching and Learning with the iPad page, and Bloomin' Apps page, which are listed in the navigation menu.
This site will promote the use of the iPad to support sound pedagogical practices and provide professional development options for you. If you have items to share, please use the form in the footer to let me know about them!
Prezi does a fantastic job of covering Blooms and the Revised Blooms while including video to enhance the information and discussion generated from the preso.