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Andrea Grinton

Employing eLearning for Startup Success - 0 views

    eLearning tools can make all the difference to most Startups. It offers nascent teams a strong knowledge foundation which helps bind them to common goals and gives them all the tools to help succeed with the company's vision.
Andrea Grinton

LMS Success in Aviation Education - 0 views

    Nope, wrong scenario… Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the AIR, you were in luck because air safety is one of the most tightly regulated and thorough of all sectors, and for good reason.
Andrea Grinton

Advantage of Online eLearning Software - 0 views

    For the small business companies who are looking for the new employee training platform. LMS software for small business is a great idea to make your business on the next level.
Darcy Goshorn

Camp Magic MacGuffin - FAQ - 0 views

    What a great idea for faculty professional development or any kind of sustained, elearning that needs to occur over the summer months. Creative, motivational, feature-rich, easy to use.  Beautiful.
Andrea Grinton

The Placebo Effect in eLearning Paradigms - 0 views

    If your friend were to give you a sugar pill for your headache, but tell you it was paracetamol, it'd be more than likely that upon taking this dishonest medicine, your pain would disappear.
Andrea Grinton

Improve Your Digital Learning Skills - 0 views

    Every day, new digital techniques are rising in the market, but the best LMS software is a great importance of a successful education today.
Dean Mantz

Create a course - 3 views

    Shared by Rafranz Davis
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