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Home/ DirSec Security/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Garrett A

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Garrett A

Garrett A

Microsoft touts groundbreaking 'clip-on' for Active Directory | Applications - InfoWorld - 1 views

Garrett A

What the future holds for Wi-Fi | Networking - InfoWorld - 0 views

    Upcoming 802.11n draft standards promise improvements like more consistent access, better signal quality, improved security, and smarter management
Garrett A

Risk-analysis tools provide the big security picture | Security Central - InfoWorld - 0 views

    "New breed of products calculates risk ratings of PCs based on what files they contain"
Garrett A

Twitter is dead | Adventures in IT - InfoWorld - 0 views

    << I especially love this line from the IDG news report: "The money will give Twitter more time to figure out a business model." >>
Garrett A

Ramming Microsoft down IT's throat | Hardware - InfoWorld - 0 views

    I don't mean to pick on Nissan by any means but I am quite curious to know exactly what it takes to make an IT organization (or more explicitly, IT management) choose a blatantly inferior product over far more capable competing products for use in such a critical environment no matter how sweet the deal may seem.
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