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Roland Gesthuizen

Teenage Usability: Designing Teen-Targeted Websites - 68 views

    "Teens are (over)confident in their web abilities, but they perform worse than adults. Lower reading levels, impatience, and undeveloped research skills reduce teens' task success and require simple, relatable sites."

Fake Spoof Websites social spoof sites historical spoof religious fake political fake sites - 9 views

    a pile of fake websites to evaluate and use for media literacy
Steve Ransom

Truth as meta - 13 views

  • That was a much more useful (lazy/efficient) reflex in the paper days when publication entailed filtering.
  • only a small percentage of Wikipedia users even know what the Talk pages are.
    To survive in the networked, web 2.0 world, we must transition from a learned "blind trust" of authoritative sanctioned or spiffy looking information of the print world. 
Marc Safran

A Model for the Process of Informational Research - 3 views

    A Model for the Process of Informational Research -A tutoial that looks at informational research, such as that done in the humanities and in literatures reviews in the social sciences and sciences.
    A Model for the Process of Informational Research\n-A tutorial that looks at informational research, such as that done in the humanities and in literatures reviews in the social sciences and sciences.
Steve Ransom

Elsevier Published Fake Journals « The Scholarly Kitchen - 0 views

    According to the magazine The Scientist, the publishing giant Elseiver admitted to publishing six fake medical journals between 2000 and 2005.
Gloria Yakes

Copyright Alliance Education Foundation - 90 views

    Great lesson plans for teaching copyright law arranged by grade level.

Home | - 67 views

  • This is the destination for digital literacy resources and collaboration. Use it to share and enhance the tools necessary to learn computer and Internet skills needed in today’s global work environment.
Roland Gesthuizen

Incompetent Research Skills Curb Users' Problem Solving (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) - 95 views

  • In general, we almost never see people use advanced search. And when they do, they typically use it incorrectly — partly because they use it so rarely that they never really learn how it works.
  • or many problems, the actual answer is right there. But the concept that you might have to sometimes go beyond search listings is getting lost
  • any problems, the actual answer is right there. But the concept that you might have to sometimes go beyond search listings is getting lost
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Sadly, when one approach is so easy (and works much of the time), users never develop the research skills needed to try or even consider other approaches.
    "Today, many users are so reliant on search that it's undermining their problem-solving abilities. Ironically, the better search gets, the more dangerous it gets as people increasingly assume that whatever the search engine coughs up must be the answer."

Big6 - 73 views

    One way of structuring your research task
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