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Peter Beens

What 6 Years of Study Says About Using Clickers in the Classroom | edcetera - Rafter Blog - 2 views

    "After six years of study, more than 3,000 student surveys, nearly 40 interviews, close to 700 anonymous written responses, and numerous observations of students in classes across four disciplines, Dr. Angel Hoekstra knows a thing or two about how to use clickers in the classroom."
Marc Patton

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | Student Clickers | ARS | Mobile Clicker | Software Clicker - 6 views

    Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
Beth Hartranft

Student Response System: Faculty: Best Practices - 51 views

    "Tips on effectively integrating and using clickers in the classroom Best practices are lessons learned throughout our first year using clickers. The following information was created by input from faculty, faculty development, and support. " from University of Milwaukee
Michelle Mattson

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | Student Clickers | ARS | Mobile Clicker | Software Clicker - 141 views

    Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
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     a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
    Socrative is now live! They have been beta testing and it just came open to the public - so excited!
    Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
    Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Teachers can pose various questions to students, and once students respond, a report is generated in Excel format that can be used as assessment.
    Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
Beth Hartranft

10 Personal Response Systems Teaching Strategies - 112 views

    Best Practices for Using Clickers to Support Engagement and Learning
Erin Crisp

Study: It's not teacher, but method that matters | | The Detroit News - 81 views

    Interactive methods of instruction more valuable than subject matter expertise on the part of the instructor. Study shows that clicker use in a highly interactive instructional setting works better than an experienced lecturer.
Scott Fisk

Student Response Network - 76 views

    A great, cost effective Student response system! Free for NSW DEC teachers but also very cheap for non DEC educators! :-) Enjoy!

When Everything Clicks | Hidden Brain : NPR - 23 views

    This is a segment from NPR's HIdden Brain about Dr. Martin Levy's use of a clicker, usually used to train dogs, to train surgical students. It's fascinating. Essentially, the argument is made that clickers work so well because it is a form of feedback that does not use any verbal signals - no praise, no reprimand, no "good job," no "not like that." Praise and criticism distract a learner from mastering the skill being taught, making a learner focus instead on pleasing the teacher. With nonverbal feedback, the learner doesn't focus on the teacher but on the skill being taught
Randy Rodgers

Naiku Quick Question | Naiku - 67 views

    Naiku's Quick Question allows you to get immediate feedback from your students - simply ask a question, and students respond using any web enabled device, such as a smartphone, tablet, netbook, or laptop.
    Free site lets teachers conduct a variety of web-based assessments using any type of browser-equipped device. Very useful for formative assessment.
Ann Steckel

News: Take Your Fee and Click It! - Inside Higher Ed - 23 views

    It's about time someone woke to the excess fees that students are expected to pay... especially for this type of thing. If the institution thinks it's a good idea, then the institution should foot the bill.
eva harvell

Cell phones get top marks in class -- - 1 views

  • four out of five teenagers carry cell phones
  • We spent a lot of time talking about their digital footprint and that what they do can be tracked
  • One of the most common uses is to turn the phone into a response tool similar to clickers used with other software programs. Instead of punching a button to answer a question, students text the answer and send it to a central polling Web site the teacher projects onto a screen. Some of the sites allow students to compare answers, similar to a poll or survey.
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  • Teachers said participation is up and discipline problems are down in classes using cell phones.

Text Message (SMS) Polls and Voting, Audience Response System | Poll Everywhere - 14 views

    • Kalin Wilburn
      Who doesn't want instant feedback? With Poll Everywhere you can instantly find out where your students are stuck, what they enjoyed, or where they want to go tomorrow. The great thing is you don't have to purchase expensive clicker equipment just utilize the technology they already have with them.
    Just making sure everyone knows about this tool.
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    Using this website you can poll your students about politics, current events or even quiz them on the fly through sms text messages, twitter, or the web.
    Free resource for tracking student thinking (with cell phones, too)
    Poll Everywhere replaces expensive proprietary audience response hardware with standard web technology
Jody Oliver

Microsoft Mouse Mischief Home - 58 views

    Free software from Microsoft that allows students with wireless usb mice to respond to multiple choice/true/false assessments via PowerPoint.
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