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Roland Gesthuizen

ISTE 2011 Conference - Philadelphia - 42 views

    ISTE is excited to return to the city of inspiration and innovation for our ISTE 2011 conference, dedicated to the theme of "Unlocking Potential." Philadelphia-a city known for historical firsts and the collaboration of great minds-is the perfect backdrop for the active, inquisitive educators who converge at ISTE's annual conference and exposition every year.
    Great ICT and technology conference that I am attending this year.
Marc Patton

autism-technology - 55 views

    This website was created for iste2010 in Denver, but I'd love for those of you coming to Philadelphia to check out this site, even though my presentation is focussed primarily on apps this year. There are a lot of 'gems' in these pages that you may not have heard of and all is organized according to autism impairment, a point at which I will begin in my 'apps for autism' presentation as well.
Marc Patton

Autism Apps - home - 65 views

    These pages were originally created for a talk at ISTE in Philadelphia and have been shared with many different audiences. Parents and teachers come to my talks to learn the best tools for their students. While the focus is on those apps that help students with Autism, many students with special needs can be helped by some of these listed.
Sydney Lacey

What's Possible: Turning Around America's Lowest-Achieving Schools - Blog - 7 views

    Learn about the Title I School Improvement Grant Program and how the communities of Mobile, Alabama; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Chattanooga, Tennessee were successful in implementing turnaround, restart and transformation models to revitalize and transform their lowest performing schools.
Chris Betcher

Iste2011 - K12 Open Ed Wiki - 1 views

    Philadelphia, PA Karen Fasimpaur karen at k12opened dot com ALL OF THESE RESOURCES ARE OPEN-LICENSED UNDER CC BY. PLEASE SHARE!
James Woods

How to host a TEDx Youthday Event - EduCon 2.4 - January 27-29, 2012 - Philadelphia - 7 views

    This seems like a great idea. Don't have time today to study this, but it feels right for @newtechnetwork
Tracy Tuten

When the 'A' in U.C.L.A. Stands for 'Achievement' - Campaign Spotlight - - 0 views

  • The campaign, now getting under way, is for the University of California, Los Angeles. The campaign proclaims that U.C.L.A. is the home of “the optimists,” people who are risk-takers, rule-breakers and game-changers.
  • The campaign is the first for U.C.L.A. from an agency named 160 Over 90, which is based in Philadelphia and recently opened an office in Newport Beach, Calif.
  • That work underscores the growing presence of universities and colleges as advertisers in the media. Their goals include selling themselves to prospective students and the parents of those students, seeking donations from alumni, recruiting faculty members and improving their standings in various surveys.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The agency has also created ads for institutions of higher learning like Michigan State University, Loyola University Maryland and the University of Dayton.
  • The campaign has a section devoted to it on the U.C.L.A. Web site,, and is getting shout-outs on the U.C.L.A. fan page on Facebook and on the U.C.L.A. Twitter feed, where those who send messages are asked to use the hashtag #optimists.
  • The U.C.L.A. campaign has a small budget, estimated at less than $500,000, for a couple of reasons. One is that much of the campaign is appearing online; there is also print advertising, in newspapers.
  • The video clip can also be watched on YouTube.
  • The new campaign is meant to celebrate “the optimism that abounds on our campus,” she adds, “even in challenging times,” and shine a spotlight on “the dynamism and vitality” as well as the history and legacy of the university.
  • The way to do that, Ms. Turteltaub says, is to focus on “the icons” from U.C.L.A. “who made their mark in whatever fields they choose” and describe their “accomplishment, success, barrier-breaking.”
  • “This is the place that gives you the opportunity to be a game-changer,” Ms. Turteltaub says, “and you’ll choose the game.”
    That work underscores the growing presence of universities and colleges as advertisers in the media. Their goals include selling themselves to prospective students and the parents of those students, seeking donations from alumni, recruiting faculty members and improving their standings in various surveys.
Sharin Tebo

ISTE | Build student-centered learning the right way - 43 views

  • when you ask Tiarra Bell, a rising senior at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, what student-centered learning means to her, she doesn’t mention a word about tools and software. Instead, she embraces school because “the teachers are human and care about your life.”
  • Bell prefers projects over standardized tests “because those don’t show what I can do or who I am
  • Let the students own the classroom.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • she encourages her students to move desks, sit on the floor, change the physical environment every day if they like.
  • Lean on the kids to tell the community about their schools.
  • He’s not above using the substitute teacher budget to fill classrooms with instructors for a half day to give his full-time educational staff time for these discussions.
    • Sharin Tebo
      I think this approach has been used in our school district in some cases. Creative!
  • Understand you are asking for a paradigm shift.
  • In a student-centered learning classroom, the teacher doesn’t have to know everything. It’s OK for students to teach each other
  • The students themselves can be your most enthusiastic ambassadors showing how powerful learning is shaping their lives.
  • Ask technology to do the heavy lifting.
    Student-centered learning

Website lets college students gamble on grades | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/11/2010 - 20 views

    • marcmancinelli
      This is a bad idea... you should only be able to bet in favor of advanced academic performance
William Weaver

La Salle University "Never stop exploring" Philadelphia, PA - 1 views

shared by William Weaver on 03 Dec 08 - Cached
    • William Weaver
      Welcome Fellow Diigo Users! If I can be of assistance, please drop me a line! =]
  • La Salle University’s New Program for Teaching Educators of Autistic Children Takes a Multidisciplinary Approach That Includes Educating and Caring for the Entire Family
Kevin Jarrett

Teachers give a gold star to a free-for-all education camp | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05... - 49 views

    Terrific article about #edcamp philly 2011 with perspectives from several attendees and some of the organizing team. So proud to be part of this movement!
  • ...1 more comment...
    How do we find out more about EdCamps to be offered in our area? I am a NJ teacher. Sorry I missed the Philly opportunity?
    Hi Trish! Sorry we missed you. For more information about future edcamps, go here: - we will be back in 2012! There was a Teachmeet (similar style unconference) in March at Rutgers and probably will happen again next year too! You can always organize your own edcamp - if you want info on that, let me know! I'm Peace!
Christopher Jackson

Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say - - 72 views

  • worth it.
    • Christopher Jackson
      "Worth it" suggests that the values in question are only those of money and calculation. Is that the best way to measure what college can offer?
  • Yes, college is worth it, and it’s not even close. For all the struggles that many young college graduates face, a four-year degree has probably never been more valuable.
  • he singer Jill Scott, who was being given an honorary doctorate, at graduation ceremonies at Temple University in Philadelphia this month.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • hat the pay gap has nonetheless continued growing means that we’re still not producing enough of them
  • experts and journalists
  • According to a paper by Mr. Autor published Thursday in the journal Science, the true cost of a college degree is about negative $500,000. That’s right: Over the long run, college is cheaper than free. Not going to college will cost you about half a million dollars.
  • education brings a huge return.
  • benefits of college don’t go just to graduates of elite colleges
Elizabeth Pitel

Philadelphia Museum of Art - School & Teachers : Teacher Resources - 39 views

    A great lesson plan resource for correlating art with other curricular areas
Elizabeth Pitel

Philadelphia Museum of Art - Exhibitions - Represent: 200 Years of African American Art - 17 views

    Collection and slideshow of great works of art by African American Artists
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