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Pan Tilt Zoom Camera - 0 views

    I purchased 3 of these Pan Tilt Zoom Camera. I have only installed one so far in the front of my home. It pans left, right, up and down smoothly. I set the lights on it to 30 seconds so that when the alarm is triggered, the lights come on and remain on only for 30 seconds. There are 4 lights and they are bright . I am monitoring on my computer, tablet and phone. It works seamlessly with my Synology Diskstation Surveillance. I had been looking for compatible cameras for a long time that were not super expensive and these sturdy, well-built units definitely do the trick. I am looking forward to setting up my remaining 2 cameras today. Also, the power requires an outlet. It doesn't use a usb. The power cable is somewhere around 10 feet in length I guess. Could be more. It is simply a good camera! I'm adding to my review on this day, 6/16/20: I have now received another one of these fantastic cameras yesterday and set it up this morning. That's 4 new cameras added to my existing 2. Again, it work flawlessly with my Synology Surveillance Station. Here you see a screen capture showing my new cameras in operation. Out Front, Ramp, Front Door and Out Back are the new cameras. I highly recommend them. Remember, they do require a power outlet but the power cord is a good 10! or more in length. Enjoy!
Hare Marke

Buy Bing Ads Accounts - 100% Verified, Ready, Cheap Price & Instant Delivery - 0 views

    Buy Bing Ads Accounts Introduction Bing Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, meaning that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. Businesses may develop and manage advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine using Bing Ads Accounts, a service. Businesses may target their advertising to display on Bing when users search for particular terms, and they can also monitor the number of times their ads are clicked. What is Bing Ads Accounts? Bing Ads Accounts are a tool that allows businesses to create and manage advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine. businesses can target their ads to appear when people search for specific terms on Bing, and can track how many people click on their ads. Buy Bing Ads Accounts Businesses that want to reach potential clients on the Bing search engine may find Bing Ads Accounts to be a useful tool. Businesses may grab the attention of qualified leads by targeting their advertising to appear when customers search for relevant terms. Businesses may also determine the success of their campaigns and make the required adjustments by monitoring the number of clicks on their advertisements. Buy Bing Ads Accounts Why should you use Bing Ads? With the help of the effective tool Bing Ads, companies of all sizes may advertise on the biggest search engine on the planet. Although there are several advantages to employing Bing Ads, the following four stand out as particularly compelling arguments: Bing Ads is reasonably priced. A sizable audience may see your adverts. Utilizing Bing Ads is simple. Different ad formats are available with Bing Ads. Being economical A cost-effective strategy to market your company is through Bing Ads. You can choose your own spending limit for your advertising campaign and only get charged when someone clicks on it. You can manage your spending because there is no minimum requirement. Speak to a Big Audience You may advertise to a wide audience using Bing Ads. With a 20% global m
Brain Robinson

The Importance of Social Media in Business - 0 views

    Social media has given us great ways to reach our targeted niche in an easy way. In just a simple click we can create conversation, feedback, comments, and share everyone's experience to the product or service offered. It is so easy to do that you don't need to find out a thing regarding computers other than tips on how to type and click a mouse. That's one of the best things the social media sites on internet can do. Using social media sites in your business isn't particularly complicated, although this is a little bit time-consuming.
. zbikos .

OFE, Tusk i emerytury - obarex: ""A littlle knowledge is a dangerous thing..."" - Salon24 - 0 views

shared by . zbikos . on 25 Aug 10 - Cached
  • przyszłe emerytury – to cel działania OFE (jak widać nie dla wszystkich szefów OFE oczywistość)  poprawa, nie likwidacja systemu  brak wiedzy w społeczeństwie o działaniu systemu, w tym OFE  konkurencyjnosc prawdziwa pomiędzy OFE, a nie  substytut jakim jest akwizycja nowych klientów  wielofuduszowość – różnicowanie portfeli inwestycyjnych (zastrzeżenia co do zakresu i tempa tej zmiany zgłosił premier Tusk) indywidualność wyborów między rodzajami funduszy (jeśli się je zróznicuje) efekt inwestycyjny wpływa wynagrodzenie szefów OFE, nie wysokość prowizji, więc obniżka prowizji  monitoring systemu przez rząd Tempo prac nad porawkami systemu takie, aby weszły w życie od stycznia 2011, więc połowa września projekty do zmian w ustawach  
. zbikos .

Pano to przyszłość pecetów? - 0 views

  • Pano", a dokładniej to "Pano Virtual Desktop", jest urządzeniem, które ma zastąpić tradycyjny komputer stacjonarny. Nie posiada on systemu operacyjnego, sterowników, procesora, pamięci, dysku twardego ani karty graficznej. Jedynymi możliwymi do podłączenia urządzeniami są mysz, klawiatura, monitor i zewnętrzny napęd na USB. Komputer działa w środowisku VMware, wykorzystując specjalny protokół przeznaczony do uruchomienia oprogramowania do zarządzania Windowsem oraz narzędzi konfiguracyjnych. Wydana niedawno wersja 2.5 oprogramowania służącego do zarządzania konsolą sprawia, że funkcjonalność uruchomionego w ten sposób wirtualnego oprogramowania praktycznie nie różni się niczym od tego uruchamianego w sposób tradycyjny.
. zbikos .

Scientists extract images directly from brain ::: Pink Tentacle - 0 views

  • Researchers from Japan’s ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories have developed new brain analysis technology that can reconstruct the images inside a person’s mind and display them on a computer monitor, it was announced on December 11. According to the researchers, further development of the technology may soon make it possible to view other people’s dreams while they sleep.
. zbikos .

(e-)Rząd Obamy prawdziwie otwarty - 0 views

  • Administracja Baracka Obamy wydała dyrektywę Open Government , która jest realizacją wydanego przez prezydenta tuż po przeprowadzce do Białego Domu memorandum o uczynieniu prac rządu prawdziwie transparentnymi. Każda agencja federalna jest zobligowana publikować najważniejsze dokumenty i dane na swoich stronach internetowych.
Sight Sound

Najlepszy sklep internetowy z hi-fi i kinem domowem w UK - 1 views

    Najlepsze ceny dla produktow najlepszych marek jak Monitor Audio, Yamaha, Primare, Mission, Denon, Wharfedale, Quad, Arcam i innych. Mowimy troche po polsku.
. zbikos . - Newsy - NewsPoint monitoruje 13 tys. polskich źródeł - 0 views

  • W kwietniu br. NewsPoint wprowadził do swojej oferty monitoring treści UGC - blogów i forów internetowych. Liczba źródeł w NewsPoint UGC wynosi obecnie ponad 46 tysięcy forów i ponad 38 tysięcy blogów (platformy blox, blog, bloog, Technologia zbierania informacji umożliwia monitorowanie jedynie źródeł aktywnych (regularnie aktualizowanych blogów i forów), wnoszących realną wartość informacyjną dla klienta.

under floor heating wire - 0 views

    Jiahong's electric underfloor heating cables offer versatile solutions for various installations, customizable wattage, and flexible installation with low maintenance costs. Our complete range includes thermostats, program controllers, cable straps, and monitors. With stable quality and excellent after-sales service, Jiahong has been a trusted global electric underfloor heating wire supplier since 2002, serving over 100 countries.
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