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Alice Mercer

edubloggercon » Palm Springs 2008 Agenda - 0 views

  • A quick overview of social bookmarking, and annotated bookmarking with Diigo, followed by hands-on exploration of this tool.
    This is the agenda page for Edubloggerconwest 08
    This is the agenda page for Edubloggerconwest 08
Alice Mercer

The Blog of Ms. Mercer » Whew! - 0 views

  • Next, on Diigo, I set up a grade level account, and had student highlighting and summarizing, here are some examples:
    Here is where I reflect on what the students came up with.
    Here is where I reflect on what the students came up with. Next, on Diigo, I set up a grade level account, and had student highlighting and summarizing, here are some examples:
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