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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Callie S

Callie S

5 Ways to Stay Safe Online | ClickID Blog - 0 views

  • 3. Be Careful with Email Emails are a common source of spam and phishing scams. Avoid opening suspicious emails or clicking questionable links (within emails or without). Even if an email contains a link to a seemingly trustworthy site that you frequent (like your email provider or bank), it is always a good idea to avoid the link and point your browser to the site manually. This can avoid phishing scams. Additionally, simply loading the pictures in a spam message can send information back to its creator notifying them that your email address is an active target. So utilize your email’s spam filter to avoid infected emails from ever loading.
    One way to protect yourself is by being careful on your email. It is common for phishing scams and spam.
Callie S

How to Be Safe and Smart on the Internet (with pictures) - 0 views

  • Cyber Bully Warnings! Cyber bullies are people on the internet who try to hurt other people emotionally. Cyber bullying can often lead to stress, depressing feelings and even suicide. Avoiding cyber bullies can be really hard. If a cyber bully ever approaches your way, don't let their nasty talks get to you. You know that you're a great person. If a cyber bully ever tries to hurt you, tell someone immediately. Sure cyber bullying can be depressing sometimes, but it's important to keep faith in yourself. Never ever commit suicide because you've been cyber bullied. Cyber bullies are really people in real life who's afraid to speak up and is lonely. If you ever run across a cyber bully, ignore them. Don't even talk to them.
    cyber bullying is very serious and these bullets tell you how to react when being cyber bullied.
Callie S

10 Ways Google Recommends You Stay Safe Online | Edudemic - 0 views

  • Passwords are the first line of defense against cyber criminals. It’s important to pick strong passwords that are different for each of your important accounts and to change them regularly. Here are some ideas to help create strong passwords. Use a unique password for all your important accounts. Use unique passwords for your accounts, especially important accounts like email and online banking. You are likely to have dozens of accounts across the web, and you cannot guarantee the security of all of them. Criminals target sites that lack strong security, in order to harvest usernames and passwords that they test against other popular sites. When you use the same password across the web, a cyber criminal can learn the password from a less secure site and then use that password to compromise your important accounts. Use a long password The longer your password is, the harder it is to guess. There are almost one quintillion possible 10-character passwords (that’s 4,000 times as many possibilities as if your password only has eight characters) … and that’s if you only use numbers and letters. Use a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols Using numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters in your password increases the difficulty of guessing or cracking your password. For example, there are more than 6 quadrillion possible variations for an eight-character password with numbers, symbols, and mixed-case letters – 30,000 times more variations than an eight-character password with only lowercase letters. Try using a line from a song, film or play Some passwords are easy to guess or crack: Simple words or phrases like “password” or “letmein,” keyboard patterns such as “qwerty” or “qazwsx,” patterns such as “abcd1234” or personal information like your birthday or street name.So choose a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols to create a unique password that’s unrelated to your personal information.One idea you can try is to choose a line from your favorite song, film or play, like “To be or not to be: That is the question.” Then use numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters to recreate it: “2bon2bT1tq” is a password with quadrillions of variations. The more unusual the phrase you choose the better!Or you could pick a random word or phrase, and insert letters and numbers into the beginning, middle, and end, such as “sPo0kyh@ll0w3En.” Make sure your password recovery options are up-to-date and secure Make sure your recovery email address is up to date so that you can receive emails in case you need to reset your password. Sometimes you can also add a phone number to receive password reset codes via text message. Additionally, many websites (including Google Accounts) will ask you to choose a question to verify your identity if you ever forget your password. If you’re able to create your own question, try to come up with a question that has an answer only you would know. Try to find a way to make your answer unique – you can do this by using some of the tips above – so that even if someone guesses the answer, they won’t know how to enter it properly. Keep your password reminders in a secret place that isn’t easily visible Don’t leave notes with your passwords in plain site, on your computer or desk. If you do decide to save your passwords in a file on your computer, create a unique name for the file so people don’t know what’s inside. Avoid giving the file an obvious name, such as “my passwords.” If you have a difficult time remembering multiple passwords, a trusted password manager may be a good solution. Spend a few minutes checking out the reviews and reputations of these services.
    To stay safe you need a good password. If you follow these rules when making your password you will have a far less chance of cyber crimes.
Callie S

10 Ways To Stay Safe Online... - 0 views

  • 10 Ways To Stay Safe Online 1. Be a responsible cyber citizen. If you use the Internet, you're a citizen of a global community-a cyber citizen. Just like being a citizen of your local community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the Internet to share knowledge that makes people's lives better. Keep safe, use good manners and respect the laws. 2. Use anti-virus software. A computer virus is a program that can invade your computer and damage or destroy information. Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need to be updated regularly. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks! 3. Do not open email from unknown sources. Delete email from unknown sources. Watch out for files attached to e-mails, particularly those with an "exe" extension-even if people you know sent them to you. Some files transport and distribute viruses and other programs that can permanently destroy files and damage computers and Web sites. Do not forward e-mail if you are not completely sure that any attached files are safe. 4. Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private. Do not write passwords down on small pieces of paper taped to your computer. You would be surprised how many people are sloppy about keeping their passwords private. Passwords that are easy to-guess are a bad choice. In other words, if your name is "Dan" do not make your password "Dan." Change your passwords regularly and don't give your passwords to anyone! Tell your family that combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are harder to crack than just words. 5. Protect computers with firewalls. Install firewalls for your family-it is not difficult. A firewall helps prevent hackers from breaking into your computer or the computers that belong to your family. Firewalls help prevent thieves from stealing and using private information including your phone number and credit card numbers, which may be stored on a family computer. 6. Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks. Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. Check your operating system and other program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers! 7. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use. The Internet is a two-way road. You get information and also send information. Turning off the Internet makes sure that someone else on the Internet can't enter your computer and cause harm. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer. 8. Back-up your computer regularly. Help your family back up all household computers onto external media such as CD's or diskettes. 9. Regularly download security protection update "patches". Security flaws are regularly found in operating systems and application software. Companies that make software release quick fixes called "patches" that you should install to correct the latest software flaw. It is a good idea to check for security updates on the publisher's Web site for all the software you own. 10. Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis. Evaluate computer security at least twice a year. To help remember, do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings time! Check for all of the items listed previously.
    When online you should follow these tips to stay safe.
Callie S

Tips on how to stay safe online - South Florida - 0 views

  • General security Don't use public or shared computers for online banking or investment transactions. Don't give out your account password to anyone, even someone claiming to be from your online service. Your account can be hijacked, and you can find unexpected charges on your bill. Be careful about giving out your credit card number, phone number and home address. Never provide your Social Security number to anyone unless required by law. Email is relatively private -- but not completely. Don't put anything into an electronic message that you wouldn't want to see posted on a neighborhood bulletin board. Delete junk email without even reading it. Never download an email attachment from an unknown source. Opening a file could expose your system to a virus. Be cautious about opening any attachment or downloading any files from emails you receive, regardless of who sent them. These files can contain viruses or other software that can weaken your computer's security. Don't "unsubscribe" on unwanted, un-requested or unsolicited e-mail. That just lets the senders know that they had reached a valid email address. Don't sign up for free offers. Shopping online Know who you're dealing with. Confirm the online seller's physical address and phone number in case you have problems. Know what you're buying. Read the seller's description of the product closely, especially the fine print. Name-brand items at unusually low prices might be stolen or counterfeit. Know what it will cost, including shipping and handling. Never send cash. Pay by credit or charge card. If you pay by credit or charge card online, your transaction will be protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act. Under this law, you have the right to dispute charges under certain circumstances and temporarily withhold payment while the creditor is investigating them. Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates. A Federal Trade Commission rule requires sellers to ship items as promised or within 30 days after the order date if no specific date is promised. Phishing and identity theft You may receive emails that appear to be from a financial institution, bill paying service, government agency or other business that say something like: "We suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account. To ensure that your account is not compromised, please click the link below and confirm your identity." Do not reply, and do not click on the links. The messages direct you to a website that looks legitimate, but it is a trick to get you to reveal personal information and passwords. Operators can steal your identity and run up bills or commit crimes in your name. Forward these emails to the Federal Trade Commission at and to the company, bank, or organization impersonated in the email. Most organizations have information on their websites about where to report problems. Email is not a secure method of transmitting information, so never use it to transmit financial information. Legitimate businesses should not ask you to send sensitive information by email. Area codes can mislead. Some scammers send an email that appears to be from a legitimate business and ask you to call a phone number to update your account or access a "refund." Because they use voice over internet protocol technology, the area code you call does not reflect where the scammers really are. Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you receive them to check for unauthorized charges.
    Here are tips to ways to protect your general security,identity, and yourself when shopping online. If you follow these simple rules you will be safer when online.
Callie S

11 Ways to Stay Safe Online & Protect Your Privacy - How-To - FindLaw Insider - 0 views

  • 11 Ways to Stay Safe Online & Protect Your Privacy By Nerissa Sardi on September 1, 2009 2:25 PM | No TrackBacks Nearly everyone is using the internet these days to find information or connect with others. But surfing the web can still sometimes feel like the Wild West. Despite technological advances to help reduce the risk of identity theft, becoming the victim of an internet scam or having your privacy invaded is a persistent threat. And, as a number of recent incidents involving social networking websites have shown us, it can even be fatal Keeping your guard up is essential to avoid trouble on the internet. Here are eleven tips from to help you stay safe online: 1. Be careful who you give your information Avoid giving out personal information such as your name, address, telephone number or other personal information on websites until read and understand their privacy policy. For example, be on guard for online promotions or contests in which you may be asked to provide details about yourself. This information could be used to market to you in the future. Never give out your Social Security number or passwords online, unless you are certain the site is secure. 2. Know you're being watched Be careful of the e-mails you send and the websites you visit while at work. In most U.S. states, employees are exempt from protection by employers who may be monitoring e-mails and internet use while on the job. 3. Don't reply to spamEver get one of those strange, unexpected e-mails for real estate, weight loss, work-at-home or investment opportunities? Your best bet is to delete those e-mails without opening them. Never reply to these e-mails, even to request they remove your name from their lists. Replying will alert the sender that your e-mail is a "live" e-mail attached to an actual person.  4. Use secured websites Before you purchase a product or service online with a credit card, make sure the connection is secure or encrypted. Look for a small lock icon on the website, or look at the URL address line; a secure connection will begin with https:// ("s" for secured) instead of http:// 5. Beware of public wireless accessDon't send personal or confidential information when using public wireless connections in cafes and other public places. Fellow wireless users could potentially monitor what you are doing only a few feet away. 6. Think before you post Avoid revealing personal information or photos on websites such as Facebook, MySpace or SecondLife. Personal or embarrassing information and images can haunt you in years to come like when you are applying for college or a new job. If it's on the internet, it's available for a potential employer, your school, a future or current spouse, your mother or grandmother to find it. 7. Don't trust your friends A number of recent incidents involving "sexting" demonstrate, sending photos of yourself in the nude or in compromising positions could not only be extremely embarrassing when a partner or ex-partner starts to share those photos with his or her friends, but it also could be illegal. 8. Beware of classified listing meet-upsWhen using websites such as Craigslist or Freelist to buy or exchange goods locally, always bring someone you trust with you to meet the seller/buyer. Be cautious about letting strangers into your home or meeting in unsafe places 9. Watch your cookies Cookies are tidbits of information that websites store on your computer. Some cookies are useful, such as those that store information about you so you don't have to retype info every time you go to that site. Other cookies are used to track your motions through a website. Some companies keep this data for their own usages - however, some sell your information to other marketers. You can monitor and edit the cookies on your computer through your browser. 10. Use anti-spyware Spyware is sneaky software that rides its way onto computers during the download of screensavers, games, music and other applications. Spyware sends information about what you're doing on the internet to a third-party, usually to target you with pop-up ads. Anti-spyware will help block this threat. 11. Monitor your kids' internet useMove computers out of the bedroom and into family space where parents and others can check on your child's internet use by simply walking by. Set specific times that your child may surf the web, and set rules about social media websites, such as Facebook, My Space and Twitter.
    If you follow these 11 rules you will be safer on line and your identity will be more protected.
Callie S

How to Be Safe on the Internet: 10 steps - wikiHow - 0 views

  • Don’t use lazy passwords. Choosing password or 1234 is like putting a luggage lock on the front door of your house. Also, people will be able to guess it and hack. Instead, come up with a longer password that contains both letters and numbers/characters, preferably one that references something significant only to you. For example, if the name of your beloved childhood goldfish was Sir Bubbles, swap out some of the letters for numbers and you can end up with a very nice password like s1rbubb735 that only you understand.
    If you have a good password that contains numbers and letters your identity is a lot safer.
Callie S

ID Theft & Fraud | - 0 views

  • Ways to Prevent Cybercrime Many cybercrimes start with malware. Criminals use malware to steal personal information and commit fraud. Avoid malware with these STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Tips: Keep a clean machine: Having the latest security software, web browser, and operating system are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. Automate software updates: Many software programs will automatically connect and update to defend against known risks. Turn on automatic updates if that’s an available option. Protect all devices that connect to the Internet: Along with computers, smart phones, gaming systems, and other web-enabled devices also need protection from viruses and malware. Plug & scan: “USBs” and other external devices can be infected by viruses and malware. Use your security software to scan them. Protect your $$: When banking and shopping, check to be sure the sites is security enabled. Look for web addresses with “https://” or “shttp://”, which means the site takes extra measures to help secure your information. “Http://” is not secure. Back it up: Protect your valuable work, music, photos, and other digital information by making an electronic copy and storing it safely.
    Malware is one way criminals steal personal information. To make sure you can avoid malware and be safe you should use these tips.
Callie S

Online Safety - 0 views

  • Smart Surfing First rule of smart surfing? Remain as anonymous as possible. That means keeping all private information private. Here are some examples of private information that you should never give out on the Internet: full name home address phone number Social Security number passwords names of family members credit card numbers Most credible people and companies will never ask for this type of information online. So if someone does, it's a red flag that they may be up to no good.
Callie S

Internet Safety - 4 views

    "Internet Safety Laws A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help protect kids online. It's designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first."
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