Media Smart » Digital Safety
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Brody C
Cable in the Classroom - Digital Safety - 1 views
Digital SafetyInternet SafetyBullies, crooks and predators existed in the real world long before the internet came along. Just as we teach children not to talk to strangers, we have to teach them to move safely in the online world. The information in these sites can help you teach children how to protect themselves and their privacy.
What You Need to Know About Social Networking and MoreSocial networking is all the rage but what is it? Why do kids love it? And should parents be concerned?The Internet Keep Safe Coalition (i-KeepSafe) and MySpace have teamed up to take the mystery out of social networking and Web 2.0. In a series of short videos, you’ll learn what these terms mean, why they’re so appealing to kids, and how to keep your children safe as they take advantage of these engaging tools.
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Internet Safety - 0 views
A basic understanding of how Internet risks occur helps to place any Internet safety advice in context. Once you identify which factors have a greater impact on you and your family, you can adapt recommendations to your specific needs. Take a moment to consider each of the six factors that contribute to the current online environment:Lack of knowledge. Consumers of every age and at every level of technical expertise lack broad online safety education. This lack of knowledge is not limited to young people, but extends to the general population, including computer specialists who may not know any more than others about online predatory behavior.Carelessness. Even when we ‘know better,’ we make mistakes. Usually those mistakes occur when we’re tired, rushed, or don’t have a complete understanding of the risks involved. This is especially true when there is no obvious cause and effect to help us correct our behavior. When you post information that is used a month later to rob your home, you are not likely to recognize a connection between the two events. In fact, the vast majority of victims of online crime will not recognize that an action they or someone else took online made them vulnerable to a criminal act.Unintentional exposure of (or by) others. It may be a teacher, school, parent, child, friend, employer, or after-school program that provides publicly accessible information that exposes you. Perhaps your own computer (or mobile phone, or other connected device) has been compromised with spyware that enables criminals to collect your personal information. Maybe when a friend’s computer or other Internet-enabled device was lost or stolen, your information fell into the wrong hands.Technology Flaws. Online products and services can expose consumers – either because the companies who offer them fail to secure their customers’ data and are hacked, or because a company fails to build in adequate safeguards and safety messaging into their product to protect consumers.Holes in consumer protection standards. We cannot place the full burden of online safety on consumers.
Internet Safety - 0 views
WDIG'S Internet Safety Tips Keep your passwords private, even from your best friend! Your online service will never ask for them, so neither should anyone else. Use only your log-in name and/or e-mail address when chatting or sending e-mail. Never give out personal information like your name, address, or phone number. Don't share photos of yourself, your family, or your home with people you meet online. Always delete unknown e-mail attachments without opening them. They can contain destructive viruses. If a person writes something that is mean or makes you feel uncomfortable, don't respond. Just log off and tell your parents, who can report it to your online service provider. Remember that nothing you write on the Web is completely private -- including e-mail. So be careful and think about what you type and who you tell. Not everyone is as nice, cute, and funny as they may sound online. Never make plans to meet an online "friend" in person. WHEN IN DOUBT -- always ask your parents for help -- and just LOG OFF if you're not sure! You can always go back online later.
Internet Safety - 4 views
The Internet can be a wonderful resource for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. Kids who are old enough to punch in a few letters on the keyboard can literally access the world. But that access can also pose hazards. For example, an 8-year-old might do an online search for "Lego." But with just one missed keystroke, the word "Legs" is entered instead, and the child may be directed to a slew of websites with a focus on legs — some of which may contain pornographic material. That's why it's important to be aware of what your kids see and hear on the Internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves online. Just like any safety issue, it's wise to talk with your kids about your concerns, take advantage of resources to protect them, and keep a close eye on their activities. Internet Safety Laws A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help protect kids online. It's designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first. COPPA requires websites to explain their privacy policies on the site and get parental consent before collecting or using a child's personal information, such as a name, address, phone number, or Social Security number. The law also prohibits a site from requiring a child to provide more personal information than necessary to play a game or participate in a contest. But even with this law, your kids' best online protection is you. By talking to them about potential online dangers and monitoring their computer use, you'll help them surf the Internet safely.
Safety and Security on the Internet - 0 views
Why Should I Worry About Security? The Internet is a global collection of Interconnected Networks that facilitate information exchange and computer connectivity. The Internet is comprised of many different computers, all of which fall into two categories: servers (also known as "hosts") and clients (also known as "guests") -- technically, everything on the Internet can be considered a "host," but for this discussion, we'll use "hosts" and "guests." Guest machines send bursts of computer data called "packets" which are analyzed by the server belonging to the guest's Internet service provider. If the data is located locally (on the ISP's machine), the ISP's server will return the packets. If the information sought is not local (on another machine), the ISP's server hands off the packets to a router, which then sends the packets to the server containing the information. Once the information is located, it is sent back to the guest machine. There are many different types of computers that fill these two categories: mainframes, minicomputers, PCs, Macintosh, Unix and others. Despite the many varieties of computers that combine to form the Internet, every computer connected to the Internet needs to be able to communicate with every other computer -- without this ability, there is no Internet. All of these computers are able to communicate because in a sense they can all speak the same language -- TCP/IP. TCP/IP actually isn't a language; it is in computer terms what is known as a "protocol." A protocol is simply a standard for transmitting and receiving bits of information. As long as all of the interconnected computers follow the same protocol, they can exchange information. Unfortunately, when data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet, every other computer in between has an opportunity to see what's being sent. This poses an obvious security problem.
Say you decide to purchase concert tickets on the Web. To do so, you need to fill out an electronic form with your name, address and credit card number. When you submit the form, your information passes from computer to computer on its way to the concert ticket web server. It is possible that someone could be watching the data passing through one of the computers that is in between your computer and the concert ticket server. No one knows how often this happens, but everyone concedes it is technically possible. And its also possible off the web, too -- E-mail can be captured (and read, if not encrypted), as can file transfers via unsecure FTP. If someone wanted to, it wouldn't be too difficult to connect a capture device to someone's phone line (assuming they use a modem to connect to the Internet) and steal an electronic copy of the data exchanged on the Internet. Even if you make your purchase on a secure web site supporting the latest security features, it has been recently shown that secure sites can cause Internet Explorer (and other browsers) to send sensitive information to a non-secure server in plain text format.
The point is, there are a lot of security issues related to a network such as the Internet. No FAQ could possibly cover them all. That is why this FAQ concentrates on Internet Explorer. Because there are millions of people who use Microsoft Windows family products, and because those millions have the ability to blend Internet Explorer with these products, the seriousness about security should be of paramount importance to everyone. Remember, software products are only as secure as the environment in which they operate.
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Cyber-bullying - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
The National Crime Prevention Council's definition of cyber-bullying is "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."[2], an expert organization dedicated to internet safety, security and privacy, defines cyberbullying as: "a situation when a child, tween or teen is repeatedly 'tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted' by another child, tween or teen using text messaging, email, instant messaging or any other type of digital technology." Other researchers use similar language to describe the phenomenon.[3][4] Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation. Cyber-bullies may disclose victims' personal data (e.g. real name, address, or workplace/schools) at websites or forums or may pose as the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them. Some cyberbullies may also send threatening and harassing emails and instant messages to the victims, while other post rumors or gossip and instigate others to dislike and gang up on the target. Though the use of sexual remarks and threats are sometimes present in cyber-bullying, it is not the same as sexual harassment and does not necessarily involve sexual predators. [edit] Cyber-bullying vs. cyber-stalking The practice of cyberbullying is not limited to children and, while the behavior is identified by the same definition in adults, the distinction in age groups is referred to as cyberstalking or cyberharassment when perpetrated by adults toward adults. Common tactics used by cyberstalkers are to vandalize a search engine or encyclopedia, to threaten a victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. A pattern of repeated such actions against a target by and between adults constitutes cyberstalking.
digiteen2008 - Digital Security and Safety - 0 views
Middle/ High School Aged Students A lot of middle and high school students are members of websites like Myspace and Facebook. To some teens, these websites become addictive and they become so obsessed with talking to people that they start talking to anybody. They need to learn to not put personal information on their page like their phone number or their address because some of the people who look at that would want to hurt them. Another problem with teens is that some of them download illegal music and videos. Two of the most common sites are Frostwire and Limewire. Another thing some teens do is download free software and then their computers run really slow. That's because spyware is usually packaged with the free software. Three ways to keep your computer safe is "only download free software from reputable sites, kids and teens should be told to ask permission before downloading anything, and you can eliminate most spyware by downloading the free Microsoft Windows Defender and scanning your PC." [2]
Many people don't realize how important it is to have a secure password. A password is like a key to the door of your personal space on the internet. It is extremely important to keep your password safe. Some ways to choose a secure password are to use a word(s) that is totally unrelated to you. DO NOT use your maiden name, your dogs name, your phone number, your birthday, or any other things that could be related to you. A word on its own isn't very strong, so to increase strength you can add numbers and or symbols. An example of this is if you use the word " apple ", on its own it won't be very secure. If you were to put some numbers and symbols, then it would make it " apple321 " and it would be more secure. If you were to make some of the lower case letters capitals, "aPpLe321 " then it would be even stronger. If you wanted the most secure password possible, then you could insert some symbols, making it " (aPpLe321) "After 30-60 days of using the same password, it would be wise to alter or change your password. You should also use different passwords for different applications. If you would like to test your password, click here
2. How safety and security positively and negatively impacts people How safety & Security positively impacts people you can know where you can rely on some of the website or blogs you feel comfortable to talk to each other sometimes when you are in a reliable website you don't have to tell every single thing about yourself to people online How safety & Security negatively impacts people sometimes strangers can put weird/inappropriate pictures online of you in other sites without your permission you may accidentally reveal your personal information to other strangers and might get in danger people sometimes bully other people they don't know sometimes, the predators make websites to attack you. They make you think the website is reliable and forces you to tell them your personal information
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