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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Becca B

Becca B

10 Best Rules of Netiquette - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - 3 views

    "1.The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. This rule is an oldie but a goodie and can get you through just about any situation, online or off! 2. No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when you intentionally attack or disrespect somebody for whatever reason. Maybe you didn't agree with something they said, but there's a nice way to share a different point of view without name calling or attacking someone. Harassing or insulting someone will not likely help you gain many online friends! 3. Respect Others' Copyrights: There are wonderful things online, information for everyone on just about any topic! However, these things have copyrights and licenses. Copying the works of someone else without permission or saying it is your own will not only ruin your online reputation, but could land you with hefty fines and lawsuits! 4. DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS: It hurts our eyes. It makes people think you are shouting at them. It's okay to type in caps to accentuate a word or two, but please don't do it all the time everywhere you go. 5. Don't Spam: As a blog owner, I get hundreds of spam messages each day. Most of them aren't even legible, with things like "kjhgsawu" typed in the comments and links to sites with adult or inappropriate content. I don't appreciate it! Some spammers are getting really sneaky, as they use the same generic post over and over again like "I really like your blog" - if you own multiple blogs like I do though you can quickly identify these types of spammers! There's a fine line between spam and self-promotion, do it very carefully! "
Becca B

Top 10 Internet Etiquette Rules to Survive Online | Webupon - 0 views

  • Make use of emoticons like and which help you to get your message across. At certain times, what you write in emails or messages may be misunderstood (omg i have too much experience in this matter lol) and using emoticons will help the understanding of your message. They also add a bit of color and interest to the message.
  • Get to the point! Do your best to keep your messages brief and to the point. This way, the receiver will get a clear understanding of what you mean to say.
  • Do not forward or create spam or chain letters. People would hate you to the max if you did this. It wastes time and has no point. Chain letters are just sometimes random and no one really gives anyway…
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  • Never forget to greet people politely in every message you send. It really makes you seem like a friendly person.
    "# Never type a group of words or a phrase in upper case. IT MAKES IT LOOK AS THOUGH YOU ARE SHOUTING, doesn't it? Other people will get the feeling that you are being a bit rude. The best idea is to stick to regular sentence case when blogging, emailing, commenting, messaging, etc… # Always speak to others the way you would expect yourself to be spoken to in the physical world. Do not curse, swear, or insult others- just imagine what you'd feel like if you were spoken to like that! # Make use of emoticons like :) and :( which help you to get your message across. At certain times, what you write in emails or messages may be misunderstood (omg i have too much experience in this matter lol) and using emoticons will help the understanding of your message. They also add a bit of color and interest to the message. # Patience is the key on the web these days. If you are upset or angry about something, try and wait a while before writing another message. This way, you can calm down and think carefully about your wording in terms of politeness. Remember, once you hit 'send', your message has gone into cyberspace forever! # Get to the point! Do your best to keep your messages brief and to the point. This way, the receiver will get a clear understanding of what you mean to say. # Be careful with using the "Reply All" option whilst in contact online. Do you really want everyone to get this message or only the person who sent it to you? # If someone bullies you or writes something bad to you, don't insult them back. Why? Cause it just doesn't work! Simply ignoring them or blocking their messages does the trick. If your using a messaging service like AOL, Yahoo, or Gmail (As well as thousands of others) then here's a little way of permanently annoying them. Save a copy of every email that was sent to you which you considered offensive and send directly to the administrators or customer service. This will most likely ban the perpetrator from ever using the ser
Becca B

Top Five Netiquette Rules in an Online Course (or Anywhere) for Success - 0 views

    "1- Be friendly, positive and self-reflective. When people cannot see you, and also do not know you, feelings can be hurt if you are not careful in how you express yourself. The old saying, think before you speak is important here. Think before you write. One word of advice is do not respond when you feel angry. Wait. Write it down somewhere and come back to it. When you do, you may find that you no longer feel the same way as you did when you wrote it, because you have had time to reflect about the situation. Last, if you still feel the need to be heard, then edit before you post, and write it in terms that are easily embraced. This is also true when you feel a critique is necessary, say it in a positive tone. Reread what you have written to be sure it is positive. 2- Use proper language and titles. Do not use slang or even profane words in an online education environment, even if they are words you consider, "not so bad," as they will sound offensive to the reader. Do not refer to your professor as "Doc" or by his or her first name, unless it is acceptable with him or her to do so. Also, do not use caps lock when writing. It will insinuate yelling. That would hurt someone's feelings and possibly give him or her the wrong impression of you. 3- Use effective communication. This takes practice and thoughtful writing. Try to speak and write clearly at all times. Again, reread before you respond. Define and restate your words when necessary. Correct a misunderstanding right away. Chances are, if one person felt a certain way about what you said, then another may have as well. Likewise, be mindful of chosen words and joking. Let's say for example, I write, "get out!" This slang term can be interpreted in several ways, either positively or negatively. 4- Professionalism. Leave the characters like smiley faces, and instant message abbreviations out. Your friends may like it, but chances are, your professor will not. Save it for personal conversations or definitely ask
Becca B

Top 26 Most Important Rules of Email Etiquette - About Email - 0 views

    "2. Do Not Default to "Reply All" - Email Etiquette Tip "Reply" is good. "Reply to All" is better. Right? 3. Keep Emails Short - Email Etiquette Tip Do not intimidate recipients with too much text. 4. Properly Format Your Email Replies, and Be Lazy - Email Etiquette Tip Do you think quoting original text in your email replies perfectly is a lot of work? Don't let the '>' intimidate you! Here's a very comfortable, relaxed, quick and still clean and compatible way to reply properly. 5. Write Perfect Subject Lines - Email Etiquette Tip Do you make these mistakes in your email subjects? (The key to getting your messages read is not to be clever.) 6. Clean Up Emails Before Forwarding Them - Email Etiquette Tip Forwarding emails is a great way of sharing ideas, but make sure the original idea is not hidden in obfuscation. 7. When in Doubt, Send Plain Text Email, Not HTML - Email Etiquette Tip Not everybody can receive your fancily formatted emails. Some may even react furious. To be safe rather than sorry, send plain text emails only when in doubt. 8. Don't Forward Hoaxes - Email Etiquette Tip Email hoaxes often contain stories that are intriguing, and sure to irritate. Here's how to spot and stop urban legends. Sponsored Links Business EtiquetteWorkshop materials to teach proper busines Virus and Trojan RemoverDownload Free Trojan & Virus Scan Recommended and Used By The 9. Use Current Antivirus Software, Keep it Up to Date, Scan for Free Make sure you're not spreading worms and viruses via email or act as a vehicle for spreading spam. All this can be caused by malicious emails. Fortunately, there's protection. 10. Say Why You Think What You Forward Will Interest the Recipient More and better communication makes better relationships. Here's a way to spot and share relevant information and foster ties by forwarding emails and links."
Becca B

Why is Netiquette Important? | Why - 0 views

  • DO NOT CAPITALIZE TOO MUCH or it may seem like you are shouting and this is rude.
  • Be careful with any personal, confidential or legal matters sent through email messages. Remember, emails can be forwarded to anyone.
  • The very basic rule in Netiquette is thinking before posting.
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  • Bear in mind that everything has consequences anything you do will affect you. Not observing proper Netiquette may mean losing your internet account. google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); Share 
    "Why is Netiquette Important? The internet is now a medium of communication for most people nowadays. Everything from business transactions, buying and selling, socializing or simply blogging your thoughts are conducted over the internet. Net etiquette is a fusion of the internet and good manners in cyberspace. Though nothing is really concrete in cyberspace it is important to bear in mind that the internet involves millions of people. It is like a world in a gadget, but the people you are dealing with on the other end are real and not mere avatars. Our generation now lives in the internet; there are formalities and guidelines to follow to render professionalism, courtesy, and order making the internet more useful and effective as possible. The very basic rule in Netiquette is thinking before posting. Be careful with any personal, confidential or legal matters sent through email messages. Remember, emails can be forwarded to anyone. Unsolicited messages are spam and detested by everyone. Chain letters can be one example; it would be best to delete it and not forward it. Be careful when spreading warnings about Internet viruses sometimes it may just be a hoax. Many get fooled by this and immediately copy paste and send it to everyone in their mail list. You may end up getting a lot of junk mail or spam in the process. DO NOT CAPITALIZE TOO MUCH or it may seem like you are shouting and this is rude. Lessen the use of acronyms, BRB for “be right back” and etc. Not everyone is familiar with this internet lingo. Acronyms may be ideal in the chat room but unprofessional in email. Make use of the FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions, it is a form of orientation for news groups and social networks. Bear in mind that everything has consequences anything you do will affect you. Not observing proper Netiquette may mean losing your internet account. Share "
Becca B

Netiquette for Teens - 0 views

  • Quick Tips for Netiquette Think before you write! Ask yourself: "Would I say that to their face?" or "Would I say that in front of my mother?" If something upsets you, wait at least 24 hours before responding. Avoid using all capital letters. Try using symbols to show emphasis instead. Use emoticons to show expression, but don't get too carried away. They will help others interpret your meaning. Take the time to proofread, spell check, and send the right impression of yourself.
    "Quick Tips for Netiquette * Think before you write! Ask yourself: "Would I say that to their face?" or "Would I say that in front of my mother?" * If something upsets you, wait at least 24 hours before responding. * Avoid using all capital letters. Try using symbols to show emphasis instead. * Use emoticons to show expression, but don't get too carried away. They will help others interpret your meaning. * Take the time to proofread, spell check, and send the right impression of yourself. © Stefanie Welty, 2009 "
Becca B

Your Online Privacy: Because Your Privacy Matters!: Rule 8: Respect other people's priv... - 0 views

    "* Rule 1: Remember the Human * Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life * Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace * Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth * Rule 5: Make yourself look good online * Rule 6: Share expert knowledge * Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control * Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy * Rule 9: Don't abuse your power * Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes"
Becca B

Netiquette - The Code of Conduct for the Internet - By Jason - 0 views

    "Never forget that the person reading your mail or posting is, indeed, a person, with feelings that can be hurt. Here are some key points to keep in mind: * It's not nice to hurt other people's feelings. Who are you trying to prove anything to? Just keep offensive comments to yourself and try to be constructive. * Never type a whole message in caps, whethere its an instant message, a reply to a post in a message board, or in an email. writing a whole message in caps means that one is yelling (unless you do not mean it that way). If you do not mean it to come across that way, make sure you tell people you are not yelling. Remember, people can not tell what mood you are in by just typing something (unless you are using a webcam and microphone of course...). So please please please do not use caps to write messages. Thanks! * Never mail or post anything you wouldn't say to your reader's face. The internet is not a place to find or pick a fight. There are people out there with the same intentions you have of just researching and just finding useful information and that is all. No need to start any trouble. Please ;] * Notify your readers when flaming. For those of you who do not know what flaming is, here is the basic definition. Flaming is when a person or group of people decide to express their negativity about a certain situation, maybe a world event or something. The reason one is told to notify people when doing this is because some people may not know you are flaming. I mean, this is the internet. It's not like you have the person sitting in front of you where you can look at their face and tell they are mad or annoyed about something. So please, let people know that the post or message you are about to post is of this kind. On a side note, flaming can also be toward people. It can be toward their beliefs, comments they may have made, ideas, etc. Please do not do this kind of flaming. Again, we are trying to eliminate unneccessary confrontations o
Becca B

10 Etiquette Tips For An Online Course - 0 views

  • 1.) Participation — unlike classroom settings, you can’t just “show up” and expect to pass the class. An online class is a community, and as such all are expected to participate. Discussion posts, opinions and feedback should be thoughtful and well-articulated so that everyone can enjoy a fun learning experience. 2.) Procrastination — do not wait until the last minute to do your work! Taking an online course means working with technology, and sometimes it can fail you. Work ahead of schedule so that any problems can be taken directly to the instructor for help, without losing time. 3.) Sharing — ideas, opinions and experiences should be shared with the whole community. Classmates may post questions on the Discussion Board, which you may be able to answer. Don’t keep information to yourself; in a community, everyone works together for the good of the whole. 4.) Proofread – before you press the SEND button, think about what you have written; you can’t take it back! A response to a classmate, a discussion post, an email to the instructor, make sure that you have said what you meant and that you mean what you said! 5.) Express — classmates and teachers cannot “see you”, so you have to be clear. Sarcasm, concern and other emotions are lost in an online environment if there is not enough information to back the statement up. 6.) Feedback — give feedback to your classmates and be open to theirs. Online classes function best when everyone is involved in the learning process. 7.) Respect — do not put down anyone’s ideas or thoughts, also state your own opinion in a way that is not hostile or overwhelming. Respect your classmates and they will respect you! 8.) Caution – be careful about statements that may come off as derogatory, racist or inappropriate for the classroom setting. If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it online. 9.) Cheating – treat the class like an in-room course. Do not cheat, it only hurts your learning opportunities. 10.) Work hard! — to get the most out of it, you’ve got to put your best into it! Work hard and achieve results!
    "1.) Participation - unlike classroom settings, you can't just "show up" and expect to pass the class. An online class is a community, and as such all are expected to participate. Discussion posts, opinions and feedback should be thoughtful and well-articulated so that everyone can enjoy a fun learning experience. 2.) Procrastination - do not wait until the last minute to do your work! Taking an online course means working with technology, and sometimes it can fail you. Work ahead of schedule so that any problems can be taken directly to the instructor for help, without losing time. 3.) Sharing - ideas, opinions and experiences should be shared with the whole community. Classmates may post questions on the Discussion Board, which you may be able to answer. Don't keep information to yourself; in a community, everyone works together for the good of the whole. 4.) Proofread - before you press the SEND button, think about what you have written; you can't take it back! A response to a classmate, a discussion post, an email to the instructor, make sure that you have said what you meant and that you mean what you said! 5.) Express - classmates and teachers cannot "see you", so you have to be clear. Sarcasm, concern and other emotions are lost in an online environment if there is not enough information to back the statement up. 6.) Feedback - give feedback to your classmates and be open to theirs. Online classes function best when everyone is involved in the learning process. 7.) Respect - do not put down anyone's ideas or thoughts, also state your own opinion in a way that is not hostile or overwhelming. Respect your classmates and they will respect you! 8.) Caution - be careful about statements that may come off as derogatory, racist or inappropriate for the classroom setting. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't say it online. 9.) Cheating - treat the class like an in-room course. Do not cheat, it only hurts your learning
Becca B

Online Classroom: Netiquette - 0 views

    "Netiquette," or network etiquette, refers to the evolving rules for considerate behaviour on the networks. These guidelines are often posted at the beginning of an online course, or perhaps in the "cafe" or "student center" where all students mingle. Netiquette and Group Dynamics This refers to your efforts to create a sense of online community. Positive climate building can reduce anxiety about communicating online, and contribute to a positive collegial environment. Climate building can be developed by: * Use of first names by participants. * Responding promptly to messages sent to you. * Use of reinforcement phrases (i.e., "Good idea!" or "Thanks for the suggestions," etc.). * Use of personalizing remarks (i.e., a reference to where you are working -- home, office, terminal, what is happening around you, the weather, etc.). * Avoiding hostile or curt comments. No objectionable, sexist, or racist language will be tolerated. * Displaying humour. * Promoting cooperation by offering assistance and support to other participants and by sharing ideas. Beyond Netiquette: Dos and Don'ts * Demonstrating courtesy online is fundamental. (Absolutely no abusive or libelous comments will be permitted.) * Use only your real first and last name online. * Confidentiality: No one else should be given access to any of the conferences (either viewing onscreen or in print), without the previous consent of all participants and conferees. * Copyright & Plagiarism: Don't use the words or text of others without proper acknowledgement of the source (if this was in some public source), or -- if private (as in a conference) unless you first have the author's permission. * The use of humor can be very tricky; sometimes it is seen as sarcasm or derision rather than as funny. Symbols or parenthetic phrases (e.g., :-) or "ha! ha!") can help to convey emotional tone and help to prevent misunderstandings."
Becca B

Online Etiquette - 1 views

    " 1. Participate. In the online environment, it's not enough to show up! We need to hear your voice to feel your presence, and we especially need your comments to add to the information, the shared learning, and the sense of community in each class. 2. Be persistent. Remember that we're all working in a fairly new environment. If you run into any difficulties, don't wait! Send an email immediately to your instructor or post on the Bulletin Board. Most problems are easily solved, but your instructor (and your course colleagues) have to hear from you before they can help. 3. Share tips, helps, and questions. For many of us, taking online courses is a new frontier. There are no dumb questions, and even if you think your solution is obvious, please share it by posting it on the Bulletin Board or other communication tool. 4. Think before you push the Send button. Did you say just what you meant? How will the person on the other end read the words? While you can't anticipate all reactions, do read over what you've written before you send it. 5. Remember that we can't see the grin on your face when you make a sarcastic comment, we can't see the concern on your face if you only say a couple of words, and we can't read your mind and fill in the gaps if you abbreviate your comments. So: help us "see" you by explaining your ideas fully. 6. Ask for feedback if you're not sure how your ideas and comments will be taken. Remember there's a person on the other side. If you disagree with what someone has said, practice all your communication skills as you express that disagreement. 7. "Flaming," or flying off the handle and ranting at someone else is unacceptable; it's the equivalent of having a tantrum, something most of us wouldn't do in an onsite, face to face classroom. 8. Any derogatory or inappropriate comments regarding race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, are unacceptable and subject to the sa
Becca B

BPL Kids Page- Netiquette - 0 views

    This is a a summary for kids for on netiquette when they are using the internet
Becca B

Online Etiquette - 2 views

  • Respect others and their opinions. Your colleagues come from various backgrounds as they come together. It is important to respect their feelings and opinions though they may differ from your own. Consider others’ privacy. Be wary of your discussion topics and how private or open they may be. Keep in mind that all private messaging of any form is considered copyrighted by the original author. Pick the right tone. Since we depend on written communication in ESCnet, it is especially important to choose the right words to get your meaning across. For example, sarcasm is harder to detect when you read the words rather than hearing them. Be forgiving. If someone states something that you find offensive, mention this directly to that person and notify our system administrators. Remember that the person contributing to the discussion might be new to this form of communication. Think before you hit the send button. Think carefully about the content of your messages and posts before contributing them. Once sent to the group or the recipient, there is no taking it back. Grammar and spelling errors reflect on you, and your audience might not be able to decode misspelled words or poorly constructed sentences. Brevity is best. Be as concise as possible when contributing anywhere in ESCnet. Your points might me missed if hidden in a flood of text. Stick to the point. Contributions to a discussion should stick to the subject deemed important by the group admin or discussion creator. Don’t waste others' time by going off on irrelevant tangents. Do not type in all caps. Typing in caps is considered shouting or screaming online. Various studies on the topic reflect that it is more difficult and takes longer to read text that is typed in all caps. Avoid frivolous email. Don’t forward jokes, "chain letters" or unimportant posts to colleagues in ESCnet without their permission. Not only does it fill up their screens, but it may offend people who do not share the same sense of humor.
Becca B

Online Etiquette - 0 views

  • 1. Avoid language that may come across as strong or offensive. Language can be easily misinterpreted in written communication. If a point must be stressed, review the statement to make sure that an outsider reading it would not be offended, then post the statement. Humor and sarcasm may easily be misinterpreted as well, so try to be as matter-of-fact and professional as possible.2. Keep writing to a point and stay on topic. Online courses require a lot of reading. When writing, keep sentences poignant and brief so that readers do not get lost in wordy paragraphs and miss the point of the statement. Also, do not introduce new topics; it may just confuse the readers.3. Read first, write later. It is important to read all posts or comments of students and instructors within the course discussion before personally commenting to prevent repeating commentary or asking questions that have already been answered.4. Review, review, then send. There’s no taking back a comment that has already been sent, so it is important to double-check all writing to make sure that it clearly conveys the exact intended message.5. An online classroom is still a classroom. Though the courses may be online, appropriate classroom behavior is still mandatory. Respect for fellow classmates and the instructors is as important as ever.6. The language of the Internet. Though still a fairly young type of communication, certain aspects of this form of communication are becoming conventional. For example, do not write using all capital letters, because it will appear as shouting. Also, the use of emoticons can be helpful when used to convey nonverbal feelings (example: :-) or :-( ), but avoid overusing them.7. Consider the privacy of others'. Ask permission prior to giving out a classmate's email address or other information.8. If possible, keep attachments small. If it is necessary to send pictures, change the size to an acceptable 100k.9. No inappropriate material. Do not forward virus warnings, chain letters, jokes, etc. to classmates or instructors. The sharing of pornographic material is forbidden.
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