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Why is it important to be culturally aware when communicating in a diverse world? - Bus... - 0 views

    "The importance of intercultural awareness and communication has also becomes very important for internal management of organizations. We find that frequently large organizations across the world tend to employ people from many different cultures. This is quite well known for companies having different business units across the globe, and transferring employees across the globe to different countries. But this problem has also become also very important to organizations operating within confines of a single country. Thus we find that now US population consists of many different ethnic groups such as earliest American settlers, African Americans, Puerto Ricans, and so on."

Cultural literacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Cultural literacy is important because you need to know the importance of getting along with different cultures. Anyone can join social networks, so you need to learn how you can get along with everyone. "Cultural literacy is familiarity with and ability to understand the idioms, allusions, and informal content that create and constitute a dominant culture. From being familiar with street signs to knowing historical references to understanding the most recent slang, literacy demands interaction with the culture and reflection of it. Knowledge of a canonical set of literature is not sufficient in and of itself when engaging with others in a society, as life is interwoven with art, expression, history, and experience. Cultural literacy requires familiarity with a broad range of general knowledge and implies the use of that knowledge in the creation of a communal language and collective knowledge. Cultural literacy stresses the knowledge of those pieces of information that content creators will assume the audience already possesses."

What Effects Happen When Different Cultures Come Into Contact? | - 0 views

    Having friends with people from a different race than you, it a great thing. Not only are you learning to get along with different cultures, you are also learning different things about them and where they are from. "If a person comes from a different culture than you, they grew up understanding the world, its social norms, food, religion, language and numerous other everyday activities from both similar and different perspectives. While being in contact with people from different cultures can cause misunderstandings and conflict, it can also lead to increased opportunities for learning and new experiences. "

How to Deal With Facebook Stalkers: 11 steps - wikiHow - 0 views

    Stalkers are all over Facebook and that is the most populated place on the internet these days. Everyone needs to be cautions on the internet because you don't know who could be watching you. "Dealing with a situation of being stalked on Facebook can be complicated by the fact that Facebook causes us to view our connections as "friends". That can make getting rid of these stalkers tough, because they just don't seem to go away, and you don't want to be mean to them. Yet, allowing their behavior to diminish your enjoyment of Facebook is no option at all, and there are some things you can try to get them to stop Facebook stalking."

Building Relationships with People from Different Cultures - 0 views

    Creating a relationship with different cultures can get you a long way in life and I believe that having this relationship is very important. "Relationships are powerful. Our one-to-one connections with each other are the foundation for change. And building relationships with people from different cultures, often many different cultures, is key in building diverse communities that are powerful enough to achieve significant goals. "

Create a culture of teamwork with mutual trust and respect | TechRepublic - 0 views

    This article helps the reader remember that we all make mistakes, and we are all different. "Management expert Mark Scureman approaches every job and every problem with three basic assumptions: People are different. Life is complex. No one is perfect."

Respecting Others Online - Adoption Search - 0 views

    This article says that when you have a disagreement with someone online, you should either privately talk to each other about it, or you both should agree to move on. "If a disagreement breaks out, tempers can get hot. If this happens, think about how you would react if the person you disagree with were standing in front of you. Treat others with respect. If you can't agree, don't rehash everything hoping to convince everyone that you are right. You may want to take the disagreement to corresponding via private email or simply agree to disagree and move on."

Ground Rules For Group Work - Art and Authenticity in the Digital Age - 0 views

    We should all remember that we all have our own opinions and thoughts, and that just because someone has a different thought than you, it doesn't mean that they are wrong. "-Respect each other's ideas -Respect the other group members -Don't interrupt each other -Everyone's opinion should count -Be honest with each other"

Connect With Kids and Parents of Different Cultures | - 0 views

    " Everything we do regarding time, personal space, body language, voice volume, small talk, and so on is shaped by our culture. Most of the participants in my workshops named eye contact as the most important feature in communication. Yet people from many cultures, including some Asians, Native Americans, Africans, and Hispanics/Latinos, don't make eye contact like Caucasian Americans do in some cultures, in fact, making eye contact is considered an insult. You can learn a lot about other cultures from your coworkers. Organize an after-school gathering for teachers and other school staff to bring in a favorite dish from their culture and to share cultural characteristics. "

How do people who are from different cultures live and get along with each other in NYC - 0 views

    The thing that stood out to me the most here, is the word respect. Everyone should have respect for different cultures online. Having respect can get you a long ways in life. "The best way I would believe would be open communication, respect for others beliefs, ethnicity, privacy, and the rights of an individual in general. An action of one person can make a negative or positive impact on society as a whole. If someone chooses to belittle another for something as serious as their beliefs or as trivial as the way they dress, they set in motion negative responses which will inevitably affect many others"

An introduction to cultural differences - 0 views

    A thought that all people need to keep in mind, while everyone is meeting people from different cultures. "The danger in considering cultural differences is that of stereotyping people. All of us are unique."

Internet Stalking - 0 views

    Privacy is very important on the internet because you could have a stalker and the stalker could end up killing you. "Lately the news has been littered with cases of internet stalkers who hunt down, assault and even kill their victims. According to the National Institute of Justice annually 1.4 million American are victims of stalking. As a security specialist, I am often called upon to research and investigate internet related stories. I can say with certainty that most victims of stalkers never report their cases to the authorities. Moreover, there are factors that help contribute to a stalker's obsession; and, there are ways that everyone can participate in helping to ensure that the internet is safe for all. Using my experience as a security specialist, I will endeavour to detail this article with the signs you can look for; and, how you can stop internet stalkers. "

Cultural Differences - 0 views

    An example of what can happen when two people are from two different cultures. "You greet your Austrian client. This is the sixth time you have met over the last 4 months. He calls you Herr Smith. You think of him as a standoffish sort of guy who doesn't want to get really friendly. That might be true in America, where calling someone Mr. Smith after the 6th meeting would probably mean something -- it is marked usage of language -- like "we're not hitting it off". But in Austria, it is normal."

The erosion of privacy in the Internet era | Harvard Magazine Sep-Oct 2009 - 0 views

    Technology is getting more advanced and identity is getting easier to take, like finger prints and photos. "Imagine if you waved to someone and, without your knowledge, a high-resolution camera took a photograph of your hand, capturing your fingerprints. You might be upset. Or-if you were visiting Disneyland, where they already make an image of your fingerprint to save you from waiting in a long line-you might find the novelty of the technology, and the immediate benefits…gratifying. The ambivalence we sometimes feel about new technologies that reveal identifiable personal information balances threats to privacy against incremental advantages. "

Can We All Get Along? « Science World - 0 views

    Getting along with different cultures online is very important. Even though you will have conflicts, you should still try to over come the conflicts to be able to have a friendly relationship with these different people. "An important part of life is being able to get along with each other. But conflicts and misunderstandings, unfortunately, do happen. While resolving disagreement and discord can be difficult for even those of us who share a common nation, language or culture, doing so between people who don't share such commonalities can be even harder."

Lack of Privacy on the Internet - 0 views

    Facebook has upgraded more now days and you don't have as much privacy. Peoples life could be in danger if they have someone watching them and they don't know it. "Facebook's privacy system seems like it doesn't exist any more. According to the data below, around 2010, almost all your information is available to all. Back then, the situation was worse, what about today? Ever since the Facebook timeline was released, people complained greatly about the privacy issue. If the person could create an updated version of this infograph, I wonder where he would put the 2011 data ? "

Taboo Topics: What to Do When You Don't Know What To Say | GenPink - 0 views

    This article discusses the proper way to possibly respond when faced with a religion difference. "The best way to respond to the topic of religion is to be respectful and voice a tolerance of others while remaining unwilling to discuss the issue in further detail."
1More | Managing Cultural Differences - 0 views

    One of the ways to not face a problem with a mix-up in cultural differences, is to try and understand what your cultural differences are, so as to not insult the other person. "Recognize the importance of dealing with cultural differences and the possible consequences of taking no action. "

Is the Internet Destroying Privacy? : Discovery News - 1 views

    Facebook doesn't have good privacy because when you post a status it shows where you are at the time. "Today, oversharing has become typical of online social networking, with people publicizing real-time information of where they are (Foursquare, Gowalla) and what they're doing (Twitter, Facebook)."

10 Tips for Responding to Cultural Differences - 0 views

    This article tells the reader the proper way to respond when faced with cultural differences. The article is mainly for if people who are traveling, but I think it works the for communicating with people from other cultures too. "The ability to keep opinions flexible and receptive to new stimuli is important to intercultural adjustment. Even if you don't understand why people do a particular thing, be careful not to jump to conclusions"
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