This piece serves not only to assist victims of cyber bullying through information and common sense, but to protect potential bullies from altering their own lives from the self-inflicted damage digital harassment can do to their own future.
IROC2 will use the story about Cyber Bullying in Suburban Family Magazine's April, 2010 issue to launch a series of initiatives including a blog, PSA and C.E.L. Statement to assist in providing Cyber "Bullies" or Harassers" a Digital Consciousness™.
The link is to a petition created November 23, 2010 to require safety warnings on digital devices. Please review the petition, and unless there are any objections, take 60 seconds to digitally sign this for yourself, your loved ones and our organization.
Together we can reduce the number of victims that alter their lives through their own poor digital judgment.
If she knew 2.1C, this could have been avoided! It is amazing how this type of thing still happens in our society when there is a simple and uniform understanding of how to proactively avoid it.
Learning 2.1C the hard way usually means a life altering mistake has been made.
If you do not know what 2.1C is, or how to practice it, you should learn ASAP!
What is Your Digital Risk? Find out how likely you are to find yourself at the epicenter of a digitally dangerous issue.
Please pass this along to anyone you think would benefit from this vital digital self improvement tool.
The following Information will explain how you can assist our life saving 501(c)(3) nonprofit while con currently obtaining effective branding, lucrative digital and offline marketing & advertising, and positive global PR!
"We at the Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication commend Assemblywoman Pamela R. Lampitt for proactively raising the importance of digital responsibility and awareness at the statewide level." Richard Guerry, the Executive Director of I.R.O.C2 said. "By starting and encouraging a dialogue regarding detrimental digital issues, such as sexting, and by proposing legislation intended to further spread awareness of their negative consequences, the Assemblywoman has become a leader of digital responsibility, or Responsibility 2.1C, in the great state of New Jersey."
PR: KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and are dedicated to online child safety have come together to increase education and awareness of the dangers posed by the current trends in technology. They have joined forces to proactively educate children and parents regarding the consequences of sexting, sextcast
You don't have to do something sexually explicit to be digitally irresponsible and alter your life.
It is vital anyone that everyone using any form of digital technology understands Responsibility 2.1C ASAP!
Schedule a FREE program from for your school, community, or office today!
It is vital that our global leaders understand what is at stake here, and that technology offers no pity, remorse, or flexibility to fame, money or power. Strong social influence may shield some of our citizens from pre-21st century based rules and responsibilities like fines, lines, and poverty, but the President himself, the leader of the free world (today, or 20 years from today) could not recall an embarrassing image should it become viral through digital technologies.
Why is it that Cyber Bullying and Sexting are only now getting media and corporate attention when they are issues that have existed for years?
Every day there seems to be another unbelievably frustrating new article titled, "Sexting Invades Schools" or, "Sexting: New trend for teens sending sexual texts". Wake Up America!
Richard Guerry and The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication are recognized internationally.
Americano prega consciência sobre perigos do mau uso da tecn:
O Globo is a Brazilian publication based in Rio de Janeiro, and is the most prominent print publication in the Marinho family's Brazilian media conglomerate.
Sexting, Sextcasting and Cyber Bullying as well as future Digital Disease cannot be dealt with through standard 20th century reactionary procedures. The impact of these issues on our digital generation can be diminished and treated through the communication and understanding of Responsibility 2.1C or 21st Century Responsibility.