What follows was written in spring, 2004. While the theory of TTL remains the same, in 2008 we're in the iTTL world of the D3. For a more up to date explanation of using iTTL, you'll want to head to the D3 site.
Flash is still the most difficult aspect of wildlife photography to
master both technically and aesthetically. It doesn't matter what camera
you have, flash still takes plain old personal skill. Though this commentary
can apply to any form of photography, I will as always focus in on wildlife
photography (there I go with the bad puns). There a lot of theory being
presented here, an exercise and basic concepts to aid in your mastering
the flash. Remember this one very imprtant bit of advice. You learn
flash only by doing flash. Reading what I have to say here will assist
you in better understanding it, but you can only master it by doing
it. So, on with the show! (Those shooting with the F5 should head directly
to F5 Flash ) |