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shi zhao

饱醉豚 » 独立博客感想 - 0 views

shared by shi zhao on 28 Jan 09 - Cached
  • 独立博客一个是不够的,需要一个在海外的留底,作为完全版。也需要一个在国内的便于大家访问。
  • 域名需要在godaddy之类的地方多申请几个,越多越好,因为域名迟早被封掉一大堆的。但是,有些域名要成为招牌,被封了以后全部转到主博客,再开几个新空间,几个新IP,继续申请新域名。你封掉我100个域名,就是说我至少拥有了101个域名的物权。
  • 感谢上帝,没有让中国变成一个非常强大的国家。如果中国强大到可以勒令美国政府关闭我的空间账号,不知道那些爱国青年会不会欢喜雀跃。
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 独立博客,博客独立了还不够,人也得独立。我写博客是为了交朋友,不是为了做导师。那些要求我改变文笔风格以适应他们的阅读口味的人,我没有兴趣跟他们交流,因为我写我的风格,是吸引和我同样的人跟我结交,而不是为了迎合不喜欢我的人。
isaac Mao

The Invoice Machine | Online Invoicing Made Beautiful - 0 views

    can dnp use this API to plugin?
    this is excellent! UI & functionality are superior. pricing is attractive. only thing i'm not sure is whether it provides a at-a-glance view on all invoices issued as that would help with book-keeping. i'd say we should seriously consider using the invoice machine even if we have to pay the subscription fee - as it is all worth it.

Parallels Plesk Billing .:. Web Hosting Billing, ISP Billing, WISP Billing... - 0 views

    This is a server-based billing software with a technical support ticket system that my web-host uses. Functionality seems to be quite robust and may be suitable for our needs. But license pricing isn't cheap. So this is just a reference and may it serve as an inspiration.

Bo's Blog 邵博客 » 再谈创业者管哪个重要 - 0 views

  • 很多时候,人(尤其是经理人)会太注重现有顾客,忽视潜在客户。人也会太注重用户能表达的需求(市场调查拿得到得),忽略用户不知道怎么表达的需求(需要靠创业的自觉来发掘的)
Andre Li Pan

Fractal4D: First Release - 0 views

  • Here is the first public release of Fractal4D. It is still beta, but there is a built-in auto updater that will make sure you have all the necessary updates without having to check for announcements. The auto-updater does not affect any files or directories outside of its own application directory. This is an AIR app, so you will need Adobe AIR to use it. Please leave feedback, comments, and suggestions.
isaac Mao

Plod: [转译]领袖级的数字游牧民 - 0 views

      数字游牧计划秉承的正是这种 Nomadism (游牧主义) 和 Sharism (分享主义) 的精神,让更多的人可以更自由地分享更多的信息资讯,不用担心条框边界的阻碍。

evhead: What Blogger Should Do - 0 views

  • Building more interconnection between users and blogs is clearly part of the focus now with "followers."
  • Get More Out of the Navbar: The toolbar you have at the top of millions of blogs could do so much more. This is where you can put the feedback mechanisms, interlinking mechanisms, etc.
  • Point People to Good Content
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • How can you make the content more interlinked and use the network to get more attention to the good stuff, thus rewarding the creating of more good stuff?
    Evan Williams's advise on what should do. Inspiring ideas there - do read the whole thing!
isaac Mao

Reporters sans frontières - - 0 views

  • The handbook offers practical advice and techniques on how to create a blog, make entries and get the blog to show up in search engine results. It gives clear explanations about blogging for all those whose online freedom of expression is subject to restrictions, and it shows how to sidestep the censorship measures imposed by certain governments, with a practical example that demonstrates the use of the censorship circumvention software Tor.
isaac Mao

blog的聚与独立 - 0 views

  • 我承认,独立博客依然是时下塑造个人品牌最佳的方式,但是独立博客能带来多大的影响力吗?对不起,我认为它是有巨大瓶颈的,原因在于他是个人的。我敢说,如果把牛bo这些人都分散开独立着写,它们每个人未必能获得如此大的关注度和影响力!
isaac Mao

牛博:一个牛博网死了,还有千千万万个牛博网站出来! - 0 views

  • 请转告罗永浩先生,如果牛博网需要保护bullog品牌,本域名可赠送给牛博网品牌拥有者。各位现在知道.cn的域名不可靠吧?被没收了吧?花了钱,控制权却不完全属于老罗。在此,我代表我们大楚国人对罗永浩先生 的遭遇深表同情。大家还是用国际域名吧,如果需要bullog.org这个域名,罗永浩先生可随时找我,我就赠送给他,不过有条件哦,条件是: 写软文歌颂我一次,但不准使用任何副词和形容词,不准用FUCK、JB和他妈的,不准用叹号,看罗永浩怎么怎么表现他的才气; 将来坚持在 上给我一个链接,链接到 ,就放在页底好了,不能放在偏僻的肉眼不能识别的角落; 罗永浩必须承诺为牛博网用户提供RSS全文输出,不要逼RSS阅读用户到为牛博网增加pageview,RSS阅读用户和WEB浏览用户的重合程度不高,不必折腾使用RSS阅读方式的读者。
isaac Mao

建立独立Blog又一个好选择-数字游牧计划 (Herock Post) - 0 views

isaac Mao

口碑:数字游牧 (Anothr) - 0 views

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