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ooof ooof

记忆&印象 - 0 views

shared by ooof ooof on 17 Jul 09 - Cached
ooof ooof

铁道线以西 - 0 views

shared by ooof ooof on 04 Jun 09 - Cached
ooof ooof

艾未未 - 0 views

shared by ooof ooof on 02 Jun 09 - Cached
ooof ooof

天堂里爱笑的妹妹 - 0 views

shared by ooof ooof on 01 Jun 09 - Cached
ooof ooof

港媒直通车 - 0 views

shared by ooof ooof on 22 May 09 - Cached
ooof ooof

细语倾听 - 0 views

shared by ooof ooof on 22 May 09 - Cached
ooof ooof

竞选第十二届中华人民共和国主席宣言 - 看天下的日志 - 网易博客 - 0 views

  • 深究“革命”的原因,无一例外的是当权者不受约束,当权者违法再违法,老百姓忍受再忍受。最后当权者过分违法,老百姓忍无可忍,暴发“革命”。
  • 我们生活在一个颠倒和错乱的时代,勤奋的劳动者,整天为住房问题忧虑,而游手好闲、肆意散播可耻谎言者,却享受荣华富贵,被人们像明星一般的吹捧。本来应该是培育我们祖国花朵的园丁,结果成了嫖宿、强奸幼女的罪犯。本来应该是打击黑社会、保护人民群众的卫士,结果成了坑害人民群众的帮凶、黑社会的保护伞。我们现在的这个社会,说假话的人升官,违反法律、搞欺骗的人发财;说真话的人倒霉,遵纪守法、干实事的人吃亏。我们现在的这个社会,是一个权力不受约束的社会,是一个能够让好人也很容易变坏的社会。这个社会到了需要立即改变的时候了。
    • ooof ooof
isaac Mao

Themes | Roy Tanck's weblog - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 29 Apr 09 - Cached
  • I’d been meaning to do a proper redesign of this blog for some time. The content part was reshuffled a couple of months ago, and I was pretty pleased with how that turned out. But the header was a watered down version of the old Papertrail theme and far too boring. That’s why I asked Blondmonster to help me out. Suzanne’s a former colleague, and a fabulous designer. I really like the stuff she does, and ‘boring’ is simply not in her vocabulary. She came up with the underwater theme, did all the drawing and all I had to do was put it all together. Hope you like the result. The theme was tailor-made for this blog, so don’t expect it to become available for download any time soon.
ooof ooof

为什么需要独立Blog | Solo Estoy - 0 views

  • 每个人对于独立的要求不一样,有些人看重有自己的域名,有些人看重可以自己设计Blog程序或主题,所以这里也没必要界定究竟满足什么条件才算独立,每个人根据自己的要求选择就成,在现在的Blog圈,基本上每种要求都有相应的解决方案。因此关键问题在于,要弄清楚自己究竟想要什么。
  • 提高Blog在搜索引擎的权重
  • 内容可能没有自主权
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • 数据无法有效保存
  • 无法定制自己的blog
  • 会限制旗下Blog对外部的交流
  • 会导致在搜索引擎内权重的下降
  • 关键问题是,开Blog究竟是要来干什么的
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