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Powerof R10

Student News Action Network - WELCOME! - 0 views

    The Student News Action Network was created, and is maintained, by students and teachers at Washington International School in collaboration with TakingITGlobal and bureau schools worldwide. Global Issues Journalism The Student News Action Network takes the concept of the school newspaper beyond school walls and the confines of print media, allowing students to work collaboratively on a global level to create an interactive, multimedia-rich student-driven online newspaper. It brings together a network of students in an online peer-driven environment to address issues of local and global significance, such as poverty, the environment, and human rights, in a creative and constructive format that culminates in meaningful efforts to make a positive impact on their world. Contributors bring their unique voices to the discussion, representing their regions and their cultural histories.
ashley gilliam

Creative Educator - Authentic Audiences - 2 views

  • Suzy is a teacher, Joey is an architect, and every one of those million students are scientists.
  • If our students are engaging in and producing work that could actually benefit humankind, we have an imperative to showcase this work for authentic audiences. Not “when they grow up,” but now. Today.
  • For too long, our students have worked tirelessly for an audience of one: their teacher.
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  • allow students to create products and performances that demonstrate the knowledge acquired as well as celebrate students’ abilities to apply, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize their learning.
  • Showcasing products and performances for peers, parents, and the community affirms both the value of the work and of the student.
  • Showcasing products and performances for peers, parents, and the community affirms both the value of the work and of the student.
  • Showcasing products and performances for peers, parents, and the community affirms both the value of the work and of the student.
  • Showcasing products and performances for peers, parents, and the community affirms both the value of the work and of the student
  • Effective methods for engaging authentic audiences for students abound:
  • A digital audience allows students to present their work to students around the world.
  • parent conferences, a child’s declaration
Powerof R10

Popplet | Collect, curate and share your ideas, inspirations, and projects! - 2 views

    Popplet is a one-stop shop featuring a combination of mindmapping, online bulletin board and presentation tools. It's extremely fun and easy to use and works great with a wide range of grade levels. Double-click anywhere on your Popplet board to add a content bubble (called a popple). A popple can hold all sorts of media including text, images, videos and even Google maps! Create mindmaps by dragging connections between popples and arranging content on the board. Finally, use Popplet as a unique presentation tool. Choose the order of the content using the presentation menu, then the app will zoom in on each popple while you are presenting. This is a great way to teach students to go beyond traditional, linear presentations. Make sure you give Popplet a try for its ease of use and versatility in the classroom.
Powerof R10

Invention at Play - Science NetLinks - 0 views

    This site challenges you to explore, question, invent, and collaborate to make your own discoveries. Adult inventors use skills that children develop through their play, and this site offers four activities to foster these skills. Cloud Dreamer encourages make believe and visual thinking; Puzzle Blocks supports puzzle play and problem solving; Tinker Ball encourages exploration and tinkering; and Word Play focuses on social play and collaboration.
Powerof R10

eduClipper - 0 views

    EduClipper is an educational platform for students and teachers to explore, share and contribute resources. A difference between eduClipper and other curation sites for educational materials is that this site allows for the user to choose a privacy level. A user can decide to create an eduClipboard and keep it private or make it public and share it via Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Evernote, Edmodo or email. Since eduClipper's goal is for users to explore, share and contribute to the library of educational content, the site isn't as likely as some sites to be blocked by school firewalls.

Motivating Teachers and Students in Technology - 1 views

I will strive to demonstrate in my daily lessons how useful and easy technology can be. Building confidence in both teachers and students is key. 6. Technology operations and concepts Student...

techintegration teaching

started by kenasosa on 27 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Networth and College attended

Amanda Bynes: Net Worth, College Attendants, Hollywood Luminary and Beacon of Resilienc... - 0 views

    From the bustling streets of Thousand Oaks, California, emerged a star whose brilliance would light up the entertainment world for years to come. Amanda Bynes, a name that resonates with both young and old, has been a beacon of talent, versatility, and resilience. With a career spanning over two decades, she has donned many hats - from a bubbly child artist making her audience laugh to a mature actress delivering powerful performances, and then transitioning into the world of fashion with grace and panache.
Kasey Bell

Student Chrome Squad (Part 1): Great Leadership is Key for 1:1 | Shake Up Learning - 1 views

    "This is a guest post, authored by my friend and colleague, Cody Holt from Royse City ISD in Royse City, Texas. After 11 years as a high school Language Arts teacher, Cody made the transition to the world of instructional technology and his toughest challenge ever-teaching teachers. As a Digital Learning Specialist for Royse City ISD, Cody gets the privilege to help teachers navigate instruction in a digital age; specifically, how to incorporate digital tools to positively impact learning. Cody is also the Director of C4L Operations and the Chrome Squad Internship (C4L is our district 1-1 initiative). When not neck deep in Chromebooks Cody spends his time with his wonderful wife Jennifer and their three amazing kids: Kollyn, Reese, and Tucker."
Kasey Bell

5 Google Drive Tips Everyone Should Know - 5 views

    "Google Drive has become an indispensable tool in my digital toolbox. There are so many great Google Drive tips and tricks to share; it's difficult keep this list of tips at just five! I use Google Drive for just about everything, including my presentations, my notes, my collaboration with other educators and colleagues, and I use it to store and back-up all of my files. I frequently share my favorite Google tricks and tips, so I have combined some of my favorites into this post. Today I have put together a list of five Google Drive tips to help teachers, students, or ANYONE make the most of Google Drive."
Powerof R10

Animaps - Create and view beautifully informative animated maps, for free! - 0 views

    Animaps extends the My Maps feature of Google Maps by letting you create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time. When you send your Animap to friends it appears like a video - they can play, pause, slow and speed up the action!
Powerof R10

Edcanvas | The one place to organize and present knowledge - 1 views

    Edcanvas features grid-like "canvases" for teachers and students to organize educational materials. A clear strength of this site is how easy it is to integrate content from Google, YouTube, Flickr, Dropbox or a user's desktop with the built-in search engine. By allowing users to embed digital media such as videos, images and other files with the drag-and-drop function, the canvases are able to become richer and more diverse. Another interesting feature is the newly-developed capability to leave audio comments on canvases which can help students learning foreign languages.
Powerof R10

Answer Underground for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd gener... - 0 views

    Ability to verify content and mark answers as correct. Academic verification gives students confidence that they can trust answers as being accurate. Customize privacy settings for your group. Push notifications give students and teachers the ability to see group activity in real time. Get instant notifications when questions have been answered. With the official Answer Underground app, you have access to hundreds of thousands of questions and answers in academic categories such as Math, Science, Literature, History, Arts, Social Sciences, Business, Social Sciences. Law, Health and Religion.
Laura Gatlin Reinhart

SpeEdChange: If school isn't for collaborating, why does anyone come? - 5 views

  • A learning environment in which students make most decisions
    • ashley gilliam
      Classroom design and collaboration are intertwined. How does your environment promote student-centered learning and collaboration?
    • Laura Gatlin Reinhart
      Some teachers on my campus are allowing kids to construct knowledge through projects, but not nearly enough.  Plus, I don't think we are truly doing Project Based Learning in the strictest sense.
  • Every place they go, people will be using a flood of differing devices. Every place they work people will be Skyping, Twittering, Chatting, Texting, working together in Google Docs, translating, searching for information and data, and building social networks
    • ashley gilliam
      How are you teaching/supporting the use of these (age-appropriate) skills/tools within your curriculum?
    • Laura Gatlin Reinhart
      We have a blended ecosystem of iPads, Chromebooks, Macs, PC laptops , PC labs, language labs, and ActivExpression devices.  However, it seems a minority of teachers are using these in a limited way.  A few teachers are using Twitter follow, texting answers using ActivExpressions, and my personal favorite- GAFE!!!  GAFE has been a game changer in terms of collaboration and assessment and the light bulb is starting to go off for some teachers. 
Networth and College attended

Angela Bassett's Net Worth and College Attended: A Confluence of Academia, Artistry, an... - 0 views

    Angela Evelyn Bassett, with her magnetic presence and unparalleled talent, has etched her name in the annals of Hollywood history. A beacon of excellence, her journey in the entertainment world is a testament to her unwavering determination, innate talent, and the resilience to overcome challenges.
Networth and College attended

Ashley Benson: Net Worth, College Attended, Life and Career - A Comprehensive Overview ... - 0 views

    Ashley Benson, a shining star in the vast universe of television and film, stands out not just for her beauty but for her unparalleled acting prowess. From the tender age when she first graced the screen in commercials, showcasing a promise that was hard to ignore, to her transformative role as Hanna Marin in the cultural phenomenon "Pretty Little Liars," Benson's trajectory in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of meteoric. Her ability to immerse herself in diverse roles and make them her own speaks volumes of her dedication and passion for the craft.
Powerof R10

National Archives Experience : Digital Vaults - 0 views

    The National Archives has put together an amazing site where students can create digital content with primary resources. Students can search photographs, documents, and other records and collect them. Students can use collected items to create their own digital poster or to make a movie. Students can also create a Pathway Challenge. In a challenge, students create a series of clues that show relationships between photographs, documents and other records. Others can take part in these Pathways Challenges. There are also ready made challenges that students can take part in, I just took the Lincoln challenge. Clues are given and students have to find a record that matches the clue. This is a truly incredible way for students to interact with history.
Powerof R10

Behavior Management Software - ClassDojo - 0 views

    Improve student behavior and engagement by awarding and recording real-time feedback. Print or email beautiful behavior reports to easily engage parents and staff. Save time by recording behaviors and accomplishments right in class, with just one click: NO extra data entry required.
Powerof R10

everystockphoto - searching free photos - 0 views

    "We are a search engine for free photos. These come from many sources and are license-specific. You can view a photo's license by clicking on the license icon, below and left of photos. Membership is free and allows you to rate, tag, collect and comment on photos"

The Importance of Teaching Critical Thinking - 3 views

  • many students are leaving the K-12 education system lacking the critical thinking skills that are necessary to succeed in higher education or in the workplace
  • the need to have better scores on assessments is just one of them
  • list critical thinking as a major intellectual and practical skill,
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  • that learning requires effort, but critical thinking requires maximum exertion of intellectual capability and that students and teachers alike find critical thinking discomforting because it requires personal reflection.
  • focus on enhancing critical thinking skills in K-12 can add academic rigor and increase the scores on the standardized assessments
  • understand why
  • Critical thinking can be infused in lessons throughout all disciplines by utilizing in depth questioning and evaluation of both data and sources (
  • o engage students in critical thinking, the educator needs to act as a facilitator to allow for discussion and encourage a freer thought process, as well as to encourage understanding that thinking critically does not always end with a right answer, but instead sometimes ends in more questions or differing evaluations of the topic
  • writing essays and utilizing questions that adhere to Bloom’s Taxonomy higher order thinking are examples of ways to engage students in critical thinking in the classroom
  • the use of wikis in education.  This activity can be utilized by having students create a wiki about the subject content they are studying or by having them analyze the information currently available in existing wikis
ashley gilliam

6 Steps to Exterminating Innovation in Schools | Hooked On Innovation - 1 views

  • Innovation is an annoying pest. It infects organizations and makes people uneasy because it’s usually accompanied by a disease called “change.”
  • It’s true, innovation is a pesky agitator to the status quo and it does come at a cost. In education, it’s even more of a pest because the one thing almost everyone in our country has in common is that we all have the same stored image (and hence vision) of what education is and how to play the game of school.
  • What follows are the best ways to “exterminate” the pest that is innovation.
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  • If you find innovation infiltrating the walls of your school, be sure to point out the fact that no one knows if this will work.
  • It’s hard to be creative and innovative with a short leash.
  • Professional learning and support are fertilizers needed to help innovation grow.
  • Social media is a breeding ground for innovation
  • A BYOD program is a great way to save money.
  • have technology in your schools
  • will surely just be a nuisance in the
  • classroom.
  • Teachers will become so frustrated they’ll welcome the change back to “traditional” teaching and learning.
  • So sharpen up those number 2 pencils and let’s move forward! Wait…that’s too progressive.
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