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Jovan Maud

CNN iReport Invites Google Glass Owners to Become Citizen Journalists - 2 views

    Crowd-sourcing citizen journalism, or ever more surveillance in everyday life. Actually, this is not an either/or situation.
Etienne Mahler

James Patten: The best computer interface? Maybe ... your hands | Talk Video | - 3 views

  • "The computer is an incredibly powerful means of creative expression," says designer and TED Fellow James Patten. But right now, we interact with computers, mainly, by typing and tapping. In this nifty talk and demo, Patten imagines a more visceral, physical way to bring your thoughts and ideas to life in the digital world, taking the computer interface off the screen and putting it into your hands.
    Interesting idea of combining both the physical and digital spheres.
    Very interesting. Relates to the whole question of the distinction between digital and actual and the way that this is getting harder and harder to distinguish. Also connects with the "internet of things" topic.
Jovan Maud

World101x - 0 views

shared by Jovan Maud on 12 May 14 - No Cached
    Talking about MOOCs, here's a new one from the University of Queensland.
Jovan Maud

The Whatever Button Likes It All - 3 views

    An interesting solution for the problem of liking everything. Also note the cultural specifics of "liking" in Japan.
Etienne Mahler

Ist „Look up" das verlogenste oder das dümmste Video des Jahres? | VICE Deuts... - 1 views

  • Die Devise heißt nicht „Look Up“—sondern „Grow Up“. Und für Gary: Shut up.
    "Das Überraschende an diesem Video ist nicht, dass es so offensichtlich verlogen ist. (Es ist dafür gemacht worden, um auf sozialen Netzwerken viral zu gehen, und der Typ hat in der Beschreibung auf YouTube darunter gleich seine persönliche Website und seinen Twitter-Namen angegeben-er hat 2.387 Follower. 2.387 Twitter-Follower sind nicht schlecht für jemanden, der schlechte Gedichte darüber schreibt, wie böse soziale Netzwerke sind.)"
    Good article. It not only points out the irony of a viral video that rails against the effects of the internet, it illustrates well the nostalgia for the "real", "authentic" way of being that digital technologies have supposedly destroyed. As the article points out though, it's also interesting that so many people seem to find the video interesting and worth sharing, despite the fact that its message is cliched and massively sentimental. I actually had to turn the video off before the end because it was annoying me so much.
    Haha, yeah you're right. I've had the same experience and didn't watch it until the end.
Jovan Maud

Robot 'pals' are invading social media - and it's time to unfriend them - The Week - 2 views

  • As I argue in my book, behind socialbots stands a massive, powerful network, one we've been hearing a lot about lately: the network of surveillance, comprised both of global corporations who buy and sell our attention and governments who demand our obedience.
    This article argues that the massive amounts of data that we make available about ourselves online allow bots to become ever more "human" in their self-presenation and interactions. Again referring to Latour: the traceability of so much behavioural data makes the distinction between "social" and "psychological" harder to maintain. At the same time, the availability of data allows machines to parse (and pass) all the more effectively.
Jovan Maud

Shoshanna Zuboff: Dark Google - 0 views

  • Google’s absolutist pursuit of its interests is now regarded by many as responsible for the Web’s fading prospects as an open information platform in which participants can agree on rules, rights, and choice.
  • In fact, the firms were developing a wholly new business logic that incorporated elements of the conventional logic  of corporate capitalism –especially its adversarialism toward end consumers – along with  elements from the new Internet world – especially its intimacy. The outcome was the elaboration of  a new commercial logic based on hidden surveillance.
  • We often hear that our privacy rights have been eroded and secrecy has grown. But that way of framing things obscures what’s really at stake. Privacy hasn’t been eroded. It’s been expropriated.  The difference in framing provides new ways to define the problem and consider solutions.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • A pre-modern absolutismFinally - and this is key - the new concentration of privacy rights is institutionalized in the automatic undetectable functions of a global infrastructure that most of the world’s people also happen to think is essential for basic social participation. This turns ordinary life into the daily renewal of a 21st century Faustian pact.
  • What is Google up to next?  We know it’s secret, but here is how it looks to me. Google is no longer content with the data business.  It’s next step is to build an even more radical „reality business.”  Google sees „reality” as the next big thing that it can carve up and sell. In the data business, the payoff is in data patterns that help target ads. In the reality business, the payoff is in shaping and communicating real life behaviors of people and things in millions of ways that drive revenue to Google. The business model is expanding to encompass the digital you as well as the actual you. The scene is changing from virtual reality to, well, reality. Unsurprisingly, the two entities at the vanguard of this new wave are Google and the NSA.
    • Jovan Maud
      Remember in the Matrix:Reloaded (I think it was?) that Neo realised he could also use his powers in the "real world", not just inside the Matrix...
  • In a 2011 paper,  MIT Professor Alex Pentland explains the value of reality mining. „We must reinvent societies’ systems within a control framework.” He notes that this will require „exponential growth in data about human behavior.”
    • Jovan Maud
      Bruno Latour would argue that the "the social" is becoming ever more "visible" and can be subjected to ever more quantatitive analysis. Or are we seeing a process of convergence, where the distinction between qualitative and quantitative is breaking down? The notion of developing a "control framework", though, illustrates though how the gathering of massive amounts of data is not merely collecting information about the world, but an active intervention in shaping the world.
  • the proliferation of sensors, mobile phones, and other data capture devices will provide the „eyes and ears” of a „world-spanning living organism.”
    • Jovan Maud
      "Distributed sensor networks" -- otherwise known as "the internet of things". 
  • “pattern of life analysis”
  • All this suggests that Google is building capabilities even more ambitious than reality „mining”. The aim is not merely the God’s eye view, but the God’s eye power to shape and control reality.
  • There are two useful ideas for us in the work of historian Karl Polanyi. He described the rise of a new human conception: the self-regulating market economy.  He saw that the market economies of the 19th and 20th centuries depended upon three astonishing mental inventions.  He called them „fictions“. The first was that human life can be subordinated to market dynamics and be reborn as „labor.” Second,  nature can be subordinated and reborn as „real estate.” Third, that purchasing power can be reborn as „money.”  The very possibility of industrial capitalism depended upon the creation of  these  three critical  „fictional commodities.” Life, nature, and exchange had to be turned into things that could be profitably bought and sold.
  • Google brings us to the precipice of a new development in the scope of the market economy. A fourth fictional commodity is emerging as a dominant characteristic of market dynamics in the 21st century. „Reality” is about to undergo the same kind of fictional transformation and be reborn as „behavior.” 
  • Polanyi understood that the pure unimpeded operations of  a self-regulating of the market were profoundly destructive. Society required    countermeasures to avoid such danger. He called this the „double movement”:  „a network of measures and policies...integrated into powerful institutions designed to check the action of the market relative to labor, land, and money.”
    • Jovan Maud
      When Horst and Miller discuss the "dialectics of culture" in their chapter, I think they are referring to something similar. How are the powers of abstraction brought about by digital technologies domesticated in "culture", or into structures of governance? 
  • We are beyond the realm of economics here. This is not merely a conversation about free  markets; it’s a conversation about free people.
  • But such specialized  professional arguments shift the Google debate from the realm of everyday life and ordinary people to the arcane interests of economists and bureaucrats. They obscure the fact that the issues have shifted from monopolies of products or services to monopolies of rights: rights to privacy and rights to reality.  These new forms of power, poorly understood except by their own practitioners, threaten the sovereignty of the democratic social contract.
Etienne Mahler

Look Up - YouTube - 0 views

    I think one of our girls has mentioned this video, didn't she? Anyway, it is indeed quite interesting, though I would say the topic/ message isn't exactly new. I would rather say it is interesting that someone is doing something like this again.
Jovan Maud

Coffitivity - Increase Your Creativity! - 2 views

    It's amazing the amount of sites and digital tools dedicated to productivity, and its interesting to note that they are often directed at trying to combat some of the perceived negative effects of digital technologies themselves. Take this site, for example, it seeks to reintroduce the hubbub of a social environment, like a cafe, into the office.
Jovan Maud

Who's afraid of a MOOC?: on being education-y and course-ish - Neuroanthropology - 1 views

    An overview of a number of issues surrounding MOOCs from my ex-colleague at Macquarie, Greg Downey. A lot of food for thought, and links, here.
Jovan Maud

Serious Games | MIT Technology Review - 0 views

  • This, in its purest form, is the Second Life that blew the media’s mind: not an escape from or even an imitation of reality but an expansion of it, potentially suitable for almost any human purpose. But as Life 2.0 testifies, the Second Life that blew the media’s mind turns out not to be the Second Life its inhabitants have made. This Second Life—documented in the film’s three in-depth portraits of more or less typical users—is less transcendent but no less profound. And it’s something that can’t really be recognized without understanding Second Life to be precisely what we’ve so often been told it’s not: a game.
  • However serious the stakes in these pursuits, there is no escaping the element of play in all of them—of fantasy and make-believe—and the ways in which the dollhouse world of Second Life is uniquely suited to it.
  • He could have. But the common thread running through almost any configuration of Second Life stories would have been the same: Dressing up. Flirting. Philandering. Playing records. Playing house. Building castles and curiosities out of endlessly editable virtual objects (“like the building blocks you had as a kid,” one Life 2.0 protagonist tells us). Second Life as it is really lived doesn’t even gesture toward the broad utility its creators aimed for. It’s not the promise of the metaverse. It’s just a lot of people giving rein to one form or another of a basic human impulse: playing.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • But ever since Dungeons and Dragons introduced us to the hitherto unheard-of concept of a game that never ends, we have been living in an era that requires us to constantly revise our definitions. The evolution of video games has been a furious and ceaseless reinvention of the form. We have games now being woven into otherwise utilitarian aspects of social life, like Foursquare, and games like FarmVille that straddle the line between work and play. The future of play has never looked more open-ended, protean, and complex—or, to put it another way, more like Second Life.
Jovan Maud

Game Design as Cultural Practice » Blog Archive » The design of Second Life a... - 1 views

    Here's an promising-looking blog for those of you interested in gaming.
Jovan Maud

Julian Dibbell » A Rape in Cyberspace - 2 views

  • here on the brink of a future in which human existence may find itself as tightly enveloped in digital environments as it is today in the architectural kind — demand a clear-eyed, sober, and unmystified consideration. It asks us to shut our ears for the time being to techno- utopian ecstasies and look without illusion upon the present possibilities for building, in the on-line spaces of this world, societies more decent and free than those mapped onto dirt and concrete and capital. It asks us to behold the new bodies awaiting us in virtual space undazzled by their phantom powers, and to get to the crucial work of sorting out the socially meaningful differences between those bodies and our physical ones. And perhaps most challengingly it asks us to wrap our late-modern ontologies, epistemologies, sexual ethics, and common sense around the curious notion of rape by voodoo doll — and to try not to warp them beyond recognition in the process.
  • These particulars, as I said, are unambiguous. But they are far from simple, for the simple reason that every set of facts in virtual reality (or VR, as the locals abbreviate it) is shadowed by a second, complicating set: the “real-life” facts. And while a certain tension invariably buzzes in the gap between the hard, prosaic RL facts and their more fluid, dreamy VR counterparts, the dissonance in the Bungle case is striking.
  • No hideous clowns or trickster spirits appear in the RL version of the incident, no voodoo dolls or wizard guns, indeed no rape at all as any RL court of law has yet defined it. The actors in the drama were university students for the most part, and they sat rather undramatically before computer screens the entire time, their only actions a spidery flitting of fingers across standard QWERTY keyboards. No bodies touched. Whatever physical interaction occurred consisted of a mingling of electronic signals sent from sites spread out between New York City and Melbourne, Australia. Those signals met in LambdaMOO, certainly, just as the hideous clown and the living room party did, but what was LambdaMOO after all? Not an enchanted mansion or anything of the sort — just a middlingly complex database, maintained for experimental purposes inside a Xerox Corporation research computer in Palo Alto and open to public access via the Internet.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Which is all just to say that, to the extent that Mr. Bungle’s assault happened in real life at all, it happened as a sort of Punch-and-Judy show, in which the puppets and the scenery were made of nothing more substantial than digital code and snippets of creative writing.
  • ’m not calling for policies, trials, or better jails. I’m not sure what I’m calling for. Virtual castration, if I could manage it.
  • Months later, the woman in Seattle would confide to me that as she wrote those words posttraumatic tears were streaming down her face — a real-life fact that should suffice to prove that the words’ emotional content was no mere fiction. The precise tenor of that content, however, its mingling of murderous rage and eyeball-rolling annoyance, was a curious amalgam that neither the RL nor the VR facts alone can quite account for. Where virtual reality and its conventions would have us believe that exu and Moondreamer were brutally raped in their own living room, here was the victim exu scolding Mr. Bungle for a breach of “civility.” Where real life, on the other hand, insists the incident was only an episode in a free-form version of Dungeons and Dragons, confined to the realm of the symbolic and at no point threatening any player’s life, limb, or material well-being, here now was the player exu issuing aggrieved and heartfelt calls for Mr. Bungle’s dismemberment. Ludicrously excessive by RL’s lights, woefully understated by VR’s, the tone of exu’s response made sense only in the buzzing, dissonant gap between them.
  • For while the facts attached to any event born of a MUD’s strange, ethereal universe may march in straight, tandem lines separated neatly into the virtual and the real, its meaning lies always in that gap.
  • To participate, therefore, in this disembodied enactment of life’s most body-centered activity is to risk the realization that when it comes to sex, perhaps the body in question is not the physical one at all, but its psychic double, the bodylike self-representation we carry around in our heads — and that whether we present that body to another as a meat puppet or a word puppet is not nearly as significant a distinction as one might have thought.
  • Faced with the task of inventing its own self-governance from scratch, the LambdaMOO population had so far done what any other loose, amorphous agglomeration of individuals would have done: they’d let it slide. But now the task took on new urgency. Since getting the wizards to toad Mr. Bungle (or to toad the likes of him in the future) required a convincing case that the cry for his head came from the community at large, then the community itself would have to be defined; and if the community was to be convincingly defined, then some form of social organization, no matter how rudimentary, would have to be settled on. And thus, as if against its will, the question of what to do about Mr. Bungle began to shape itself into a sort of referendum on the political future of the MOO. Arguments broke out on *social and elsewhere that had only superficially to do with Bungle (since everyone seemed to agree he was a cad) and everything to do with where the participants stood on LambdaMOO’s crazy-quilty political map. Parliamentarian legalist types argued that unfortunately Bungle could not legitimately be toaded at all, since there were no explicit MOO rules against rape, or against just about anything else — and the sooner such rules were established, they added, and maybe even a full-blown judiciary system complete with elected officials and prisons to enforce those rules, the better. Others, with a royalist streak in them, seemed to feel that Bungle’s as-yet-unpunished outrage only proved this New Direction silliness had gone on long enough, and that it was high time the wizardocracy returned to the position of swift and decisive leadership their player class was born to.
  • Yet no position was trickier to maintain than that of the MOO’s resident anarchists. Like the technolibbers, the anarchists didn’t care much for punishments or policies or power elites. Like them, they hoped the MOO could be a place where people interacted fulfillingly without the need for such things. But their high hopes were complicated, in general, by a somewhat less thoroughgoing faith in technology (Even if you can’t tear down the master’s house with the master’s tools — read a slogan written into one anarchist player’s self-description — it is a damned good place to start). And at present they were additionally complicated by the fact that the most vocal anarchists in the discussion were none other than exu, Kropotkin, and HortonWho, who wanted to see Mr. Bungle toaded as badly as anyone did.
  • I know you could because I too was there, in one of those pivotal accidents of personal history one always wants later to believe were approached with a properly solemn awareness of the moment’s portent. Almost as invariably, of course, the truth is that one wanders into such occasions utterly without a clue, and so it was with me that night. Completely ignorant of any of the goings-on that had led to the meeting, I showed up mainly to see what the crowd was about, and though I observed the proceedings for a good while, I confess I found it hard to grasp what was going on. I was still the rankest of newbies then, my MOO legs still too unsteady to make the leaps of faith, logic, and empathy required to meet the spectacle on its own terms. I was fascinated by the concept of virtual rape, but I was even more so by the notion that anyone could take it altogether seriously.
    • Jovan Maud
      A point that resonates with the experience of doing fieldwork, virtual or not.
  • here were the central questions, of course: thumbs up or down on Bungle’s virtual existence? And if down, how then to insure that his toading was not just some isolated lynching but a first step toward shaping LambdaMOO into a legitimate community? Surrounding these, however, a tangle of weighty side issues proliferated. What, some wondered, was the real-life legal status of the offense? Could Bungle’s university administrators punish him for sexual harassment? Could he be prosecuted under California state laws against obscene phone calls? Little enthusiasm was shown for pursuing either of these lines of action, which testifies both to the uniqueness of the crime and to the nimbleness with which the discussants were negotiating its idiosyncracies. Many were the casual references to Bungle’s deed as simply “rape,” but these in no way implied that the players had lost sight of all distinctions between the virtual and physical versions, or that they believed Bungle should be dealt with in the same way a real-life criminal would. He had committed a MOO crime, and his punishment, if any, would be meted out via the MOO.
  • “Where does the body end and the mind begin?” young Quastro asked, amid recurring attempts to fine-tune the differences between real and virtual violence. “Is not the mind a part of the body?” “In MOO, the body IS the mind,” offered HerkieCosmo gamely, and not at all implausibly, demonstrating the ease with which very knotty metaphysical conundrums come undone in VR. The not- so-aptly named Obvious seemed to agree, arriving after sufficient consideration of the nature of Bungle’s crime at the hardly novel yet now somehow newly resonant conjecture that “all reality might consist of ideas, who knows.”
  • They might have known. Stilted though its diction was, the gist of the answer was simple, and something many in the room had probably already surmised: Mr. Bungle was a psycho. Not, perhaps, in real life — but then in real life it’s possible for reasonable people to assume, as Bungle clearly did, that what transpires between word-costumed characters within the boundaries of a make-believe world is, if not mere play, then at most some kind of emotional laboratory experiment. Inside the MOO, however, such thinking marked a person as one of two basically subcompetent types. The first was the newbie, in which case the confusion was understandable, since there were few MOOers who had not, upon their first visits as anonymous “guest” characters, mistaken the place for a vast playpen in which they might act out their wildest fantasies without fear of censure. Only with time and the acquisition of a fixed character do players tend to make the critical passage from anonymity to pseudonymity, developing the concern for their character’s reputation that marks the attainment of virtual adulthood. But while Mr. Bungle hadn’t been around as long as most MOOers, he’d been around long enough to leave his newbie status behind, and his delusional statement therefore placed him among the second type: the sociopath.
    • Jovan Maud
      This strikes me as a key point about online sociality and socialization processes. The figures of the "newbie" (noob) and the psychopath (troll?) exemplified in not treating the virtual world seriously; i.e. assuming that it's not "real" and only a game. Either not understanding, or purposefully ignoring, the very real social nature of the virtual experience.
  • They say that LambdaMOO wasn’t really the same after Mr. Bungle’s toading. They say as well that nothing really changed. And though it skirts the fuzziest of dream-logics to say that both these statements are true, the MOO is just the sort of fuzzy, dreamlike place in which such contradictions thrive.
  • It was to be his last, for what he now decreed was the final, missing piece of the New Direction. In a few days, Haakon announced, he would build into the database a system of petitions and ballots whereby anyone could put to popular vote any social scheme requiring wizardly powers for its implementation, with the results of the vote to be binding on the wizards. At last and for good, the awkward gap between the will of the players and the efficacy of the technicians would be closed.
  • few months and a dozen ballot measures later, widespread participation in the new regime had already produced a small arsenal of mechanisms for dealing with the types of violence that called the system into being. MOO residents now had access to a @boot command, for instance, with which to summarily eject berserker “guest” characters. And players could bring suit against one another through an ad hoc mediation system in which mutually agreed-upon judges had at their disposition the full range of wizardly punishments — up to and including the capital.
  • Nor was this ease necessarily understood to represent a failure of toading’s social disciplinary function. On the contrary, it only underlined the truism (repeated many times throughout the debate over Mr. Bungle’s fate) that his punishment, ultimately, had been no more or less symbolic than his crime.
  • For I too was undergoing a transformation in the aftermath of that night in emmeline’s — and was increasingly uncertain what to make of it. As I pursued my runaway fascination with the discussion I had heard there, as I pored over the *social debate and got to know exu and some of the other victims and witnesses, I could feel my newbie consciousness falling away from me. Where before I’d found it hard to take virtual rape seriously, I now was finding it difficult to remember how I could ever not have taken it seriously. I was proud to have arrived at this perspective — it felt like an exotic sort of achievement, and it definitely made my ongoing experience of the MOO a richer one.
    • Jovan Maud
      Note this discourse of acquired cultural competence. A common feature of ethnographic writing.
  • But it was also having some unsettling effects on the way I looked at the rest of the world. Sometimes, for instance, it grew difficult for me to understand why RL society classifies RL rape alongside crimes against person or property. Since rape can occur without any physical pain or damage, I found myself reasoning, then it must be classed as a crime against the mind — more intimately and deeply hurtful, to be sure, than cross burnings, wolf whistles, and virtual rape, but undeniably located on the same conceptual continuum. I did not, however, conclude as a result that rapists were protected in any fashion by the First Amendment. Quite the opposite, in fact: the more seriously I took the notion of virtual rape, the less seriously I was able to take the tidy division of the world into the symbolic and the real that underlies the very notion of freedom of speech.
    • Jovan Maud
      Again, a common anthropological trope. This time it's the "making the strange familiar and the familiar strange"; the more one becomes socialized into a particular cultural world, the more the taken-for-granted also reveals itself as equally cultural and, therefore, "strange" in the sense that it does not slide by unnoticed but attracts attention and becomes itself an object of reflection.
  • For whatever else these thoughts were telling me, I have come to hear in them an announcement of the final stages of our decades-long passage into the Information Age, a paradigm shift that the classic liberal firewall between word and deed (itself a product of an earlier paradigm shift commonly known as the Enlightenment) is not likely to survive intact. After all, anyone the least bit familiar with the workings of the new era’s definitive technology, the computer, knows that it operates on a principle impracticably difficult to distinguish from the pre-Enlightenment principle of the magic word: the commands you type into a computer are a kind of speech that doesn’t so much communicate as make things happen, directly and ineluctably, the same way pulling a trigger does. They are incantations, in other words, and anyone at all attuned to the technosocial megatrends of the moment — from the growing dependence of economies on the global flow of intensely fetishized words and numbers to the burgeoning ability of bioengineers to speak the spells written in the four-letter text of DNA — knows that the logic of the incantation is rapidly permeating the fabric of our lives.
    • Jovan Maud
      I suppose this is what code is -- incantations -- in the sense that the words "act" to create reality rather than merely convey meaning.
  • I would still have to learn this lesson many times over, of course. I’d learn it again when on the eve of my immersion in VR two separate and credible sources revealed to me that the virtual psychosis of Mr. Bungle had been even starker than anyone guessed: that the Bungle account had been the more or less communal property of an entire NYU dorm floor, that the young man at the keyboard on the evening of the rape had acted not alone but surrounded by fellow students calling out suggestions and encouragement, that conceivably none of those people were speaking for Bungle when he showed up in emmeline’s room to answer for the crime, that Dr. Jest himself, thought commonly to have reincarnated the whole Bungle and nothing but the Bungle, in fact embodied just one member of the original mob — just one scattered piece of a self more irreparably fragmented than any RL multiple personality could ever fear to be.
    Here's the Dibbell article set for the seminar, along with some annotations.
Jovan Maud

How much time I wasted on League of Legends ? - 0 views

    Online games are well known as time sinks, but the fact that participation is compiled in databases also makes this time spent playing "visible". This is a nice tool, but it also shows the ways that our online movements are constantly being tracked and used for different purposes.
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