TV can improve literacy - Winnipeg Free Press - 1 views
The long-held belief that television is detrimental to child development, emotional health and overall literacy has been a stubborn one in North America. The opinion, largely fuelled by anecdotal evidence, and poorly constructed studies has, however, proven not only unfounded, but the bulk of research has actually demonstrated the opposite.
"Moderate amounts of television viewing were found to be beneficial for reading," states Annie Moses in the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, further stating that "programs that aim to promote literacy in young children have been found to positively impact specific early literacy skills"
The key, of course, is age-appropriate programs and moderate amounts of viewing -- when young children watch excessive amounts of television (more than three to four hours a day), or adult-oriented or violent programs, the same studies reviewed by Moses showed definite negative effects on learning, aggressiveness, and literacy.
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"in general, studies have shown that the programs that have set out to promote young children's development, such as their literacy skills development, do so. However, programs categorized as entertainment programs and programs targeted for adult audiences... have not been shown to promote literacy skills."