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Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory: Five Ways To Make Sure Your Company Does It Rig... - 0 views

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    " Leadership | 10/31/2012 @ 9:59AM |9,812 views Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory: Five Ways To Make Sure Your Company Does It Right 10 comments, 2 called-out Comment Now Follow Comments Sprint Ninjas Sprint Ninjas When I wrote my book, The 2020 Workplace, in 2010, I made a prediction some considered bold: I said that by the year 2020, social media training in the workplace would be as common as ethics and diversity training. Thanks to a turbocharged boom in social over the past two years, developments have outpaced even my own expectations. Eight years early, we are already there. Social media training is quickly becoming mandatory for an ever-growing range of companies, far surpassing the first wave of IT firms that rolled it out two years ago, like Dell, Intel and IBM. While it began as an added 'bonus' in the arsenal of the marketing spokesperson, now companies ranging from Unisys, PepsiCo, Adidas, HP and Sprint are making social not only part of the company's core training curriculum, but also a key element in their recruiting message, stressing the employee benefit of receiving social media literacy training. One obvious motivation for formalizing a company's social media programs and policies is to avoid a social media disaster. If you remember a video entitled "Dirty Dominos Pizza," you know just how dangerous the combination of social media and the workplace can be. The two Dominos Pizza employees who joke in this video while tampering with food -claimed afterward that they were just having fun when they posted this footage to YouTube. The result? Both were fired and sent to jail on charges of food tampering. And three years later, when you conduct a Google search on Domino's Pizza, this awful video is still the fifth result! Companies like Unisys, Sprint and HP are creating social media training programs to avoid these types of social media crises, but also, just as importantly, to show employees how using social media can be a
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