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Alex Parker

MT 6024 DSCV - Multipurpose Subsea Diving Support and Construction Vessel - Ship Techno... - 1 views

    MT 6024 is a multi-purpose subsea diving support and construction vessel (DSCV) being built for Thailand-based Mermaid Offshore Services, a subsidiary of the Mermaid Maritime Public Company. The vessel is being built by China Merchants Industry Holdings (CMHI) in China, with construction of the DSCV commencing in January; delivery of the vessel is scheduled for the third quarter of 2016.
india art n design

This library cum cultural hub will keep you engaged for a lifetime and beyond! - 0 views

    If Disney's Beauty and the Beast gave you unrealistic expectations of libraries, you have another thought coming. This breath-taking library-cum-galley space by Tomoko Ikegai is the one for you! Check it out here…
india art n design

Duality in design! - 0 views

    Ar. Gautam Shewa of Mdeco ingeniously highlights how the principle of multifunctionality can help in doubling the same space for more than one utility, without any compromise whatsoever! Check out his project here…
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