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Tamer Mowafy

"حملة شعبية" دعت لوقف قروض الحكومة المؤقتة - 2 views

    "أرسلت "الحملة الشعبية" لإسقاط ديون مصر خطاباً لكل من صندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي، حول تحفظاتها على نية الحكومة الانتقالية الحالية أخذ المزيد من القروض وعلى رأسها قرض صندوق النقد الدولي البالغ 3.2 مليار دولار. "
philip rizk

A private matter: El-Ganzouri's 1990s sell-off of state firms comes under scrutiny - Ec... - 2 views


Arab civil society rejects IFI involvement (Bretton Woods Project) - 1 views

    "the Bank tends to threaten rather than improve food security " Breaking Up? A Route Out of the Eurozone Crisis 13 January In late June, the Egyptian Ministry of Finance turned down a $3 billion loan package from the IMF, citing the rejection as a response to "public debate".

Egypt's economic reform proposals ignore social justice: Civil group - Economy - Busine... - 1 views

Moatamer Amin

"القومية للتعمير" تتسلم "عمر أفندى".. غدًا - بوابة الأهرام - 1 views

    "القومية للتعمير" تتسلم "عمر أفندى".. غدًا تبدأ الشركة "القومية للتشييد والتعمير"، غدا فى تنفيذ حكم محكمة القضاء الإدارى، الخاص ببطلان بيع 90% من أسهم شركة عمر أفندى إلى المستثمر السعودى جميل القنبيط. أوضح صفوان السلمى، نائب رئيس الشركة، أن الأخيرة ستقوم بتنفيذ الحكم على الأفرع التابعة جغرافيا لمحكمة جنوب القاهره.
philip rizk

Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not | Truthout - 1 views

    ""We were told that if we refused the international community's conditions, we would become the Cuba of the North. But if we had accepted, we would have become the Haiti of the North.""
philip rizk

الحملة الشعبية لإسقاط ديون مصر تدين قرض صندوق النقد - بوابة الأهرام - 1 views

    "الحملة الشعبية لإسقاط ديون مصر تدين قرض صندوق النقد"
philip rizk

اقتصاد - حتي تنجح جهود الببلاوي لتوفير الموارد الاصـــلاح يبـــــدأ بالإدارة ... - 1 views

  • وأكد الخبير, أن الحكومة الآن لم يعد أمامها إلا الاقتراض من المؤسسات الدولية
    "وأكد الخبير, أن الحكومة الآن لم يعد أمامها إلا الاقتراض من المؤسسات الدولية"
philip rizk

A big day for EBRD in Egypt [EBRD - News and events] - 1 views

  • transition
  • strategy for Egypt
  • We want to know exactly what it is that you want us to do
    • philip rizk
      doesnt meant we will do what you ask, we are listening to see how best to profit from this situation
philip rizk

الوفد - إضراب العاملين بمياه الشرب والصرف الصحى بالدقهلية - 1 views


معتمر أمين يكتب: تغيير الملاك | الدستور - 1 views

    الموضوع بأختصار ان البورصة ولله الحمد فى حالة صعود مستمر حتى وصلنا الى اسعار لم نصل اليها منذ ثمانية أشهر. بالطبع هناك عدد لا بأس به من الناس متفائل بهذا الآداء ومستبشر خيراً، ويرجوا من الله ان يعوض الخسائر المهولة التى مني بها منذ اندلاع الثورة وحتى من قبلها من بداية الأزمة المالية العاليمة التى ضربت مصر والبورصة سنة 2008.
philip rizk

10. Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate | Project Censored - 1 views

  • 1989 and 2006
  • IRC Americas
  • A special United Nations commission on the crisis, chaired by Nobel Prize economist Joseph Stiglitz, came out in March 2009 in support of such a mechanism.  But thus far, the issue is not even on the table within the G20 grouping of the most powerful nations.
    "86 percent was used to pay for previously accumulated debt"
philip rizk

Egypt's 'Orderly Transition'? International Aid and the Rush to Structural Adjustment - 1 views

  • the initial $1 billion “to governance and openness reforms with a further $1 billion available next year dependant on progress.”[2] The remaining US$2.5 billion would be invested in development projects and private sector loans (see below).
    ""the goal must be a model in which protectionism gives way to openness, the reigns of commerce pass from the few to the many, and the economy generates jobs for the young. America's support for democracy will therefore be based on ensuring financial stability, promoting reform, and integrating competitive markets with each other and the global economy.""

List of JAPAN soft loans 1974-2004 (incl.Dekheila) - 1 views

    Soft Loans JAPAN extended concessional loans to Egypt in order to assist Egypt to implement large-scale economic infrastructure projects such as Al-Dekheila Integrated Steel Mill and the Suez Canal Expansion Project. Since 1991, Japan has stopped extending new loans because of the debt rescheduling for Egypt, but new three candidate projects were formally applied for the government of Egypt to Japan in 1999.
philip rizk

اليوم السابع | نشطاء ينظمون يوما عالميا "لإسقاط ديون مصر" - 1 views

    "نشطاء ينظمون يوما عالميا "لإسقاط ديون مصر""
Ahmed Badawi

Egypt asked IMF for $3.2 bln in support: minister - 1 views

    The unelected Government of Egypt requests $ 3.2 billion from the International Monetary Fund.
philip rizk

The GOP Brotherhood of Egypt - Egypt - - 1 views

    ""The Brothers see this as a major source of its appeal among Western audiences," Hamid explains. "Most people think the Brothers would be aligned with a leftist interventionist approach to the economy. But after taking a second look, most investors find themselves pleasantly surprised when they find out otherwise." "

Egypt's Military to Lend $1 Billion to Bolster Currency - 1 views

    The loan, reported by state news media on Wednesday, appeared to be part of a broad public relations campaign. Faced with criticism of its reluctance to turn over power and its brutal treatment of protesters, the ruling military council is apparently trying to show it is helping alleviate Egyptians' financial distress.

Gamal Mubarak and Atef Ebeid Lost 7 billion Egyptian Pounds in Privatization Scandal | ... - 1 views

    Reports revealed new details in the on-going investigation of government privatizing and selling public-sector companies for less than their predetermined prices. These reports, compiled by the Public Funds Prosecution and the Administrative Supervisory Authority, suggest that Gamal Mubarak, son of deposed President Hosni Mubarak, Atef Ebeid, the former Prime Minister, and nine former ministers, wasted some LE7 billion in privatizing 11of 19 public-sector companies.
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