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UPDATE 1-Egypt finmin expects to get IMF loan by end-June - 0 views

    Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:59am EDT * Minister confident loan will be sealed next month * Muslim Brotherhood won't accept loan without new terms or govt, due in June * IMF had made broad political support a condition CAIRO, April 12 (Reuters) - Egypt's government expects to seal a loan from the International Monetary Fund by May 15, allowing the money to be disbursed before a new president is sworn in at the end of June, the country's Finance Minister Mumtaz al-Saeed said on Thursday.

"الحرية والعدالة" يتراجع عن رفض الـ 3.2 مليار دولار.. ويعد قانونا جديدا للضرا... - 0 views

    بعد جدل الحكومة والبرلمان الذى رافق وجود بعثة صندوق النقد الدولى فى القاهرة، مطلع الأسبوع الجارى، حول شروط القرض وتوقيته، أصدر الصندوق بيانا عن نتائج أعمال بعثته إلى مصر، أمس، قال فيه إن الأحزاب السياسية التى التقى ممثلوها فى البرلمان البعثة أبدت "تفهمًا للحاجة إلى معالجة التحديات الاقتصادية على المدى القصير، واتِّباع الإصلاحات التى يمكنها المساعدة على تحقيق نمو أعلى"، بينما شدد الصندوق مجددا على "ضرورة تحقيق الدعم الواسع للبرنامج الحكومى لضمان تطبيقه الناجح فى الفترة التالية للانتقال السياسى"، فهمى عبده، عضو لجنة الخطة والموازنة فى مجلس الشعب، كشف من ناحيته عن موافقة البرلمان على "السير فى إجراءات القرض المزمع تقديمه من صندوق النقد الدولى لمصر"، وأضاف النائب البرلمانى عن حزب الحرية والعدالة لـ"التحرير" أن "تلك الموافقة لا تعنى السحب فعليا بالضرورة من المبلغ المخصص للقرض (3.2 مليار دولار أمريكى)، موضحا أنها موافقة مبدئية فقط تعنى فقط السير فى إجراءات القرض"، على حد تعبيره.

Opportunity - 3 day workshop with Platform and Live Art Development Agency - June 18, 2... - 0 views

    Art-Oil-Numbers-Bodies-Love: Live Art Workshop on the Problems of the Oil Economy and Oil Sponsorship of the Arts with Nicole Garneau August 9-12, 2012 Art-Oil-Numbers-Bodies-Love is a 3-day intensive workshop in which participants will be encouraged to try different strategies for producing small solo and collaborative live art gestures or mini-performances on the subject of oil economies and oil sponsorship of art and culture.
philip rizk

Greece Just Tip of Debt Crisis Iceberg: Roubini - CNBC - 0 views

shared by philip rizk on 28 Sep 11 - No Cached
  • There is a lot of talk about better regulation and supervision of the financial system but the financial industry is back to business as usual -- rebuilding leverage, engaging in prop trading and other risky behaviour, compensating bankers and traders with indecent bonuses -- and is lobbying against better regulation and supervision

البديل | البديل » حملة دولية للكشف عن حسابات محمود محيى الدين وزير الاستثمار ... - 0 views

    البديل - وكالة أنباء أمريكا إن أرابيك بدأ نشطاء دوليون حملة في الولايات المتحدة لإجبار البنك الدولي على الإفصاح عن الحسابات المالية لديه الخاصة بمديره العام ووزير الاستثمار المصري السابق محمود محيي الدين الذي كان مقربا من جمال مبارك نجل الرئيس المصري المخلوع حسني مبارك.
philip rizk

The Solution Is More, Not Less Europe « iMFdirect - The IMF Blog - 0 views

  • sovereign debt crisis
    "sovereign debt crisis"
philip rizk

coalition against third world debt - 0 views

    "RAID-CADTM Tunisia BP 133 8020 Slimene Tunisia Tel/Fax: 00216 79 325 915 E.mail :"
philip rizk

Market Report: US debt crisis sends Egypt's main index to 2-year low - Economy - Busine... - 0 views

  • Foreigners led the exit, net-selling a net LE31.6 million of stock, while non-Arab investors offloaded LE5.48m, leaving Egyptians – who made up 84.6 per cent of the day’s trades – the sole net-buyers.
philip rizk

Plutocracy: If Corporations and the Rich Paid 1960s-Level Taxes, the Debt Would Vanish ... - 0 views

  • So why aren't we taxing the rich?
  • Our political system is failing to tax the rich because the rich have fortunes large enough to buy off the political system
philip rizk

Global markets shaken by Greek debt crisis - Europe - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

  • The BBC reported that a leaked account of a meeting between EU commissioners on Wednesday suggested that the commissioners have a "profound sense of foreboding" about Greece and the future of the eurozone.
philip rizk

Jubilee Debt Campaign UK : Latest news : Nick Dearden blog from Athens Debt conference - 0 views

  • It was particularly relevant then that this morning's sessions, which focussed on lessons for Europe from the global South, looked in some detail as to how the 'Third World debt' crisis had been created and prolonged by all manner of 'bail-out' and restructuring packages. We heard from representatives from Peru, the Philippines, Brazil, Morocco, Argentina, and Zimbabwe (virtually), who showed how their debt crises were used to force detrimental policies on their countries by institutions like the International Monetary Fund, which set back their economies for decades.
    "It was particularly relevant then that this morning's sessions, which focussed on lessons for Europe from the global South, looked in some detail as to how the 'Third World debt' crisis had been created and prolonged by all manner of 'bail-out' and restructuring packages. We heard from representatives from Peru, the Philippines, Brazil, Morocco, Argentina, and Zimbabwe (virtually), who showed how their debt crises were used to force detrimental policies on their countries by institutions like the International Monetary Fund, which set back their economies for decades. "
philip rizk

Calling Foreign Debt 'Immoral,' Leader Allows Ecuador to Default - 0 views

  • Ecuador is ceasing payments not because the oil-rich country cannot afford to pay but because it has made a political decision not to.
  • Some analysts fear it may set a precedent
philip rizk

The Hidden Costs of Egypt's IMF Loan | Al Akhbar English - 0 views

  • The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debt issued a statement Thursday opposing the IMF loan and questioning the lack of information about “the extent to which the Egyptian economy needs this massive amount of dollars.” The group protested that there had been no discussion of alternative ways of financing public spending, adding that the government had obtained foreign loans amounting to $6 billion over the past year without any democratic oversight. Governments appointed by the military since the revolution had also borrowed record amounts from Egyptian banks, it said, and “it is not known how they were spent.”
philip rizk

Omar Effendi's mismanagement: Who's responsible? | Bank Information Center: Monitoring ... - 0 views

    omar effendi, world bank
philip rizk

Three years after Lehman, a new debt crisis looms | Business | The Guardian - 0 views

  • By effectively nationalising a good chunk of the debts accumulated by the private sector, western governments have now raised concerns about their own solvency

Controversial Cairo PPP refinery receives $3.7 billion from World Bank, EIB, EFG Hermes... - 0 views

    A refinery expansion inside urban Cairo is receiving hundreds of dollars in "development" lending, despite a popular campaign against construction. The Mostorod Refinery Project - part-owned by private equity firm Citadel Capital - is situated in Northern Cairo, between Shobra El-Kheima and Mostorod.

خيوط: التقشف في غير موضعه والكرم لمن لايستحق - 0 views

    وائل جمال في كل مناسبة تقتضي تدخل الدولة تقفز في وجهنا قضية الدين العام وعجز الموازنة. فهي أولى الحجج التي تقدم ضد رفع أجور العاملين بالدولة ومنهم الأطباء والمدرسون في المستشفيات والمدارس العامة.

JICA Press Release: Japanese ODA loan up to 38.864 billion - 0 views

    1. On March 30, 2010, JICA (President: Sadako Ogata) signed an agreement with the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt for a Japanese ODA loan up to 38.864 billion yen for the Gulf of El Zayt Wind Power Plant Project. 2.

JICA | Signing of Exchange of Notes and Loan agreement of Gulf Elzeyt Wind Power Plant ... - 0 views

    The opening ceremony of Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) of JICA's leading projects in Egypt was held in June 3rd, 2010. It was attended by Dr. Ahmed Nazif, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Mrs. Sadako Ogata, Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Hani Helal, Minister of International Cooperation, Mrs.
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