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World Bank's current portfolio in Egypt | Bank Information Center: Monitoring the proje... - 1 views

    BIC's MENA program has prepared a list of the projects that the World Bank is currently funding or preparing to fund in Egypt. The list provides a brief description of each project, in addition to an explanatory diagram that summarizes the World Bank's project cycles. An arabic version of the list will be published soon.

«اقتصاديون»: إعلان توفير 11 مليار دولار لـسد عجز الموازنة رسالة لـ«النقد الدو... - 0 views

    اتفق خبراء اقتصاد على أن ما أعلنته الحكومة بشأن اتخاذها تدابير لتوفير 11 مليار دولار لسد عجز الموازنة، يعد محاولة من جانب الحكومة للتأكيد على قدرتها على توفير موارد لسد عجز الموازنة في حال فشل مفاوضاتها مع صندوق النقد الدولي.

فايزة أبو النجا أمام الشورى في ٥ مارس - عن القروض - 0 views

    بداية المشاهدة الدقيقة ٦:٢٠
philip rizk

Parallelisms: Sankara, the hero who defied his creditors | Reflections on a Revolution ... - 0 views

  • “The debt cannot be repaid, first because if we don’t repay, lenders will not die. That is for sure. But if we repay, we are going to die. That is also for sure,”
  • 22 percent cut in the minimum wage
  • 15.000 public sector layoffs within 2012 and 150.000 by 2015
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “If we stop paying the debt, the banks and the Troika, will not die. That is for sure. But if we repay, we are going to die. That is also for sure.”
philip rizk

Pillage not development: Egypt's military junta & the European public banks | Platform - 0 views

  • “We know what’s best for you – we will organise your development – just accept our rule and our reforms”. A refrain that the revolution was trying to end.
    "For it is precisely the current lack of democratic accountability that make the banks' stated aims achievable"
Ahmed Badawi

Qatari help to Egypt is a grant, not a loan, says finance minister - Economy - Business... - 0 views

    Finance Minister Hazem El-Beblawi says Qatar transferred $500 million last week as a grant to Egypt for budgetary support
Ahmed Badawi

«أبو النجا» تدعو إيطاليا للإسراع في «مبادلة الديون» وتعويض «خسائر الداخلية» |... - 0 views

    دعت فايزة أبو النجا، وزيرة التعاون الدولي، الأمين العام لوزارة الخارجية الإيطالية، لسرعة البدء في تنفيذ الشريحة الثالثة من برنامج مبادلة الديون بين مصر وإيطاليا والمقدر له مبلغ 100 مليون دولار
Ahmed Badawi

EBRD to start North Africa lending by mid-2012 - 0 views

    The EBRD, an international lending institution which has focused on emerging European economies, announced last week that shareholder governments had backed the expansion of its mandate to North Africa. The bank is one of the tools the international community will use to supply aid to Arab governments and encourage them to pursue democratic reforms in the wake of this year's Arab Spring political unrest.

Les échanges de dettes ne sont pas une alternative à l'annulation des dettes ... - 0 views

    Déclaration de la Campagne populaire pour l'annulation de la dette égyptienne

3.4مليار جنيه تهربـًا من ضريبة الرواتب فى موازنة 2011-2012 - بوابة الشروق - 0 views

    بلغت نسبة الفاقد فى حصيلة ضريبة الرواتب بموازنة العام المالى الحالى 67.2% من إجمالى إيرادات ضريبة الرواتب، أى ما يساوى 3.420 مليار جنيه، بسبب التهرب الضريبى بحسب دراسة اعدها خالد عبدالنبى محمود مدير دراسات ضرائب الدخل السابق بقطاع الفحص الضريبى بوزارة المالية، وحصلت "الشروق" على نسخة منها.

Debating the Future of Arab Revolutions in Caio: Democracy, Imperialism, Neoliberlaism - 0 views

    Nicola Pratt
philip rizk

In Egypt, corruption cases had an American root - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • S. officials have not publicly raised questions about the funding to ECES
  • The privatization and economic opening of recent years have created new opportunities for ‘vertical corruption’ at upper levels of government affecting state resources
  • Officials at USAID declined to discuss their support of the Egyptian think tank, privatization efforts in the country or the sentiments shared in the confidential cables.

Audit and cancel Egypt's debt | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt - 0 views

    On 31 October, a group of researchers, activists and civil society organizations will launch the Egyptian Debt Audit and Cancellation Campaign in coordination with international actions in Europe and Latin America. The main goal of the campaign is to audit and cancel Egypt's foreign debt that was accumulated under ousted President Hosni Mubarak.

Drop 'dictator debt,' activists and economists say | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News fro... - 0 views

    Egypt has a budget deficit of nearly 10 percent of GDP and the finance minister recently said that the country is on the brink of a liquidity crisis. Meanwhile, economic growth has slowed since the uprising, decreasing government revenues, while public sector workers around the country are striking to raise wages that have been stagnant for decades.

Mubarak's Odious Debts - Saifedean Ammous - Project Syndicate - 0 views

    The interest that Egypt pays on its foreign loans is larger than its budget for education, healthcare, and housing combined, accounting for 22% of government expenditures. For the sake of Egyptians and people living under tyranny everywhere, Egypt's government must take a brave stand by voiding these debts as
philip rizk

وزير مالية الإمارات: قررنا مساعدة مصر بـ 3 مليارات دولار ونبحث عن آلية تقديمه... - 0 views

    "وزير مالية الإمارات: قررنا مساعدة مصر بـ 3 مليارات دولار"
Ahmed Badawi

Uprising costs Egypt $9.79 billion: Geopolicity Report - Economy - Business - Ahram Online - 0 views

    Egypt's Revolution has cost the country, up to September, US$9.79 billion, according to a report issued by consultancy group Geopolicity. Titled "The cost of the Arab spring & Roadmap for G20/UN support", the report shows results of a costing exercise undertaken by Geopolicity, based on data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It accounts for the impact of productivity losses on GDP and public finance, but excludes losses to human life, infrastructure damage and business and foreign direct investment losses. The near 10 billion dollars shed by Egypt are divided among the $4.27 billion cost to GDP and $5.52 billion in lost public finances.

SCAF has not raised Egypt's foreign debt ceiling, so far: Official - Economy - Business... - 0 views

    SCAF has not raised Egypt's foreign debt ceiling, so far: Official The IMF may yet ink a $3 billion loan deal with Egypt despite disagreements between the country's military and finance and planning ministries over foreign borrowing, an insider tells Ahram Online Salma Hussein, Thursday 27 Oct 2011 The current visit of an IMF delegation to Cairo could end up yielding a loan agreement, a finance ministry official has told Ahram Online on condition of anonymity.
Ahmed Badawi

Mubarak's Odious Debts - 0 views

    A glance at Egypt's public finances reveals a disturbing fact: the interest that the country pays on its foreign loans is larger than its budget for education, healthcare, and housing combined. Indeed, these debt-service costs alone account for 22 percent of the Egyptian government's total expenditures.
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