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*Must Read* report on Social Software - 11 views

  • The report talks about the different types of software available in the market and key suppliers. Some of which are blog, social bookmarking, open-source social software etc sound are familiar. Although it also touches on software like social mining / intelligence,  HCM (Human Capital Management) social software and others which are relatively new.
  • It is almost impossible to predict which social software will get maximum hype going forward. I predict with the launch of OpenSocial and Facebook Connect - Social Data Portability will be the future of several social networks, followed by Social Mining (i.e. application of analytics to social content).

UMA 1.0 Core Protocol - WG - User Managed Access - Kantara Initiative - 7 views

    • Christian Scholz
      explain URLs more what they mean. Isn't there some access token URL for Host and the Requester? And an authorization URL?
    • Rida Butt
      Check out this link very informative and interesting, i have found on web
    • Christian Scholz
      In case this is OAuth 2.0 there needs to be a client id with which the client can be identified by the AM and in the end to the user. In OAuth this needs to be registered before. How to do this dynamically?
    • Christian Scholz
      I think REST is not always working as not everything IMHO fits the REST model. At least not the 4 verbs. POST might mean many things. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • Christian Scholz
      How do you define if e.g. the AM should directly ask the user? Is this defined in the AM-Host-intro step? It should then maybe say so. Then: How does the AM actually know how to name the Host? You need to ask the user "Requester XXXX wants to get access to YYYY, do you agree?". XXXX and YYYY need to be known and maybe more information about it like some info URL etc.
    • Christian Scholz
      Even if OAuth defines the flows maybe an example flow should be written out in terms of HTTP requests and responses. Esp. for how claims are supposed to work, how the AM finally informs the requester that all claims are fulfilled etc.
    • Christian Scholz
      Some more information on what is posted is needed here.

Open Health Tools - 8 views

  • Open Health Tools is an open source community with a vision of enabling a ubiquitous ecosystem where members of the Health and IT professions can collaborate to build interoperable systems that enable patients and their care providers to have access to vital and reliable medical information at the time and place it is needed.  Open Health Tools will generate a vibrant active ecosystem involving software product and service companies, medical equipment companies, health care providers, insurance companies, government health service agencies, and standards organizations.

A European Perspective on "FB Connect vs. OpenID" - 2 views

  • For website owners it only makes sense to support any kind of ” [Facebook/ Google/ Open] Connect” solution, if the majority of their user-base also maintains their social graph at one of those “Social Graph/Identity” providers. Speaking for Germany: that is neither for Facebooks Connect nor Googles Friend Connect (also with the Plaxo combo) the case yet!
  • We build a solution upon the OpenStack, because than it will work with much more websites, who support the OpenStack as well as a consumer
  • If you look at the rest of the world - outside of “Facebook-Land” - you also realize and understand much better, why it is so important to find an holistic solution approach - build on open standards - to solve the issue FB Connect addresses: we live in a very diversified world and if everybody comes up with a proprietary solution, it will be just a big mess in the end.

Technology Review: Are Social Networks Sinking? - 1 views

  • However, the overall value of these companies is still largely based on growth potential, which now seems shaky. Microsoft's investment in Facebook valued the company at a massive $15 billion. But in November, Twitter refused to be bought by Facebook for a reported $500 million of its stocks plus some cash.
  • Chris Alden, chairman and CEO of Six Apart, says that there simply isn't enough capital in the current market to sustain so many social-networking companies. "You'll see more consolidation in the next year or two," he predicts.
  • In October, the third most popular social-networking site, Hi5, announced that it would cut between 10 and 15 percent of its staff. And in November, the business-focused networking sites LinkedIn and Jive said that they would slash their workforces by 10 and 40 percent, respectively.

Connect-ing social networks to the rest of web: Who owns those data? : Social Media Mafia - 1 views

  • As the web grows exponentially in scale and complexity, an issue that becomes increasingly pressing is data ownership. There has been a lot of noise lately about how Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, and even MySpace’s Data Availability.
  • The Data Portability Project is trying very, very hard to solve these serious issues. They’re seeking to unite the socio-rhetorico-legal precedent with the growing list of open technologies and specifications (OpenID, OAuth, RSS, OPML, MicroFormats, Creative Commons, to name a few) and make sure that these proprietary bits, bytes, friends, enemies, birthdays, activies, pictures, videos, lifestyles, etc. are made open to the content creators (read: YOU, not Mark Zuckerberg).

Action For Better Healthcare | Choosing a healthcare provider through Facebook - 2 views

  • The Web site recognizes the importance of shared experiences and information and allows for those with a particular condition to interact with each other, again validating the findings of the HSC study.
  • Last week, the FDA announced that it will team with WebMD to provide consumer health information. Health insurer UnitedHealth launched its site, akin to Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault, aimed at consumers seeking and managing healthcare information online.

Live Blogging the OpenID Design Summit « The Real McCrea - 7 views

  • What is the relationship between the RP and the OP. Problem: we want to message “Hey, these two sites are going to be tied togethr somehow.”
  • keep the first screen really simple; delay deeper stuff (like extended permissions) to later flows, in context
  • “When ‘open’ was in the term, people had security concerns,” says Max
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • When we gave hint URLs, people tried putting those in, instead of their own
  • Brian is showing what people have been typing into OpenID sign-in boxes
  • Brand selectors are good at letting users express preference, but at the time of choice, user has no idea which OpenID experience will be better
  • Of those that return, 8% choose “no” to the Google account signup option/consent. 92% say yes and automated address book import. Joseph says, they get higher conversion rates, higher import rates, more connections per user, and no drop-off in return visits.
  • Has Google experimented with granular permissions, vs. having all the items consented to at once
  • People cursed at us when we did it one by one. They want it in a single step.” Wow. Important insight
  • hybrid OpenID/OAuth plus Google Contacts
  • Once you add a button to your interface, you can never remove it.
  • Agreement on popup as the way two go

MicroID - Small Decentralized Verifiable Identity - 0 views

  • MicroID is a lightweight identity layer for the web, invented by Jeremie Miller (creator of Jabber). MicroID enables anyone to claim verifiable ownership over content hosted anywhere on the web (social networking sites, discussion forums, blogs, etc.). MicroID is not an authentication or single-sign-on service, just a straightforward method for identifying content ownership that complements existing technologies such as OpenID and microformats. The technology is radically simple and enables developers to build new and unique meta services with minimal effort. It's already being used by the likes of ClaimID,, Ma.gnolia, Wikitravel, and Yedda.
1More "Tahoe" - Trac - 0 views

shared by Trent Adams on 13 Aug 08 - Cached
  • Tahoe is a secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant filesystem. All of the source code is available under a Free Software, Open Source licence. This filesystem is encrypted and spread over multiple peers in such a way that it remains available even when some of the peers are unavailable, malfunctioning, or malicious. The one-page summary explains the unique properties of this system.

NoseRub - What is NoseRub? Meet the team! - 0 views

  • Social networks are great: you can stay in touch with friends all across the world and find new ones based on your interests. But often, social networks serve a single purpose or interest. For instance photos, videos or classmates from school and university. This is not a problem by itself, but when you want to keep track of all your contacts in all these social networks, this is a lot of work for you to update your contacts list in all the social networks you are in. And you also might need to get a member of a social network, although you're not interesed in the subject, but only want to track your friends activities. NoseRub only defines the social network and some basic content types like media, links, micropublishing and text. You can now add all your contacts to a NoseRub network and aggregate several social networks into just one. And you always have full control of your data, as you can install NoseRub on your own server and have it connect to other servers out there.

Data portability: a lofty but challenging goal - 0 views

  • Ultimately, the problem represents an opportunity for Internet companies. "In the end, whoever moves first to be truly open will have the advantage," Saad said. J. Trent Adams, founder and chief innovator at Matchmine, another vendor pushing for data portability, concurs. A stealthy startup could develop a clever application or service built on data portability standards and force other vendors to respond. "All of a sudden, it's the right idea, and the big boys will have to react," Adams said. In other words, Internet companies who insist on locking up their users' data to protect their businesses might soon find themselves instead stuck in the mud.

Main Page - IdCommons - 0 views

  • The purpose of Identity Commons is to support, facilitate, and promote the creation of an open identity layer for the Internet -- one that maximizes control, convenience, and privacy for the individual while encouraging the development of healthy, interoperable communities.

SocialPhysics Home - 0 views

  • The goal of SocialPhysics is to give people more control over their digital identities: their online identities, personal information and social relationships.

The problem with dataportability is with the providers, not services (duh) - 0 views

  • Basically what people are saying is that it’s a bad idea to give sites your usernames/passwords when you sign up. This creates a bad anti-pattern and sets a horrible precedent for users who simply give their email user/pass to hundreds of different startups with dismal security standards making it very easy for hackers to get to your sensitive data. It’s called the “password anti-pattern”.
  • In my mind Flickr provides probably the best page-flow pattern. So I’m saying the PROVIDERS are making this anti-pattern possible. Facebook must make it VERY easy to export users, so must Gmail and so must Yahoo etc. This must be standardized so that containers (using Open Social terminology) can provide that data using some kind of token system, and it must also happen in a process that doesn’t ask for you user/pass. I believe that because it’s not possible, networks are leaving developers with no other option but to do screen scraping.

OSocial - Meta Social Network - Free and open your public social data and spread the Gi... - 0 views

  • In a nutshell, OSocial lets you see your social data in an open, portable way and we are working on secure methods to allow friending between social networks ; and this without any new registration. OSocial can be seen as Meta Social Network - a way of joining together existing social networks by connecting profiles from different sites.

Microsoft Joining - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Chris Saad, Chairman of the Data Portability Working Group, confirmed to me this morning that Microsoft's David Treadwell, a VP at Windows Live, will be joining the organization. Microsoft is expected to make a formal announcement in the coming days. News first leaked out via a shadowy post at Computerworld this morning.

Security in DataPortability - 0 views

  • With the announcement of Microsoft joining the DataPortability workgroup, the attention is on the blossom workgroup more than it has ever been before. Naturally with all the added attention (as if Facebook and Google joining wasn’t bad enough) there is a fresh new round of people questioning the validity of DP and its associated stack.
  • Let me make this perfectly clear: Dataportability does not give any more or less users access to your personal information than before. Now keep that single point in mind while I give a simple example.

Microsoft to join DataPortability - Where's the beef? - 0 views

  • The news today is that Microsoft intends to join the DataPortability Project. So where’s the beef? Why are long-time influentials from all these large vendors joining the cause? What are we offering? What are we trying to do? What’s in it for them? What do they bring to the table?
  • First, I’d like to clarify that DataPortability is not mine. It is an initiative that was co-founded by many people who all believed that something was missing from the existing Identity/Data/Standards landscape. Something very small, but very important.

Windows Live Dev : Microsoft Joins - 0 views

  • “Today Microsoft is announcing that it has joined, a group committed to advancing the conversation about the portability, security and privacy of individuals’ information online.  There are important security and privacy issues to solve as the internet evolves, and we are committed to being an integral part of the industry conversation on behalf of our users.
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