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Trent Adams

201 CMR 17.00: Standards for The Protection of Personal Information of Residents of the... - 0 views

  • This regulation implements the provisions of M.G.L. c. 93H relative to the standards to be met by persons who own, license, store or maintain personal information about a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  This regulation establishes minimum standards to be met in connection with the safeguarding of personal information contained in both paper and electronic records.  Further purposes are to (i) ensure the security and confidentiality of such information in a manner consistent with industry standards, (ii) protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information, and (iii) protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information in a manner that creates a substantial risk of identity theft or fraud against such residents.
Trent Adams

Yahoo! Search Blog: The Yahoo! Search Open Ecosystem - 0 views

  • A few weeks ago, we began talking about the new Yahoo! Search open platform. Today, we're releasing more details about two important components of the initiative -- the developer platform as well as our support of a number of semantic web standards.
  • By supporting semantic web standards, Yahoo! Search and site owners can bring a far richer and more useful search experience to consumers. For example, by marking up its profile pages with microformats, LinkedIn can allow Yahoo! Search and others to understand the semantic content and the relationships of the many components of its site. With a richer understanding of LinkedIn's structured data included in our index, we will be able to present users with more compelling and useful search results for their site. The benefit to LinkedIn is, of course, increased traffic quality and quantity from sites like Yahoo! Search that utilize its structured data.
  • In the coming weeks, we'll be releasing more detailed specifications that will describe our support of semantic web standards. Initially, we plan to support a number of microformats, including hCard, hCalendar, hReview, hAtom, and XFN. Yahoo! Search will work with the web community to evolve the vocabulary framework for embedding structured data. For starters, we plan to support vocabulary components from Dublin Core, Creative Commons, FOAF, GeoRSS, MediaRSS, and others based on feedback. And, we will support RDFa and eRDF markup to embed these into existing HTML pages. Finally, we are announcing support for the OpenSearch specification, with extensions for structured queries to deep web data sources.

Best Data Management Services for Better Data Quality | Infotanks Media - 0 views

    Integrate, transform, and improve your lead generation through data management with Infotanks Media. Include data cleansing, data normalization, standardization, deduplication, data migration, verification, and more to ensure the highest quality of profitable leads. Focus on strengthening the core business activities by optimizing revenue generation processes using a fully verified B2B marketing database from Infotanks Media. Data cleansing and enrichment can replace outdated and incomplete contact information with a fully verified B2B marketing database. Drive your sales outreach with Infotanks Media's data management process that includes data cleansing, data normalization, deduplication, data migration, and more. Explore opportunities within and outside your target market with accurate data cleansing and enrichment from Infotanks Media. Optimize your sales and marketing processes with efficient data management. Deduplication can assist you in removing duplicates and replacing them with the latest B2B marketing database. Identify, reach, and convert leads with data cleansing, data normalization, data migration, and standardization. Infotanks Media is among the best data management companies that provide a comprehensive solution for unique and fully verified data. With 95% assured data accuracy, we offer a B2B marketing database that is ready to use and easy to integrate into various CRMs and ESPs. For a holistic data management solution, call Infotanks Media today!

What is NFT, How To Use It, Where To Store It And How Long Will They Stay With Us? - 0 views

    The NFT trend started back in 2017 with the famous blockchain game CryptoKitties. Then the excitement about Crypto Kotikov was so widespread in the community that, in addition to selling pictures for 600 ETH, it practically blocked the operation of the Ethereum network itself for several days. With the crypto-winter in 2018-19, the hype for "cats" subsided, but ERC-721 standard tokens remained and in 2021 they created a new NFT hype.
    The NFT trend started back in 2017 with the famous blockchain game CryptoKitties. Then the excitement about Crypto Kotikov was so widespread in the community that, in addition to selling pictures for 600 ETH, it practically blocked the operation of the Ethereum network itself for several days. With the crypto-winter in 2018-19, the hype for "cats" subsided, but ERC-721 standard tokens remained and in 2021 they created a new NFT hype.

Job Vacancies in United Kingdom: Jobs for Fresher in Uk - 0 views

    Collectively the nation's biggest companies added 4.2% more net jobs globally in 2012, based on S&P Capital IQ's analysis of the 437 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 that reported employee statistics. That's an increase of 733,619 jobs.
Trent Adams

Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Digg Joins the DataPortability Project - 0 views

  • Digg has joined the DataPortability Project, a group of websites cooperating to help you securely use your data however you want. Why? Because you own your data. It’s that simple. From the start, Digg has supported the idea that you own your own data.
  • Digg already supports many of the open standards that let you use your data on sites other than Digg, including RSS, OPML, and hCard. We use RDF to embed the Creative Commons public domain dedication into each page. Just this week, we added MicroID, a Microformat that lets you prove to other services that you own your Digg user profile. We’ll be adding more open standards, such as OpenID, APML, OAuth, and XFN, in the coming months.
Trent Adams

Data Portability for your Social Media Profiles - 0 views

  • Robert Scobles ban from Facebook early this month brought up the discussion again about ownership of user data in social networks such as MySpace, Facebook and others, as well as about data portability. Robert Scoble did violate the terms of service agreement with Facebook; so much seems to be clear. What his actual motivations were for his actions are not so clear though. You can check out his version of the story at Computerworld and also 1938 Media's Loren Feldman's takes one and two on this incident as well.
  • It does not matter what the actual reasons were and what exactly happened, but one thing is clear, it brought attention to an issue that everybody who uses social networking sites is just all very familiar with. I for myself consider it a pain to rebuild profiles and connections from scratch at every social media site again and again. It takes time and as most others, is time the only commodity I have always a shortage of. Then I look at my profiles at the different sites and how they developed over time to realize that they are all looking pretty much the same, I even hooked up with the same people at all those different sites again.
  • Hello It is actually looking very promising that this initiative will result into a standard that will be adopted by many social media sites. They are not going to reinvent the wheel and start creating something from scratch, but use and "mash-up" existing standards and initiative to create something new specifically aimed to solve the data portability problem.
Trent Adams

The problem with dataportability is with the providers, not services (duh) - 0 views

  • Basically what people are saying is that it’s a bad idea to give sites your usernames/passwords when you sign up. This creates a bad anti-pattern and sets a horrible precedent for users who simply give their email user/pass to hundreds of different startups with dismal security standards making it very easy for hackers to get to your sensitive data. It’s called the “password anti-pattern”.
  • In my mind Flickr provides probably the best page-flow pattern. So I’m saying the PROVIDERS are making this anti-pattern possible. Facebook must make it VERY easy to export users, so must Gmail and so must Yahoo etc. This must be standardized so that containers (using Open Social terminology) can provide that data using some kind of token system, and it must also happen in a process that doesn’t ask for you user/pass. I believe that because it’s not possible, networks are leaving developers with no other option but to do screen scraping.
Trent Adams

diso - Google Code - 0 views

  • Social networks are becoming more open, more interconnected, and more distributed. Many of us in the web creation world are embracing and promoting web standards - both client-side and server-side. Microformats, standard apis, and open-source software are key building blocks of these technologies. This model can be described as having three sides/legs/arms/spokes - pick your connection: Information, Identity, and Interaction. DiSo (dee • zoh) is an umbrella project for a group of open source implementations of these distributed social networking concepts. or as Chris puts it: "to build a social network with its skin inside out". Our first target is Wordpress, bootstrapping on existing work and building out from there.
Trent Adams

On VRM and Standards - 0 views

  • As an example, the Dataportability movement has framed the problem in terms of Data and Portability. This brings to mind exporting and importing “my” data from vendor to vendor. That’s a start toward liberating users from vendor silos. However, I think the real win is in user-centric services, where the location of the “data” is essentially irrelevant–even as it is hosted under the control of the user–and all user-authorized vendors can access the data through approved services.
Trent Adams

Taking the Next Step in Online Video Advertising - 0 views

  • My last column discussed the brand utility supported entertainment model in which content providers and marketers work upstream to create customized complimentary experiences. One option would be to align this model with the open standard objectives of Their mission: to gather "existing open standards into a blueprint for a social, open, remixable Web where your online identity, media, contacts and content can follow you wherever you go."
  • For brands and content creators, that means conversation would truly have to be initiated by the user. The user would own the data, and the brand content offering would have to be valuable enough to warrant an exchange. In essence, brand content would be bought with "data currency."
  • There are brand enthusiasts who participate in campaigns on an ongoing basis. Yet each time they return, these fans must register and sign-up for the full experience. If the brand were to embrace technologies such as OpenID, not only would it provide their fans access to cross-promotional properties around that campaign, it would also provide easy access to all future campaigns. And with future potential of data portability, people could take those experiences with them, introducing content to friends and hopefully igniting passionate new fans.

Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 Product Key [Tested] - 0 views

    Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 Product Key [Tested] is  use to make simpler diagrams and share by information with easy techniques. It update the functions of Visio standard.

Get Global B2B Email List | Data Driven Marketing Company | Contact us! - 0 views

    Buy email lists of international prospects from Infotanks Media for guaranteed 95% data accuracy. Access crucial demographic information such as name, phone number, interest, company, job title, and more for target marketing. Promote multi-channel target marketing campaigns with a worldwide B2B business database from Infotanks Media. Call now! Increase your campaign response and relevance among the best mailing list companies in the world. Buy email lists from Infotanks Media to expand your business in global markets. Access GDPR compliant B2B contact database from industries and business sectors worldwide. Create an international business presence using the best mailing companies from Infotanks Media. Buy email lists from Infotanks Media to boost your global sales and marketing outreach. Contact our data experts today! Ensure maximum utilization of your sales resources with an accurate B2B contact database. Our stringent compliance process includes firmographic research, verification through AI tools and applications, and manual validation to ensure top-quality data. Infotanks Media provides monthly cleansing by matching with USPS National Change Of Address (NCOA), ZIP+4, and Delivery Sequence File to standardize and ensure address accuracy. Generate guaranteed quick converting leads with global B2B contact database from Infotanks Media. Buy email lists today! Get a free sample or request a free consultation; call now!

MBBS Admission in Abroad - 0 views

    Abroad is one of the top places to study for international students, especially Indian students. Compared to India and other foreign countries like UK, USA, Australia and China, MBBS from Abroad is very cheap and convenient. You can take your MBBS Admission in abroad by getting 50% marks in 12th standard.
Robinson Kipling

Professional and Affordable Web Design to bring you more business: - 1 views

Here at Red Web Design, we offer brilliant and quality website designing at the cheapest prices. Here we have web site designers who have minimum 5 years of Industry experience and who are aware of...

dataportability in Jobs for social Web Real Estate facebook sale

started by Robinson Kipling on 02 Dec 13 no follow-up yet
Trent Adams

Six Apart - What We're Opening Next - 0 views

  • A few months ago, we announced that we were opening the social graph and invited others to join us. An effort like that encompasses many different technology projects and all kinds of different companies; in just a few months the idea of opening up social networks has received a lot of attention. Today we're excited to share an amazing new plugin for Movable Type that allows you to aggregate, control, and share your actions around the web and we're the first to bring this sort of functionality to free and open source blogging tools.
  • It's worth revisiting some of the successes the openness movement has accomplished in just the past few months: Google's OpenSocial released new versions of its APIs and we hosted a wildly successful hackathon to help support the creation of new widgets for the standard. OpenID 2.0 shipped and both Google and Yahoo! are now supporting OpenID, bringing hundreds of millions of new IDs to the community. The group was formed and released a video reinforcing these themes around openness. And finally, we've made good on our promise to let you show off all the services you belong to, with TypePad and Vox automatically letting you list your accounts around the web on your blogs using Microformats to link to your profiles. And as of today, the same ability is available for Movable Type.
  • As we explained half a year ago, we're on a mission. Like we said then, blogs change the way we communicate. Just like with TrackBack, OpenID, opening the social graph, and so much else in blogging, we're hoping that we can influence everyone else to follow our lead and move blogging forward with us. Bringing your actions around the web under your control is a fundamental next step to making all of our blogs even more powerful and expressive.
Trent Adams

Gulfnews: Making IDs portable on the web - 0 views

  • It is a frustrating fact of modern internet life. Users of websites such as Facebook and Google spend hours building up and maintaining friend lists and e-mail address books, but when it comes time to move such social information to another online service, they frequently find it impossible to get their data back out. Instead, they must start re-entering their personal details from scratch.
  • That may soon change. Over the past year, growing numbers of influential voices have been calling for the creation of common standards for "data portability" — a move that would enable widespread sharing of social information between websites.
  • Supporters of data portability admit that it is still early days. "There are millions of people involved [but] there are only a relatively small number of social networking sites that are exporting," says Berners-Lee.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Privacy is likely to be a key sticking point as companies attempt to convince users to trust them to broadcast their information to other websites. Members of the DataPortability Workgroup stress that any scheme would include controls to prevent sensitive personal information from being sent out without a user's permission.
Trent Adams

How will keep from being hijacked by Microsoft? - 0 views

  • Whenever Microsoft Corp. eschews an open standard (think the OpenDocument Format, aka ODF), it gets pilloried. Whenever it embraces one, as it will soon do with, fears rise that Redmond will twist it to its own advantage, (think Java) or, failing that, sabotage it. (ActiveX) So is the nascent group at such risk from Redmond? Not according to a source inside the group. "The DataPortability group is made up of many voices - individuals who are passionate about solving the problem," the source said. "Microsoft's voice is a welcome addition but it is not the only voice in the conversation and it does not have any special consideration."
Trent Adams

Microsoft to join DataPortability - Where's the beef? - 0 views

  • The news today is that Microsoft intends to join the DataPortability Project. So where’s the beef? Why are long-time influentials from all these large vendors joining the cause? What are we offering? What are we trying to do? What’s in it for them? What do they bring to the table?
  • First, I’d like to clarify that DataPortability is not mine. It is an initiative that was co-founded by many people who all believed that something was missing from the existing Identity/Data/Standards landscape. Something very small, but very important.
Trent Adams

Data portability: a lofty but challenging goal - 0 views

  • Ultimately, the problem represents an opportunity for Internet companies. "In the end, whoever moves first to be truly open will have the advantage," Saad said. J. Trent Adams, founder and chief innovator at Matchmine, another vendor pushing for data portability, concurs. A stealthy startup could develop a clever application or service built on data portability standards and force other vendors to respond. "All of a sudden, it's the right idea, and the big boys will have to react," Adams said. In other words, Internet companies who insist on locking up their users' data to protect their businesses might soon find themselves instead stuck in the mud.
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