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Trent Adams

Six Apart - What We're Opening Next - 0 views

  • A few months ago, we announced that we were opening the social graph and invited others to join us. An effort like that encompasses many different technology projects and all kinds of different companies; in just a few months the idea of opening up social networks has received a lot of attention. Today we're excited to share an amazing new plugin for Movable Type that allows you to aggregate, control, and share your actions around the web and we're the first to bring this sort of functionality to free and open source blogging tools.
  • It's worth revisiting some of the successes the openness movement has accomplished in just the past few months: Google's OpenSocial released new versions of its APIs and we hosted a wildly successful hackathon to help support the creation of new widgets for the standard. OpenID 2.0 shipped and both Google and Yahoo! are now supporting OpenID, bringing hundreds of millions of new IDs to the community. The group was formed and released a video reinforcing these themes around openness. And finally, we've made good on our promise to let you show off all the services you belong to, with TypePad and Vox automatically letting you list your accounts around the web on your blogs using Microformats to link to your profiles. And as of today, the same ability is available for Movable Type.
  • As we explained half a year ago, we're on a mission. Like we said then, blogs change the way we communicate. Just like with TrackBack, OpenID, opening the social graph, and so much else in blogging, we're hoping that we can influence everyone else to follow our lead and move blogging forward with us. Bringing your actions around the web under your control is a fundamental next step to making all of our blogs even more powerful and expressive.
Trent Adams

MicroID - Small Decentralized Verifiable Identity - 0 views

  • MicroID is a lightweight identity layer for the web, invented by Jeremie Miller (creator of Jabber). MicroID enables anyone to claim verifiable ownership over content hosted anywhere on the web (social networking sites, discussion forums, blogs, etc.). MicroID is not an authentication or single-sign-on service, just a straightforward method for identifying content ownership that complements existing technologies such as OpenID and microformats. The technology is radically simple and enables developers to build new and unique meta services with minimal effort. It's already being used by the likes of ClaimID,, Ma.gnolia, Wikitravel, and Yedda.
Trent Adams

DataPortability, Microsoft's Contacts API and at Cloudlands - 0 views

  • For users to have true data portability, there needs to be some consensus on both the APIs and the formats needed to transfer / represent this portable data. It may be that a number of APIs and formats are required for different scenarios. The Semantic Web is an ideal means for representing the data to be ported from social websites, in that is well suited (using vocabularies like SIOC and FOAF) to represent how people and all kinds of objects on these sites are connected together (documents, discussions, meetups, places, interests, media files - whatever). Of course other data formats may be used, but most importantly, it would be a waste of time to come up with a bunch of new formats for representing the data that needs to be portable, because a lot of work has been done on how to best provide interoperable, reusable and linked data through efforts like the Semantic Web, AtomPub and the microformats community.
Trent Adams

This Week's Semantic Web - 0 views

  • Early adopters of the Web rolled up their sleeves to demonstrate what was possible on their own sites (even before animated gifs came along), so perhaps advocates of things like the Web of Data, opening the social graph and DataPortability should begin at home too…
Trent Adams

People as Data Connectors - 0 views

  • This is reason why Kingsley and a bunch of other people like to call the "Semantic Web" the "Linked Data Web".  Potayto-potato, it's all the same to me.  It’s cool, though.  It lets an application traverse the social graph to do its thing instead of being confined to its own network.  It allows an application on one network to access Person C’s data, on another network, by going from Person A to Person B to Person C, and then to their data.
Trent Adams

DataPortability: the portability of data - 0 views

  • First things first. DataPortability is a brand… its a kind of un-organisation (a bit like BarCamps are un-conferences); a group of people and organisations who have the same philosophy, a philosophy of the portability of data. Every member of DataPortability should push for (advocate/evangelise) portability of data to web-users, developers and organisations.
  • The DataPortability Project will support other projects/groups working towards data portability (at the moment this explicitly includes communities involved in OpenID, OAuth, Microformats and the Semantic Web). Some members of DataPortability are also involved with legal issues and privacy which are just as important as the portability of data. The DataPortability Project is there to support people into a Web of Data.
  • Portability of data, or data portability is portable data. In other words, data can be copy/pasted and/or moved from one location to another. This is dependent on accessibility.
Trent Adams

Thoughts on Data Portability - 0 views

  • The DataPortability workgroup’s strongest voice, Chris Saad, noted among the DataPortability Design Principles that the mission ought to be less “fight the man” and more practical and useful goals. It will be interesting to see if the group’s finalized vision is limited to the import/export use cases, because these surely have the least potential. Otherwise, portability may not really matter to an average user, but the benefits to the user experience surely do, and I think selling DataPortability means selling the huge benefits of an efficient, distributed Web experience.
  • Forward-thinkers are creating innovative interfaces to your distributed data, and products are going to evolve quickly. Figuring out what portability means, what the best technologies are, and how this all looks from the user’s perspective are all pieces of a large puzzle that will strongly affect the future of the Web.
Trent Adams

Plone in the New Marketing and Data Portability Era - 0 views

  • The world has changed. At least the marketing world. The era of mass marketing and advertisment as we knew it for many years has passed. Of course TV is not dead but it’s more and more superceded by the internet with all it’s channels for niche entertainment and self expression. Banner blindness and shrinking advertisement effectiveness have added their part. And so companies look out for other ways to reach potential and existing customers.
  • Add to that the success of the DataPortability Working Group which set policies and technical guidelines in how to create a World Wide Web in which data is more freely flowing around than ever before bringing us closer and closer to seamless networking experience and a semantic web.
  • This of course is only a glimpse of what might be necessary tomorrow. And the question is of course how far this tomorrow is away. Several things are of course available already or being worked on. The Google Social Graph API is there, blogging and commenting in Plone is worked on, Multimedia support is available, OpenID is as well (but maybe could be enhanced).Creating a social networking layer using e.g. plone.relations and membrane is not too complicated to implement and marking things up with microformats is also no magic.
Trent Adams

Connect-ing social networks to the rest of web: Who owns those data? : Social Media Mafia - 1 views

  • As the web grows exponentially in scale and complexity, an issue that becomes increasingly pressing is data ownership. There has been a lot of noise lately about how Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, and even MySpace’s Data Availability.
  • The Data Portability Project is trying very, very hard to solve these serious issues. They’re seeking to unite the socio-rhetorico-legal precedent with the growing list of open technologies and specifications (OpenID, OAuth, RSS, OPML, MicroFormats, Creative Commons, to name a few) and make sure that these proprietary bits, bytes, friends, enemies, birthdays, activies, pictures, videos, lifestyles, etc. are made open to the content creators (read: YOU, not Mark Zuckerberg).
jevin r

Singapore Web Development Company - 1 views

    Zeatech makes a speciality of providing skilled web site style, development and maintenances services. Our team of inventive internet designers and skilled developers work upon mini comes like emblem or banner styles to advanced portal developments. Zeatech has the specified resources, technical and business information to style and develop websites of any complexity. we tend to follow the newest trends within the market and use the newest technologies to develop the front finish and back finish options.
David Hart

Web Crawler - 0 views

    Website Scraping analysis is a technique that involves retrieving unstructured data from web pages and converting it into structured data.
digital pixels

Affordable Web Design Services & Development Solution | Digital Pixels - Classified Ad - 0 views

    Digital Pixels is a well-known Website Design, Development Company, who are expert in the field of affordable web design services & Development Solution.
digital pixels

Affordable Web Design Services & Development Solution | Digital Pixels - 0 views

    Digital Pixels is a well-known Website Design, Development Company, who are expert in the field of affordable web design services & Development Solution.

Deepfakes Web - Online Deepfake Generator with Cloud-Based Processing for Realistic Vid... - 0 views

    Deepfakes Web: Online Deepfake Generator with Cloud-Based Processing for Realistic Videos (

Adobe Podcast - Upgrade your audio with powerful web-based enhancements and tools (podc... - 0 views

    Adobe Podcast: Upgrade your audio with powerful web-based enhancements and tools (
mikhail-miguel - Use your own Artificial Intelligence models on the web ( - 0 views

  • Use your own Artificial Intelligence models on the web (

unbounce - Ideate, iterate, write custom copy: web app, desktop app, Chrome extension (... - 0 views

    unbounce: Ideate, iterate, write custom copy: web app, desktop app, Chrome extension (

Aomni - Web-based retrieval and processing of intelligent info ( - 0 views

    Aomni: Web-based retrieval and processing of intelligent info (

Synthesis Youtube - Web-based video segment search engine for podcasts (home.thesynthes... - 0 views

    Synthesis Youtube: Web-based video segment search engine for podcasts (

BLUF - Extracted and comprehended web page information ( - 0 views

    BLUF: Extracted and comprehended web page information (
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