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Home/ Desire2Learn ePortfolio/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jeff Cross

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jeff Cross


Discussions - ePortfolios and PLTs | Google Groups - 0 views

    This is a Google group about ePortfolios - looks like some interesting discussions may be happening here.

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning » Blog Archive » More from John Pallister on ... - 1 views

  • Joehn Pallisetr is a UK based teacher who is enthusiastic about e-Portfolios. He blogs now on a group he has set up on Google. If you are interetsted in e-portfolios I recommend that you join.
  • We wanted to provide students with more appropriate ways to store andpresent evidence of their learning, achievements and planning; we developed and introduced ePortfolios. We soon recognised that although the ePortfolio itself was really useful, it was the ePortfolio process that was even more valuable. I came at things from a Personal Development Planning angle and this has influenced my thinking on ePortfolios. So why have I rambled on?  Simply to encourage people to interpret the‘P’ in ILP, as ‘Process’.

ePortfolios - Assessment for Learning - 1 views

  • In the right environment the social networking potential of the learning landscape and eportfolio-related tools are features that facilitate and enhance the making of connections and the linking together of people, ideas, resources and learning… (pp. 30)
    • Jeff Cross
      We should get a copy of this "Handbook of Research on ePortfolios"
  • here is certainly a lot more worthwhile reading in the full handbook which contains contributions from over 100 of the world’s leading experts.
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  • One of the main reasons for the decision to change was to use the features and capabilities of Web 2.0, especially the ability to comment and provide feedback and student reflections on learning as it is uploaded, from anywhere.

Microsoft Research Launches New Tools for Knowledge Sharing ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephe... - 0 views

  • Now Microsoft has added a set of tools, described in detail here, to support use by the scientific community.
    • Jeff Cross
      This sounds similar to eP - there's a diagram on this page that looks a bit like the collect, reflect, share, etc. diagram. Might want to keep an eye on where this is going - also, we might be able to extend eP to the scholarly community to help groups collect references and co-author articles.
  • It includes a virtual research environment (VRE) to allow research teams to share data, an authoring tool to capture metadata during the authoring process, a hosted e-journal service, a repository

Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technology: Transforming the Grade Book - 0 views

  • Instructors start the process by defining assignments for their classes and “registering” them with the program
  • The student works the assignment and produces a solution in any number of media and venues, which might include the student’s ePortfolio (we define ePortfolio broadly)
  • The student combines their work with the program’s rubric (in a survey format)
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  • the survey collects a score and qualitative feedback for the student’s work. We are imagining the survey engine is centrally hosted so that all the data is compiled into a single location and therefore is accessible to the academic program
  • the instructor can combine the rubric score of an assignment with the student performance on the assignment to improve the assignment. Instructors might also present this comparison data in a portfolio for more authentic teaching evaluations.
  • They can also learn from giving rubric-based reviews to peers and by comparing themselves to aggregates of peer data.
  • Students can review the data for self-reflection and can use the data as evidence in a learning portfolio.
  • Instructors can use the data (probably presented in the student’s course portfolio) for “grading” in a course.
  • We have imagined a model where the students (in conjunction with their sponsoring country), and interested NGOs, bring problem statements to the program and the program designs itself so that students are working on aspects of their problem while studying.
  • input from stakeholders would be more prominent than in the traditional university course
  • Review of the assignments, and decisions about the rubric, would be done within this wider community (two universities, national sponsors and NGOs)
  • following Downes, learners would present aspects of their work to be evaluated with the program’s rubric, and the institution would credential the work based on its (and the community’s) judging of the problem/solution with the rubric.

Finally… ePortfolios, Social Networking, and Blogs for students - 1 views

  • This will give every student the opportunity to store files, create learning groups with forums and dicussions, create multiple blogs, and even create their own “learning dashboard” similar to netvibes or pageflakes.
  • I have no misconceptions that this will probably end up getting a small handful of students in trouble.

Meet Hiroyuki Nishimura, the Bad Boy of the Japanese Internet - 0 views

  • In many ways, the site is a standard Web video portal. What's unique is that the Flash-based video files have an extra interactive layer that lets viewers insert text on top of any clip as easily as if they were typing an instant message, and it displays that comment whenever someone else loads the video.
    • Jeff Cross
      This would be cool for eP. Similar to the previous bookmark about commenting at any point in a sound clip - this lets people markup video with text. I'm really seeing a pattern here - we could crack open all the different artifact types to allow commenting at any point inside, maybe even quicklinking and pulling snippets into other places.

Soundcloud expands the audio player - (37signals) - 0 views

  • In order to allow this kind of collaboration, Alex and the guys at Soundcloud could have used a standard player and tossed a comment stream below it. Instead they decided to expand the player and allow commenters to add notes directly inside on the waveform itself. The result is pretty cool. People can post tracks and receive a flurry of comments attached directly to the waves.
    • Jeff Cross
      2 thoughts for eP: 1) Maybe we could integrate this or something like it to have "sound" artifacts that you could comment and tag at certain points 2) More generally, it would be nice to be able to comment "inside" objects at specific places - e.g. on a specific form field, on a specific sentence in a reflection, add a sticky note to a presentation page, etc. Rather like Diigo, really. It would also be cool to do this with tags. Imagine selecting an area in someone's presentation and tagging that area so you could search for it later.
  • The player spans the full width of the screen, so it’s easier to set the playhead at the exact spot you want. Commentor’s avatars appear in the bottom of the player, and their comments pop up on hover.

Creating a Social Portfolio at e-Literate - 0 views

  • I have developed a design theory on how to build social portfolio software.
  • A social portfolio should: Support student ownership Enhance peer learning Focus on ease of use
    • Jeff Cross
      I would say that our product meets all three of these
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  • Below is a walkthrough of my eportfolio software

Harold Jarche » Mahara open source e-portfolio - 0 views

  • What makes Mahara different from other ePortfolio systems is that you control which items and what information (Artefacts) within your portfolio other users see.
    • Jeff Cross
      Hey, that's not unique! We do that better!
  • Learner control over content access would be one of my essential criteria in selecting an e-portfolio system.

Video Ratings : eLearning Technology - 0 views

  • Imagine being able to search and having one of those search returns be a tag within a video that takes you right to that context within a longer sequence.
    • Jeff Cross
      Any way we could do this with video & audio artifacts in eP? Since we already have a tagging paradigm in place, this would seem like a natural extension.
  • So a tagged section in essence IS chunking the videos. But in the case of Vimeo it's user chunked.
  • Tagging also makes possible a true mash-up. If I am easily able to tag a section of a video, reference it externally and pull that stream through some type of API on call / on cue -- wow.
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  • I'm thinking we need to get out of the mindset of cubby-holing everything in neatly organized boxes. Once we get it stored in this manner, it's notoriously hard to re-employ in any way other than prescribed by the method of organization.

Sakai and OpenSocial: A Different Approach to Distributed Learning Applications at e-Li... - 0 views

  • Networks within academia will become embedded into the applications delivered from academia.
  • Just as Facebook grew though the academic community out to the masses, there will be a class of applications, with detailed knowledge of the needs of education, hosted within Universities, supporting teaching and learning and research, but integrating with distributed services from applications all over the internet.

Learning Organizations, eLearning 2.0 and Edupunk : eLearning Technology - 0 views

  • Is the edupunk ideology saying that the use of social media in commercial learning management systems is an assault on the very philosophy of learning 2.0?Ideologies shouldn’t be rigid should they? Rather they should be adapted and used in pragmatic ways don’t you think? If you’re a trainer embracing learning 2.0, who gives a rats ass where it lives.
  • If you have a population of learners who have already adopted tools (such as blogging and social bookmarking) for themselves that are different than the corporate tool (the LMS) do you ask them to move?
  • If your population has not adopted a tool yet, do you have a responsibility to the individual to show them tools that can live beyond their engagement at the company?
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  • I would claim that if you are talking about blogging as an ongoing learning and networking tool, then you are doing a disservice to learners if you show them only internal tools bundled with the LMS or any tool that is locked inside the walls of the corporation.
    It is interesting how there is a backlash against - or at least some concern about - LMS vendors incorporating web 2.0 type features into enterprise software.

elearnspace: Net Gen Nonsense - 0 views

  • our education systems needs to change, but as Mark notes, the reason for that change is likely not to be found in "changing learners". Instead, in my eyes, we need to change education for two primary reasons:
  • 2) the changed ways in which we can access, interact with, and connect to each other.

The Glass Bees at bavatuesdays - 0 views

  • “Next Generation” of Learning Management Systems, BlackBoard 8
  • to survive as a LMS, but that survival is not necessarily dependent on a technology or an innovation, rather it is a means of taking the imaginative experimentation of others and wrapping them up as a product that can be bought and sold like a pair of shoes. The insanely irresponsible advertising for BlackBoard 8 suggests that Academic Suite release 8.0 will “enhance critical thinking skills” and “improve classroom performance.” What LMS can do this? What Web 2.0 tool can do this? This is total bullshit, how can they make such an irresponsible claim? These things are not done by technology, but rather people thinking and working together. Our technology may afford a unique possibility in this endeavor by bringing disparate individuals together in an otherwise untenable community, yet it doesn’t enhance critical thinking or improve classroom performance, we do that, together.
  • they are taking the experiments and innovations of thousands of people and re-packaging them as their own, unique contribution to the educational world of Web 2.0
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  • lackBoard makes an inferior product and charges a ton for it, but if we reduce the conversation to technology, and not really think hard about technology as an instantiation of capital’s will to power, than anything resembling an EdTech movement towards a vision of liberation and relevance is lost.
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