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Rebecca Hauk

Holiday 2009: Economy to affect two-thirds of shoppers - NRF - Oct. 20, 2009 - 2 views

    holiday shoppers will spend less this year bc of the economy
Jim Brinling Editorial - Take this week to prep yourself for election - 2 views

    The atmosphere is different than it was a year ago, when voters picked a new president and elected a freshman Congresswoman, Kathy Dahlkemper, of Erie, D-3rd Dist. Elections in presidential years create a buzz, and the 2008 races attracted new voters to the polls.
Rebecca Hauk - 2 views

    It seems that the Afghanistan that Zieba Shorish Shamley remembers is the exact opposite of the Afghanistan that we hear about on the news today. I never knew that the country used to be so peaceful and democratic. The article says that this was how Afghanistan was until the 80's, when conflict began arising. I hope that with the removal of the Taliban and al Qaeda, and the improvement of the country's economy and government, that Afghanistan can eventually once again be the beautiful, tolerant country it was not so long ago.
Ali D

Bodies of soldiers killed in Afghanistan back in U.S. - - 2 views

  • The flag-draped coffins of five U.S. soldiers killed during a weekend onslaught against a U.S. military outpost in Afghanistan arrived Tuesday at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, the military said
    • Billy B
      I feel this even is tragic and unfortunate, but it displays the conflicts of war.
  • The bodies include Sgt. Joshua J. Kirk of South Portland, Maine; Spc. Michael P. Scusa of Villas, New Jersey; Spc. Stephen L. Mace of Lovettsville, Virginia; Spc. Christopher T. Griffin of Kincheloe, Michigan; and Pfc. Kevin C. Thomson of Reno, Nevada, according to the Air Force mortuary affairs office.
  • On Saturday, Taliban militants attacked American and Afghan troops in Nuristan province, opening fire on the outpost from multiple locations with rockets, mortars and heavy-caliber machine guns. At least eight American troops and two members of the Afghan national security forces were killed, the military said.
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  • In the past 24 hours, 10 Afghan soldiers were killed in incidents across the country, Azimi said. Britain's Defense Ministry said a British soldier was killed Monday while on foot patrol in Helmand province.
    • Billy B
      When will people stop being killed? Will this war ever end?
  • It was the largest number of Americans killed by hostile action in a single day since July 2008 when nine troops died, according to CNN records.
    • Billy B
      I think that it is rediculous for these people to be dying, there has to be a safer way to go about this.
  • At least 13 Afghan police officers also were captured in Saturday's attack, according to Haji Abdul Halim, the provincial deputy governor.
    • Billy B
      If police are being captured, and the people responsible are not being stopped it shows that the countries law enfrocement has no control over the problems, and that poses for a huge problem.
    • Joe O
      If their own law enforcement can't stop them, who will? It's going to come down to us most likely and if that's the case I think we need to just get it done because we keep trying to prolong it.
    • Charlie H
      Were they ever found? what happened to them? They just put that they got captured in the attack and thats it. Nothing about if they saved them or are going to.
    • Ali D
      Tragic to hear this event was where large numbers of American soldiers werevkilled in a year.
    • Chris Braunstein
      I agree that this is sad. hopefully the number of deaths can be decreased
    • anonymous
      i dont like it that people die
    The flag-draped coffins of five U.S. soldiers killed during a weekend onslaught against a U.S. military outpost in Afghanistan arrived Tuesday at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, the military said.
Charlie H - 1 views

shared by Charlie H on 08 Oct 09 - Cached
    • Charlie H
      The Taliban ruin everything. They just need to grow up and become normal people.
Chris Braunstein

current job situation in us - Google Search - 1 views

Joe O - 1 views

shared by Joe O on 08 Oct 09 - Cached
    • Chris Braunstein
      I think we should send more troops over so we can get the war over with sooner, also i think this will help flush out resistance and create safety in numbers.
    • anonymous
      Brilliant Christopher. If we just completely overwhelmed the country it would be over quick
  • U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to approve sending thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan to deal with the growing threat from roadside bombs, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said last week.
    • anonymous
      Should we be focusing more on the roadside bombs or on other parts of the war like finding Osama Bin Laden so we can eventually leave Afghanistan soon?
  • A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Tuesday morning indicates that 39 percent of Americans favor the war in Afghanistan, with 58 percent opposed to the mission.
    • Joe O
      I think we are getting side-tracked with other issues that when it comes to Afghanistan we only here the negative side. It's time we just win it and to do that we need to have an all-out surge and we need support from Americans. Most of the problem comes from the negative spin from the media.
    • Chris Braunstein
      i dont like the war much, but im still for it because i thinks its for a good reason.
    • anonymous
      I agree with Joe, we just need to end the war and win while making sure that we win safely and effectively.
Jim Brinling

Violence erupts despite Gaza truce - Israel-Palestinians- - 1 views

    in the headlines, 1/27
Rebecca Hauk

Army dad, son take on Taliban; mom worries - - 1 views

    Its nice that the father and son both have someone close to them to talk to if they ever need support. Its a weird coincidence, but not neccessarily a bad one. I think it would be especially hard on Marylisa Miller to have both a husband and son at war - she must worry all the time.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I agree with Rebecca... that would be so stressful to think about that all the time... I couldn't imagine going through that.
    I agree with Rebecca also. That kind of constant stress and worry couldnt possibly be god for you at all. Honestly i think it could cause insanity if prolonged.
    I also agree with Joe in the aspect that if i were to imagine placing myself in the same position i would not know how i would handle myself all i kno is that it would not be easy.
    i agree with all of you. of course it would never be a good thing to be stressed from both her husband and her son, but honestly, she must trust in God and not worry. if they were meant to live through the war, then God will protect them.
Jim Brinling

WICU12 News - Decision '09 Profile-Barry Grossman - 1 views

    The 2009 General Election is just over one week away. The key race in Erie County this year is the race for County Executive. CLICK FOR VIDEO\n\n
Ali D

Afghan insurgents pushed into U.S. base, official says - - 1 views

    • Charlie H
      There is no reason why the greatest troops in the world should have to fall back to those attackers. I guess we really do need more troops over there.
  • The facility had been scheduled to be closed within days, CNN has learned. The closing is part of a wider effort by the top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, to cede remote outposts and consolidate troops in more populated areas to better protect Afghan civilians
    • Joe O
      Obviously a sign that we need more troops to help fortify postions.
    • Chris Braunstein
      I agree that more troops would be better.
    • anonymous
      i heard that joe
    • Joe O
      Just to show how bad the terrain really is in Afghanistan.
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    • Chris Braunstein
      i hope they can find the people hiding in the mountains before they can attack.
Jim Brinling

The Taliban in Their Own Words: Cast of Characters | Newsweek International | - 1 views

    Map of the tribal areas, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Jim Brinling Local News - Erie County executive candidates debate on TV - 1 views

    Democrat Barry Grossman and Republican Mike Kerner, who square off in the race for Erie County executive, will debate live tonight at 7 on WICU-TV.
Lauren H

United States Economy at a Glance - 1 views

shared by Lauren H on 20 Oct 09 - Cached
  • In percent, seasonally adjusted. Annual averages are available for Not Seasonally Adjusted data.
  • Number of jobs, in thousands, seasonally adjusted.(3) For production and nonsupervisory workers on private nonfarm payrolls, seasonally adjusted.
    economy at a glance for the US. can also find Pennsylvania and Erie County itself
Rebecca Hauk - 1 views

    • Charlie H
      That is good that they are attacking the drug lords labs. They need to get a handle on the drugs coming out of afganistan.
  • "But this year around 6,900 tons was produced, with 7,700 tons delivered last year and more than 8,500 the year before that.
  • Afghanistan is the world's leading narcotics supplier.
    • anonymous
      This really doesnt make the country look to good since they supply other countrys with drugs.
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  • "We figure the world needs around 4,000 tons of opium a year for licit and illicit purposes,"
  • Producing heroin in Afghanistan makes it easier to conceal and transport than the bulkier raw opium.
  • Our guess is that around 12,000 tons of opium has been stockpiled somewhere -- not all in one place but in and around Afghanistan," he added. "So while production might be coming down -- mostly because of market reasons -- there's still a lot of product around to satisfy demand for about two years."
    • Billy B
      I don't understand how people are able to stockpile such large amounts of opium, and how people know that they have stockpiled 12000 tons of it.
    • Joe O
      I agree with Billy. It's amazing how easily they can hide the drugs. This just shows how lacking the government is with control of their country.
    • anonymous
      How are they able to know exactly how much was made and have no consequenses for the production of the drug?
  • "Last year we estimated that Afghan poppy farmers earned around $730 million, while traders who take the product on to the border earned around $3.4 billion."
    • Billy B
      That is a rediculous amount of money.
  • Enough Afghan opium to supply world demand for two years has effectively gone missing, with the Taliban suspected of stockpiling supplies in a bid to corner the market, the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has revealed.
    • Billy B
      Why would you think that you would get away with taking that many drugs. Obviously if that amount of drugs just goes missing people are going to start to ask questions.
    • Charlie H
      And some how noone has found all those drugs.
    • anonymous
      Who reported that all their drugs were missing? thats a little odd.
    • Denita P
      where did all the drugs go? how could they possibly just go missing? they are hidden somewhere illegally.
    • Ali D
      I did not know that Afghanistan was one of the lead narcotics suppliers. I hope we can help to get all this under control.
    • Charlie H
      Yeah I agree, we should get that under control.
    • Chris Braunstein
      i think its good that they found this and are working on destroying it.
    • Denita P
      i hope that they do get this under control because this is not a good thing at all. they do need to destroy it.
  • Enough Afghan opium to supply world demand for two years has effectively gone missing
    • Rebecca Hauk
      wow. i'm assuming that means crazy amounts of opium since its needed for two years throughout the whole world! I was not aware that Afghanistan had this much effect on the world opium trade.
    • anonymous
      that is alot of drugs
    • Joe O
      What's really bad is that if it was Al Qaeda or the Taliban that took it, they can now sell it. That's a lot of money which of course will be put into weapons against us.
  • Afghanistan is the world's leading narcotics supplier.
    • Rebecca Hauk
      I never knew that.
    Enough Afghan opium to supply world demand for two years has effectively gone missing
    how do you just lose a world supply of opium?
Joe O - 1 views

  • In the days following the Aug. 20 election, the IEC has sought to reassure voters of its impartiality and transparency in tallying the results, mainly responding to fraud accusations by Karzai's chief challenger, Abdullah Abdullah.
    • Joe O
      In my opinion I'm betting Abdullah is just trying to create a distraction. Obviously there are much more important things in the country which Karzai is making his priority. Abdullah seems to be picking a fight in the midst of a serious problem which is making things worse... sort of suspicious I think.
    • Chris Braunstein
      maybe he is just trying to make a distraction.
    • Rebecca Hauk
      In another article, it seemed that Karzai just wanted a peaceful, successful election. It doesn't seem likely that he would try to rig the election, so maybe Joe is right about Abdullah just trying to stir up a fight.
Jim Brinling Local News - Erie County sets flu record - 1 views

    Four hundred eighty-two influenza cases were reported to the Erie County Department of Health last week. It's the most reported flu cases in one week since the county began tracking the disease in 2003.
Jim Brinling

Is Peace Out Of Reach? Video - - 1 views

    This is the 60 Minutes video on the Isreali and Palastian conflict. In the headlines, 1/28
Jim Brinling

The Pennsylvania General Assembly - 1 views

  • Making Law in Pennsylvania
    The process of a bill becoming a law in PA
Lauren H

Drinking Age - - 1 views

shared by Lauren H on 08 Dec 09 - Cached
    Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age?" />Drinking age,
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