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61.1% of Moroccan Students in Favor of Sex Education in High Schools - 0 views

  • The survey focused on “youth identity,” and the relation to sexuality
  • lthough 61.1% of the polled students expressed their support for sex education in high schools, 70% of Moroccan students agree that sexual intercourse before marriage is “immoral.
  • ccording to Hakim Hdidou, consultant and director of The Survey Project, the survey polls have lasted 10 months, and have targeted 5,236 students in private and public high schools, in urban and rural areas of all the regions of Morocco.
    This article looked at the students view  on sex education in Morocco. 61% of students feel that there should be sex education in schools. 70% of students believed sex before marriage is immoral. This is an article which looks at how education and culture can clash.

Cost-Sharing: A Threat to Higher Education in Morocco - 0 views

  • Cost-sharing is a “shift of the burden of higher education costs from being totally borne by the government or the taxpayer, to being shared with parents and students”
  • After the introduction of the open access policy, which guarantees education for all as one of the tenets of social justice, the pressure of student numbers that result from population growth led the government to introduce more stringent selection procedures
  • After the introduction of the open access policy, which guarantees education for all as one of the tenets of social justice, the pressure of student numbers that result from population growth led the government to introduce more stringent selection procedures
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Cost-sharing is a “shift of the burden of higher education costs from being totally borne by the government or the taxpayer, to being shared with parents and students”
  • This raises the  question, to what extent can this cost-sharing policy preserve equity in enrollment and improve the quality of higher education in Morocco? The obvious answer is that this policy is causing more harm to Moroccan higher education.
    Morocco is starting to shift the burden of paying for higher education from the government onto the families attending through "cost sharing". This is essentially harmful to the quality of education in Morocco as the costs of education going up. Now students who earn grants and scholarships are going to be more regulated to prove their worth is here.

How long can Saudi Arabia afford Yemen war? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East - 14 views

  • long history of political animosity; this is a history that continues until our present day.
    • joepouttu
      "However, as Saleh continued to kill, these countries had no choice but to issue a forceful declaration to show that they were not in favor of Saleh's relentless, murderous campaign to ignore a civil war in Yemen." pg 128
  • Yemen's treasury was burdened by the costs of unification such as paying for southern civil servants to move to the new capital, Sanaa, and paying interest on its massive debt. On top of its other economic challenges, Yemen was to absorb the shock of 800,000 returnees and their pressure on the already weak job market. With their return, the estimated $350 million a month in remittances
    • joepouttu
      "My father had decided to leave Eritrea and return to Yemen, his homeland, after long years of exile..." pg 110
  • Civil war broke out in the summer of 1994 in what could be interpreted as a symptom of economic failure.
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  • By 1995 the Yemeni government implemented a program of macroeconomic adjustment and structural reforms with support from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and reduced spending on defense and civil service and cut subsidies. The Yemeni economy started showing signs of recovery and stability.
  • Masood Ahmed, director of the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department, wrote in 2012 that “fiscal sustainability will be an issue” for Gulf Cooperation Council countries. In its 2012 regional economic outlook, the IMF recommended to “curtail current expenditures while protecting the poor” as a response to the risk of declining oil prices.
  • Policies to cut spending were unlikely to be introduced in a monarchy like Saudi Arabia, especially after the Arab Spring, where tax-paying citizens along with non-tax-paying Bahrainis and next-door Yemenis went out on the streets to claim their rights in shaping the policies that govern their daily lives. The risk of people demanding more political rights was growing and cutting spending was not the optimal strategy for the kingdom.
    • joepouttu
      "The students of Sanaa were unique, marching straight out onto the street from their classrooms and chanting, 'The people demand the fall of the President and the regime.'" pg 126
  • As the kingdom continued its generous fiscal policy by providing more benefits to its citizens in response to the people’s dissatisfaction with the economic and political situation, it ran a deficit of 3.4% of GDP in 2014 due to a fall in oil revenues.
  • The kingdom's economic reforms of raising gas and diesel prices, cutting fuel subsidies in half and supporting the introduction of a GCC-wide value-added tax might ease the pressure of sustaining a war for nine months and perhaps longer. These structural reforms were long overdue and their introduction at this time is revealing.
    • amarsha5
      CIG pg. 120 -> "We live in a world with many layers of linkages between countries. Nations will exchange goods and services through trade and will engage in cross-border investments from bank loans to setting up businesses. Each of these linkages can serve as a transmission mechanism in a time of crisis."
  • the political inclusion of the taxpaying citizen. It's a price the kingdom is now willing to pay, as we have seen Saudi women not only
  • and suffered an uprising fueled by anger at economic failure. The Saudi economy is trying to absorb
  • As they introduce revenue-collecting mechanisms, they should also reform mechanisms of capital transfer to the public to minimize the gap between the rich and the poor, as it is known that the poor are the most affected by tighter revenue-collecting policies. Otherwise, the Saudi war on Yemen will mark the beginning of an economic downturn that will surely spill over onto its political system in the long run.
    • joepouttu
      "So the young revolutionaries fight on, until all their demands are met and they are free to build their State: a state founded on social justice and equality between all citizens where Saleh's reign is just a page in the history books." pg 129
    • amarsha5
      CIG pg. 116 -> "Globalization, in the shape of freer trade and multinational investments, has been generally a force for good and economic prosperity. But it has also advanced, rather than harmed, social agendas"
    • ccfuentez
      But it became apparent that Saleh was not going to leave me to my own devices. He declared war in mid-1994, occupying the South and defeating the Socialist Party. Everything was finished, or so I believed. Its property stolen by the regime, the paper shut down, and once more I found myself broken, defeated and without hope. Worse, I was a known employee of the Socialist Party through my work at the paper. In the region where I lived agents for the regime had been hunting down and detaining anyone who had belonged to the Socialist Party or getting them fired from their jobs. Although I had not been a party member myself, just worked at a party newspaper, the regime made no distinction. My mother intervened, however, and hid me. She wouldn't let me out of the house. My mother always protects me.   (2013-12-31). Diaries of an Unfinished Revolution: Voices from Tunis to Damascus (p. 115). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 
    • atownen
      Civil War: in 1994 Jamal currently in high school, describes the times as a world, when the color of his skin would define him. The Civil War, "interpreted as a symptom of economic failure", was evident in the reading when Jamal described the lack of jobs as a college graduate, members of the socialist party were completely shut out when Saleh took the presidency, depriving hard workers the ability to integrate into the economy. 
    • ccfuentez
      CIG Ch. 4 -> in relation to international rulemaking on fiscal policy -> is international intervention needed to contain and reverse financial crises in countries, esp. when it comes to the human rights and economic equality of citizens
    • mcooka
      Relating to page 120 Sanaa could not find work after college. While his degree wasn't very fluid, he was unable to find work for about 5 years. He got into journalism which blacklisted him against the government. Now he is unemployed again. 
    • mcooka
      This paragraph, while not highlighted, is important to the idea of globalization and why the war is not stopping. There is a flow of revenue from these oil prices that Yemen is reliant on, but they are also competing with countries that produce higher amounts of oil. This would have happened during the time Sanaa was in College writing scathing articles
    • mcooka
       On page 113 around this time the author was working as a journalist for the newspaper. 
    • mcooka
      Related to page 129 Sanaa is still living in hiding and in poverty. The animosity keeps him in fear. 
    • csherro2
      Market liberalization outlook
    • csherro2
      When Saleh came to power he and the leader of the southern part of Yemen, Salem al-Beid, agreed to coesxist as leaders of Yemen.  WIthin weeks of this in play, Saleh began to try to make the south his and this created the civil war.  
    • csherro2
      Jamal notes that the standard of living in Yemen was decreasing gradually the longer Saleh stayed in power.  
    • csherro2
      People, including Jamal, were writing about the Saleh regime and how they were upset with them.  
    • csherro2
      When Saleh's son was coming into power, Jamal saw that Yemen was moving towards a monarchy, realizing that his and the country's future was in the hands of an unqualified person.  

What Led Those American Ships Into Iranian Waters? - 0 views

    The first official report regarding the capture of two American ships was release at the beginning of this year (2016). This is an important concept in relations between two countries and helps see the power that exists with a country's international water line,

Yemen war clouds raise dangers for top oil shipping route | Reuters - 0 views

    The war in Yemen threatens the Bab el-Mandeb passage, a shipping route that through which 4 million barrels of oil are shipped daily to out to the United States, Europe and Asia. Shipping is a crucial component for the economy in the Middle East and conflicts like this show the natural side of war.

Libya's Tripoli authority rejects UN-backed government - 2 views

    Throwing more chaos into an already chaos filled nation, Tripoli's unrecognized government refused to officially step aside and recognize the UN-back unity government.

Jordan to reconsider sending envoy to 'stabilising' Libya - 0 views

    Citing a fear of instability and violence that is still ongoing in Libya, Jordan will reconsider sending an envoy back to Libya. While Jordan still has diplomatic facilities in Tripoli, they are cautious about sending personnel back given violence and a kidnapping that happened during the past 5 years.

In Libya, you can buy an anti-aircraft gun on Facebook - 0 views

    In Libya, Facebook isn't just for likes, pokes, shares or posts; you can also buy weapons, and not just guns or knives, but heavily artillery and anti-aircraft guns. Private Facebook groups run by militias are selling left over arms and ammo from the Gaddafi regime.

Another chance - 1 views

    Since the overthrow of Qaddafi nearly five years ago, good news from Libya has been in short supply. But on March 30th some came at last. Fayez al-Serraj, the prime minister of a new Government of National Accord (GNA) nominated by a UN-backed negotiation process, entered Tripoli with six ministerial colleagues.

Social media screening for terrorism needs multiple lenses - 0 views

    Since the recent tragic terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, reforming the visa screening process has become a high priority in Washington, DC, where both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the State Department have indicated they are considering tighter scrutiny of applicants' social media activities.

Hezbollah still spreads terror messages on US social media, despite legislation - 0 views

    Hezbollah and its Al-Manar media outlet continue activity on US social media websites and even use a Miami-based Internet Service Provider despite legislation meant to stop it, Steven Stalinsky, the executive director of MEMRI

The Latest: Russian Museum Seeks to Help Syria's Palmyra - ABC News - 0 views

    Now that Palmyra has finally been "rescued", there are already talks of restoration. This is good news because of the damage done to the city by ISIS. I'm curious to see if this will bring Russia profit.

Syria conflict: IS 'abducts hundreds of factory workers' - BBC News - 0 views

    So this has been all over the news today. ISIS kidnapped 200-300 factory cement workers from near Damascus. Does this mean they're trying to build something?

ISIS vehicles hunted & destroyed by Russian Mi-28 helicopters in Syrian desert (MILITAR... - 0 views

    Newly-released videos depict the hunt of Russian Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter helicopters after vehicles of Islamic State forces in Syria. Some of the videos were posted by Dmitry Rogozin, deputy prime minister in charge of the military industry.
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