iPhoneography - 1 views
LiveCode for Education - 0 views
Create Apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android Phones, Android Tablets and Desktops. LiveCode supports all the popular devices your students use. What better way to make your course relevant than to teach students how to create a mobile App that will run on the device they have in their pocket? We've heard time and time again how excited students are to create their own mobile Apps. You can create any type of App you like - for example, a game, simulation, utility, business or social App.
iPhoneography - 0 views
8 Things Teachers Do To Cause Boredom - Smart Classroom Management - 0 views
Twitter for Beginners - Resources - TES - 0 views
Reflections on CUE 2012 - 0 views
Diane Ravitch outlines ed tech's promise, perils | eSchool News - 0 views
Rushton's Resources - 0 views
Edspace - 0 views
www.appsinclass.com - 2 views
dgrice - Edmodo - 1 views
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