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Contents contributed and discussions participated by S Spaeth

S Spaeth

Google Gadget Ventures - 1 views

    Google Gadget Ventures is a new Google pilot program dedicated to helping developers create richer, more useful gadgets. Inspired by the success of iGoogle, which has been driven by the creation by 3rd-party developers of a broad range of gadgets, Gadget Ventures provides two types of funding: Grants of $5,000 to those who've built gadgets we'd like to see developed further. You're eligible to apply for a grant if you've developed a gadget that's in our gadgets directory and gets at least 250,000 weekly page views. To apply, you must submit a one-page proposal detailing how you'd use the grant to improve your gadget. Seed investments of $100,000 to developers who'd like to build a business around the gadgets platform. Only Google Gadget Venture grant recipients are eligible for this type of funding. Submitting a business plan detailing how you plan to build a viable business around the gadgets platform is a required part of the seed investment application process. It's our hope that Google Gadget Ventures will give developers the opportunity to create a new generation of gadgets to benefit users. ---------- Consider this form of authentic assessment and the metrics they apply.
S Spaeth

Institutional - Community learning spectrum.pdf - 3 views

  • Intellectual property is shared
    Communities identify authentic problems that are inter-disciplinary and reach beyond the definition of the course.
S Spaeth

h1n1 - Wolfram|Alpha - 0 views

shared by S Spaeth on 23 May 09 - Cached
    date | cases | deaths Friday, May 22, 2009 | 12107 | 87 Thursday, May 21, 2009 | 11075 | 83 Wednesday, May 20, 2009 | 10815 | 82 Tuesday, May 19, 2009 | 10513 | 80 Monday, May 18, 2009 | 9383 | 73 Plain text source as well as Live Mathematica output
S Spaeth

CEL | Daniel Goleman - Ecological Intelligence - 0 views

  • Psychologists conventionally view intelligence as residing within an individual. But the ecological abilities we need in order to survive today must be a collective intelligence, one that we learn and master as a species, and that resides in a distributed fashion among far-flung networks of people. The challenges we face are too varied, too subtle, and too complicated to be understood and overcome by a single person; their recognition and solution require intense efforts by a vastly diverse range of experts, businesspeople, activists — by all of us.
    The shared nature of ecological intelligence makes it synergistic with social intelligence, which gives us the capacity to coordinate and harmonize our efforts. The art of working together effectively, as mastered by a star performing team, combines abilities like empathy and perspective taking, candor and cooperation, to create person-to-person links that let information gain added value as it travels. Collaboration and the exchange of information are vital to amassing the essential ecological insights and necessary database that allow us to act for the greater good.
S Spaeth

MIT Press Journals - International Journal of Learning and Media - Full Text - 0 views

  • Howard GardnerHobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • As shown in table 1, we will be cognizant throughout of who the learners are, where they learn, how they learn, what are the principal curricula, and how competences are purveyed via the media of the time. The grid itself contains generalizations about the past and present, and speculation about the future, thus providing a broad portrait of changes over time. While we do not discuss each entry in the grid, we hope that it aids in thinking about learning in formal and informal settings.
  • Uniform schooling reflects both fairness and efficiency. It appears fair to treat all children in the same way; and it is also efficient, given classes of 20, 30, or even 60 charges in one room, sometimes arrayed by age, sometimes decidedly heterogeneous in composition.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • It would be an exaggeration to claim that formal education takes place without attention to what has been learned about the processes of successful learning, such as insights into student motivation, study habits, strategies, metacognition, and other approaches obtained from experience, or, more recently and systematically, from the psychological and cognitive sciences. But it would probably be accurate to say that such accumulated knowledge is used only spottily and sporadically in most parts of the world. Education—teaching and learning—changes very slowly.
  • Yet, nowhere are these ideas dominant. Indeed, until today, one might say that the European classroom models of the 19th century continue to hold sway: Teachers give out information, students are expected to master it with little help, and the awards of the culture during the years of school go to those who can crack the various literate and disciplinary codes.
  • One strategy might involve formal education playing a role in informal learning spaces (perhaps on the analogy of teaching hospitals), and learners' out-of-school passions finding a validating place in formal educational arenas.
  • NDM's vast resources, including the provision of many activities in which the user assumes a formative role, can complement constructivist approaches to education. As noted above, a motivated learner can investigate a wide variety of personal interests on his or her own.
  • At this point in time, deeply constructivist classrooms remain few and far between despite evidence that hands-on, problem-solving approaches in the classroom result in higher levels of student engagement, conceptual thinking, knowledge transfer, and retention (Scardamalia, Bereiter, and Lamon 1994; Bransford et al. 1999; Hmelo-Silver 2004; Meier 1995; Project Zero and Reggio Children 2001; Sizer 1984). But in an environment of “No Child Left Behind” and standardized tests linked to federal funding, the implementation of constructivist principles in the classroom can be considered a risky enterprise for public schools.
  • A web-based project at MIT, for instance, paired French language students with peers in France learning to speak English, and provided students an authentic opportunity to practice their language skills, learn online communication skills, and negotiate the implicit guidelines of a different culture (Cultura 2007).
    In this article we argue that, after millennia of considering education (learning and teaching) chiefly in one way, we may well have reached a set of tipping points: Going forward, learning may be far more individualized, far more in the hands (and the minds) of the learner, and far more interactive than ever before. This constitutes a paradox: As the digital era progresses, learning may be at once more individual (contoured to a person's own style, proclivities, and interests) yet more social (involving networking, group work, the wisdom of crowds, etc.). How these seemingly contradictory directions are addressed impacts the future complexion of learning.
S Spaeth

Presentation Zen: Making presentations in the TED style - 0 views

    There is not one best way to speak at a TED conference, there are many different ways. But what the good presentations have in common is that they were created carefully and thoughtfully with the audience in mind and were delivered with passion, clarity, brevity, and always with "the story" of it (whatever it is) in mind. So let the list of 10 above be your general guide. In addition, take a look at some of the TED presentations below. They all follow a different style but were effective and memorable in their own way.
S Spaeth

Foreign Policy: The Next Big Thing: Personalized Education - 0 views

  • According to the analysis of business expert Clayton Christensen, personalized education is likely to begin outside formal school through a combination of entrepreneurial vendors on the one hand and ambitious students and parents on the other. Once far more efficient and effective education has been modeled in homes and clubs, those schools, communities, and/or societies that have the ambition, the means, and the willingness to take risks will follow suit.
  • Many more individuals will be well-educated because they will have learned in ways that suit them best. Even more importantly, these individuals will want to keep learning as they grow older because they have tasted success and are motivated to continue.
    most of history, only the wealthy have been able to afford an education geared to the individual learner. For the rest of us, education has remained a mass affair, with standard curricula, pedagogy, and assessments. The financial crisis will likely change this state of affairs. With the global quest for long-term competitiveness assuming new urgency, education is on everyone's front burner. Societies are looking for ways to make quantum leaps in the speed and efficiency of learning. So long as we insist on teaching all students the same subjects in the same way, progress will be incremental. But now for the first time it is possible to individualize education-to teach each person what he or she needs and wants to know in ways that are most comfortable and most efficient, producing a qualitative spurt in educational effectiveness. In fact, we already have the technology to do so. Well-programmed computers-whether in the form of personal computers or hand-held devices-are becoming the vehicles of choice. They will offer many ways to master materials. Students (or their teachers, parents, or coaches) will choose the optimal ways of presenting the materials. Appropriate tools for assessment will be implemented.
S Spaeth

QuickTopic for Teachers - 0 views

  • "This free, web-based message board allows you to set up a web-based discussion board for your class where your students can post messages to one another, to students in another class, or to a parent "expert." These message areas are closed to outside users because they are set up by invitation."
    QuickTopic free message boards and the Quick Doc Review collaborative online document review service are excellent tools for all kinds of teachers. Below are a few examples of citations by teaching resource sites that we've found. * "...this amazingly easy site will also send you emails of newly posted messages. ... Also check out the Document Review tool for posting text and eliciting feedback generously provided by QuickTopic" NC State University - Teaching Literature for Young Adults - Resources for teachers.
S Spaeth

Google for Government? Broad Representations of Large N DataSets | Computational Legal ... - 0 views

  • We are just two graduate students working on a shoestring budget.
    We agree with both President Obama and Senator Coburn that universal accessibility of such information is worthwhile goal. However, we believe this is only a first step. In a deep sense, our prior post is designed to serve as a demonstration project. We are just two graduate students working on a shoestring budget. With the resources of the federal government, however, it would certainly be possible to create a series of simple interfaces designed to broadly represent of large amounts of information. While these interfaces should rely upon the best available analytical methods, such methods could probably be built-in behind the scenes. At a minimum, government agencies should follow the suggestion of David G. Robinson and his co-authors who argue the federal government "should require that federal websites themselves use the same open systems for accessing the underlying data as they make available to the public at large."
S Spaeth

Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System | eMOLT - Overview - 0 views

  • This information will help both lobstermen and scientists understand variations in water temperature and salinity. Both fishermen and scientists have noticed changes in the location of lobsters based on changes in bottom temperature. eMOLT data will help quantify these observations.
    Lobstermen collect data Lobstermen collect eMOLT data by attaching temperature and salinity probes to their lobster traps. The probes measure water temperature and salinity while the traps sit on the bottom. When the traps are brought in, the temperature and salinity data from the probes are downloaded to a computer. eMOLT data is available over the internet This website is a collaborative effort between GoMOOS and eMOLT to bring you environmental data collected by both of these programs. The Internet mapping tool found on this site allows you to see the location of GoMOOS and NOAA buoys and the approximate location of the eMOLT sites. We do not show the exact location of the eMOLT sites in order to keep these lobster trapping sites confidential. Using the map, you can select the data you are interested in and then create a graph to view the data.
S Spaeth

Main Page - OpenWetWare - 0 views

  • sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering.
    OpenWetWare is an effort to promote the sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering. Learn more about us. If you would like edit access, would be interested in helping out, or want your lab website hosted on OpenWetWare, please join us.
S Spaeth

Dossiers technopédagogiques - 0 views

    This article endeavours to denote and promote pedagogical experimentations concerning a Free/Open technology called a "Wiki". An intensely simple, accessible and collaborative hypertext tool Wiki software challenges and complexifies traditional notions of - as well as access to - authorship, editing, and publishing. Usurping official authorizing practices in the public domain poses fundamental - if not radical - questions for both academic theory and pedagogical practice. The particular pedagogical challenge is one of control: wikis work most effectively when students can assert meaningful autonomy over the process. This involves not just adjusting the technical configuration and delivery; it involves challenging the social norms and practices of the course as well (Lamb, 2004). Enacting such horizontal knowledge assemblages in higher education practices could evoke a return towards and an instance upon the making of impossible public goods" (Ciffolilli, 2003).
S Spaeth

Matthews et al: Selecting influential members of social networks - 0 views

    Opinion leaders are influential members of their social networks, strategically selected for their ability to sway community norms. The aims of the study were to assess: 1) whether it is feasible to identify student opinion leaders (SOLs) and their social networks among Grade 11 students at two high schools in Cape Town, South Africa; and 2) whether these opinion leaders would be willing to be involved in an HIV/AIDS prevention program in their school. The students (N = 412) completed a semi-structured, anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. ... Of these, all but two at each school were willing and available to participate in a HIV/AIDS prevention program. ---------- Focuses on HIV/AIDS prevention but can we use principles in other contexts and Facebook recommendation tools to support the process?
S Spaeth

Seamless Services?: Lowering barriers to adding images to posts - 0 views

    The Zemanta blogging service helps me reconsider the value of a Flickr account. I established a Flickr account, SCSpaeth, several years ago and added pictures periodically. But I have never made much use of the pictures. While pictures can add to the interest in a blog post, finding images, adding them to the blog and documenting them properly took a lot of effort. So, I only added them when they added enough to compensate for the extra work. The Zemanta service changes the barriers to using more images.
S Spaeth

SPage- The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups - 0 views

    In this landmark book, Scott Page redefines the way we understand ourselves in relation to one another.The Differenceis about how we think in groups--and how our collective wisdom exceeds the sum of its parts. Why can teams of people find better solutions than brilliant individuals working alone? And why are the best group decisions and predictions those that draw upon the very qualities that make each of us unique? The answers lie in diversity--not what we look like outside, but what we look like within, our distinct tools and abilities. The Differencereveals that progress and innovation may depend less on lone thinkers with enormous IQs than on diverse people working together and capitalizing on their individuality.
S Spaeth

YouTube - Networked Student - 0 views

    The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope that teachers will use it to help their colleagues, parents, and students understand networked learning in the 21st century. Anyone is free to use this video for educational purposes. You may download, translate, or use as part of another presentation. Please share.
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