A Twitter friend, Holly Clark aka @hollyedtechdiva,(http://hollyclark.net/), shared a post she found about how Google Apps can make a difference for teachers & students. And they are making a difference, and there's so much more we can do. Just think, students and teachers in our district have created over 30,000 docs, 1,712 spreadsheets, 1,027 presentations, & 2,894 folders. There are also over 9,000 files uploaded and stored in Google Drive. And there are 10 things Google Apps teachers rarely, if ever hear. Check them out :)
Kyle Pace, Google Certified Teacher and Instructional Tech. Specialist shares his insights into creating workflows in Google Drive with students. The most common methods used are #2 and #3 (Doctopus is another popular script that I like).
However, another teacher shared another on you can view here ( http://goo.gl/Kuy3b9 ) that utilizes the idea of a digital portfolio. Using one of these methods is KEY to helping you and your students more effectively leverage Google Drive...and keep your Inbox a bit leaner from all of those file sharing notifications.
Syncdocs lets you "Go Google" by migrating all your files to Google's cloud.
Simply select a folder on your PC, like "My Documents", and Syncdocs copies it online and across all your computers, automatically. This folder is then kept in sync.
Syncdocs integrates right into your desktop opening your files in Google Docs.
Thanks, Mike. I've been collecting links for awhile on Google Apps in Diigo and glad to have this one. I'm already thinking of a website for the district. I created one for the Google Apps training and will be thinking how to revise and expand it.