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in title, tags, annotations or urlPolaroid Confirms Plans to Release 3D Tablet | Mobile Phone Blog - 0 views
The iPad Project - Creighton University - 0 views
Apple iPad Mini Rumoured for Q3 Release | Mobile Phone Blog - 0 views
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom - 0 views
Week 5: Adding images and attribution : Challenge Yourself to Blog - 0 views
Fraser Speirs - Blog - On My iPad - 2 views
Kids and Ebooks: The Future of Digital Learning | Knowledge Management System (KMS) Blog - 0 views
Fraser Speirs - Blog - iPad Trials at Oklahoma State - 0 views
This puts me in mind of a theme I've been developing in various conversations and presentations over the last few months: that technology, pedagogy and curriculum each have influence on the other. If you're not able to modify your teaching methods or curriculum to take account of new technology, that's a barrier to getting the maximum utilisation out of these devices.
Speaking of Fraser, he has a few comments: This puts me in mind of a theme I've been developing in various conversations and presentations over the last few months: that technology, pedagogy and curriculum each have influence on the other. If you're not able to modify your teaching methods or curriculum to take account of new technology, that's a barrier to getting the maximum utilisation out of these devices.