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How to disable Aero Glass Transparency in Windows 8? - 0 views

    Windows 8 has disillusioned many by the way it catered the much-acclaimed feature i.e. Aero Glass Transparency, which was a part of Windows Vista and Windows 7. Microsoft has removed Aero Glass Transparency but it didn't remove it from the Taskbar, which is still transparent. However, users are of the perception that either it should have been incorporated or removed fully.
Frederik Van Zande

The easiest way to PNG support in IE6 [] - 0 views

    This must be the easiest way to get full support for PNG-transparency in Internet Explorer 6. The technique even works for PNG-transparency in CSS backgrounds. Credit goes to Angus Turnbull for creating this workaround. My hat is thoroughly tipped.
Frederik Van Zande

Agile Ajax: Hacking transparent PNG support into IE6 with IE PNG Fix, CSS and jQuery (p... - 0 views

    esterday's post showed how to hack the :first-child pseudo-class into IE6 with jQuery and CSS. Continuing with that theme, today and tomorrow we'll show how to enable transparent PNG support in IE6

CSS Transparency for IE and Mozilla, Firebird and Firefox (-moz-opacity and filter: alpha) - 7 views

  • CSS Transparency for Internet Explorer (IE), Mozilla and Safari
yc c

Pure CSS Twitter Fail Whale - Subcide - 5 views

    Developers continue to do crazy things to show us what can be done with CSS3. The latest is a fully animated Twitter fail whale by Steve Dennis: The idea for this came to me this morning after being greeted first thing this morning by another Twitter outage. I'd been looking for something to stretch my CSS muscles on, and the Fail Whale seemed perfect. Also I think the animation only adds to his (or her?) charm. How was this made? The short answer is very painfully, by hand, using trial and error. Curves are done using various uneven border-radius properties, stranger angles (such as the strings) are masked using containers with overflow: hidden; set on them. I hope someone else gets a bit of enjoyment out of my wasted Sunday. It was a fun experiment that I don't plan on repeating any time soon. Take a look at the source to see the mass of code such as: PLAIN TEXTCSS:@-webkit-keyframes flutter1 {  0%   { -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) }  50%  { -webkit-transform:rotate(-25deg) }  100% { -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) }}.right .wing {  background: transparent !important;  z-index: 22 !important;  width: 15px;  height: 18px;  bottom: 4px;  left: 8px;  -webkit-animation: 'flutter1' 0.1s linear;  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;} 
yc c

Blog | Graphicpeel - iOS Icons Made in Pure CSS - 5 views

    The following demo was made using a variety of CSS techniques. Rounded corners, shadows, gradients, rgba, pseudo-elements, and transforms are just some of them. A lot of these were generated by helpful tools, such as westciv's tools and Border Radius. By combining these techniques, you can create rich graphics with just a few lines of code. Here are a few examples. In the contacts icon, I used 5 different shapes for the silhouette icon. The head is a rectangle with rounded corners, followed by another rectangle for the neck and a distorted semi-circle for the body. In order to get the curve of the shoulders to the neck, I placed two circles on top of the shapes. The weather icon has several rays of light shooting from behind the sun. Each one of these rays is actually a long rectangle with a gradient that fades to transparent on either end. I used -webkit-transform:rotate to rotate each rectangle to a different angle. The same effect was used for the iTunes icon. To get the cloud icon on the iDisk icon, I used two circles layered on top of each other, above a rounded rectangle. The larger circle has a gradient that cuts off just before the rectangle.
Zulkarnain K.

Creating Triangles in CSS - 13 views

    when a browser draws the borders, it draws them at angles. This technique takes advantage of that. One side of the border is colored for the color of the arrow, and the rest are transparent. Then you set the width of the border to something large
Vernon Fowler

Replacing the -9999px hack (new image replacement) - Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily... - 0 views

  • My friend Scott Kellum, design director at Treesaver, has now sent me this refactored code for hiding text, which I hereby christen the Kellum Method: .hide-text { text-indent: 100%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } Really long strings of text will never flow into the container because they always flow away from the container. Performance is dramatically improved because a 9999px box is not drawn. Noticeably so in animations on the iPad 1.
  • Scott Kellum said on 1 March 2012 at 3:41 pm: I went ahead and created a side by side site to test the performance: @Ethan, This is the best 43min I have ever spent learning about optimizing the performance of my CSS:
  • Would be interesting to understand both the SEO and accessibility impacts of this approach.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Scott Kellum said on 2 March 2012 at 4:06 pm: After much deliberation over here: Jonathan Neal suggested a method using font: 0/0 serif; and things seem to be settling on this — .ir { font: 0/0 serif; text-shadow: none; color: transparent; }
  • While I think this is certainly and interesting approach, I have some concerns with the accessibility. In some, if not all, cases when overflow: hidden; hides the content of the element this is applied to from screen readers. In most cases where I use image replacement, I still need the text to be accessible (e.g. call to action buttons set in Gotham). See Aaron Gustafson’s A List Apart article, Has anyone tested this with a wide battery of screen readers or other accessibility devices?
  • Another note on accessibility: Besides the screen reader problems – people who don’t get images will not see the text too.
  • As a few people said already, this does not solve the accessibility problem that comes with text-indent. Worse, it may send the wrong message: “this is new and cool, use this from now!”. As a leader in the industry, I think you should warn people that even if this is “better” in term of performance, it is still a bad solution. Imo, Image Replacement techniques should be evaluated against the problems they solve/address. Fwiw, I wrote something about these challenges a few years back: </shameless plug>
yc c

Nimble Buttons - version 1 (-) - 0 views

    A Nimble button uses just one PNG image (for transparancy). After that you set a background-color and your colored button is finished!
Frederik Van Zande

How to get Cross Browser Compatibility Every Time | Anthony Short | Web Design & Develo... - 0 views

  • Here is a quick summary for those of you who don't want to read the whole article: Always use strict doctype and standards-compliant HTML/CSS Always use a reset at the start of your css Use opacity:0.99 on text elements to clean up rendering in Safari Never resize images in the CSS or HTML Check font rendering in every browser. Don't use Lucida Size text as a % in the body, and as em's throughout All layout divs that are floated should include display:inline and overflow:hidden Containers should have overflow:auto and trigger hasLayout via a width or height Don't use any fancy CSS3 selectors Don't use transparent PNG's unless you have loaded the alpha
    Cross-browser compatibility is one of the most time consuming tasks for any web designer. We've seen many different articles over the net describing common problems and fixes. I've collated all the information I could find to create some coding conventions for ensuring that your site will work first time in every browser. There are some things you should consider for Safari and Firefox also, and IE isn't always the culprit for your CSS woes.

Digital Web Magazine - Creative Use of PNG Transparency in Web Design - 0 views

  • PNG, GIF, and JPEG The PNG image has been widely overlooked by the web design community—and mostly for good reason. Until recently, it hasn’t been possible to take full advantage of the format and have it work reliably in all browsers. But, with proper PNG support in Internet Explorer 7, and some handy JavaScript and CSS tricks to account for older browsers, we can use PNG images to greatly enhance our design vocabulary.
    • luodan9999
      good tools
    • liz_taoma
    • cindyye
      It's a very nice tools
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