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flash player support - 0 views

    visit, If you are looking for adobe flash player troubleshooting information and flash player installation issues solutions. We provide our technical expert advice and help to solve flash player installation problems.
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First 3D printed car - 0 views

    "It might just be the precursor to the next industrial revolution and slowly but surely, 3D printing is expanding its presence into the realm of manufacturing. Now it seems that one of the first major industries to benefit from 3D printing is the same one that spawned the assembly line revolution - the automotive industry. Israeli company Stratasys, already a major player in the field and its subsidiary, RedEye On Demand, will be part of a project aimed at putting the first 3D printed car on the roads within two years, in partnership with KOR EcoLogic. "A future where 3D printers build cars may not be far off after all. There is a vision for a more fuel-efficient car that would change the world . URBEE 2, the name of the car, shows the manufacturing world that anything really is possible. There are few design challenges [3D printing] capabilities can't solve.""
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How to remove 'Yontoo' adware Trojan from OS X system? - 0 views

    Yontoo Trojan, detected by noted security company Dr. Web is blamed for tracking the browsing behaviors across a range of popular browsers like Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. It may pretend as a media player, download manager, or other plug-in, thereby directing you to some maliciously crafted Web sites disguised as sources for file sharing and movie trailers.
my mashable

Flash On Most Smartphones: Not Yet. Flash on the iPhone: Maybe Never - 0 views

    Reading between the lines and past the Adobe Flash Lite Distributable Player, Adobe's announcement prior to this year's Mobile World Congress isn't all that exciting.In short, the full version of Flash is coming to most smartphones - Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile devices, as well as Palm Pre - in early 2010. Which pretty much means they'll really be announcing it at the next year's MWC.
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Add an external drive to your WMP or iTunes music collection - 0 views

    For Windows 7 and 8 users, this tutorial is suitable to add an external drive for large music collections.
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How to export song lists from iTunes? - 0 views

    Sometimes you just want to send a playlist to a friend through mail. But, you don't know how to do it? Then you are at the right place. You can break your library data out of iTunes as a tab-separated list, PDF file, or Web database. With this tutorial, you can find the way of doing this.
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