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New Yahoo! Messenger for the iPhone - 0 views

    Yahoo! recently announces the all new Yahoo! Messenger for the iPhone application. Finally Yahoo! Messenger is now available for iPhone.Now you can take the best of Yahoo! Messenger with you and stay in touch with friends through your iPhone or iPod Touch, no matter where you are.
my mashable

Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop An Alternative for Outlook - 0 views

    Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop - It's an offline capable client so you can take your data with you whenever you don't have internet access powerd with Ajax technology. Working offline is major feature integrated with Zimbra soon after Google adding offline access through open source gear projects. You can access Zimbra Mail. Yahoo! Mail. Gmail. AOL in one common place. Even Outlook and other business e-mail account can be accessed using POP or IMAP.

reset yahoo homepage - 0 views

    visit, If You lost your yahoo homepage or remove from your computer. We will help you to set your original yahoo homepage permanently on your computer or laptop.
Frederik Van Zande

Design Stencils - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library - 0 views

    Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit version 1.0 is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG), and covers the following topics: * Ad Units * Calendars * Carousels * Charts and Tables * UI Controls * Form Elements * Grids * Menus and Buttons * Mobile - General * Mobile - iPhone * Navigation and Pagination * OS Elements * Placeholder Text * Screen Resolutions * Tabs * Windows and Containers

Adobe tackles browser incompatibilities - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • Honing in on browser incompatibility issues in Web development, Adobe Systems on Thursday is announcing CSS Advisor, a Web site that documents these problems and offers solutions.

Yahoo! Search - Mecanismo de busca de web sites, imagens, vídeos e notícias - 0 views

    A tool for visual layout development of YAML based CSS layouts

Image and Video Optimization for SEO Success - 0 views

    A successful online business is defined by its measure of web presence, typically how high it is ranked in the major search engines like Google and Yahoo. Today, every small and big online business owner knows that SEO is critical to their website's success. Search engine optimization is the key to attaining web business excellence; it's all about getting to the top of search engine ranks and sustaining the cash flow.

Join My Blog , My Bro - 0 views


css webdesign design online tools web computer css3 javascript html

started by garudamuda on 01 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
yc c

YUI 2: Grids CSS - 0 views

    YUI Grids CSS offers four preset page widths, six preset templates, and the ability to stack and nest subdivided regions of two, three, or four columns. The 4kb file provides over 1000 page layout combinations.
yc c

Yahoo! UI Library: Graded Browser Support - 0 views

  • Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the W3C, has said it best: “Anyone who slaps a ‘this page is best viewed with Browser X’ label on a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web, when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another computer, another word processor, or another network.”
  • Methodologies including layered development via progressive enhancement, Unobtrusive Javascript, and Hijax ensure that higher layers don’t disrupt lower layers. However, representative testing of the core experience is critical. If you choose to adopt a Graded Browser support regime for your own web applications, be sure your site’s core content and functionality is accessible without images, CSS, and JS. Ensure that the keyboard is adequate for task completion and that when your site is accessed by a C-grade browser all advanced functionality prompts are hidden.
my mashable

Finally Hotmail Enables Web Based IM ! - 0 views

    I should say it's finally good news for all Hotmail user, Yes really atlast Microsoft enables Web based IM for Hotmail users. The question arises on everyones mind is why Microsoft delays enabling web based IM ? This feature has been enabled years after Google and Yahoo.

remove trovi firefox - 0 views

    We will not only get your computer completely rid of Trovi, but will also help restore your favorites search bar (Yahoo, Google etc) and make your browser / computer like earlier.
Ace Dee

Switch to Natural SEO Marketing - 1 views

Prior to working with the top SEO Agency, ITChair, we were relying on Pay per Click (PPC) to attract customers to our website. As months pass, we made some decent sales but more people prefer organ...

SEO Los Angeles

started by Ace Dee on 14 Mar 11 no follow-up yet
Syntacticsinc SEO

Smart and Innovative SEO Philippines Services - 1 views

I wanted my online clothing business to rank in Google. So I searched for a trusted SEO Philippines company to do the job for me since I am not really familiar about Search Engine Optimization. Whi...

search engine optimization

started by Syntacticsinc SEO on 10 May 11 no follow-up yet
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