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Frederik Van Zande

Introduction to CSS3 - Part 4: User Interface | Design Shack - 0 views

    This tutorial will be taking a look at some of the new ways you can manipulate user interface features in CSS3. But what do we mean by "user interface"? CSS3 brings some great new properties relating to resizing elements, cursors, outlining, box layout and more. We're focusing on three of the most significant user interface enhancements in this tutorial. The examples shown below can be seen at our CSS3 examples page. Many, however, can only be appreciated in the latest builds of various browsers:
Al-Mehatb Shaikh

Pros And Cons Of Website Maker Software - 0 views

    Online marketing and virtual interface is successful through a good website. A good website works as an interface between the company and the target audience. To capture attention of potential clients, the online interface needs to have clear message, appeal, easy navigation and quick loading. It must interest the readers.
Russell Wilson

Dexo: Design for Web Sites and Applications - 0 views

    Russell Wilson's blog on usability, user-centered design, interface design
Rajan Datta

10 Useful Techniques To Improve Your User Interface Designs | How-To | Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    Nice article

ThickBox 1.0: Using jQuiery library - 0 views

    Cody Lindley is a front-end/JavaScript developer and recovering Flash developer. He has an extensive background working professionally (20+ years) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and client-side performance techniques as it pertains to web development. If he is not wielding client-side code he is likely toying with interface/interaction design or front-end application architecture. When not sitting in front of a computer, it's a sure bet he is hanging out with his wife & three boys in Meridian, Idaho. In his spare time Cody is working towards being a 'One Dollar Apologist' and enjoys defending ...

CSS Dock Menu - 0 views

  • If you are a big Mac fan, you will love this CSS dock menu that I designed. It is using Jquery Javascript library and Fisheye component from Interface and some of my icons. It comes with two dock styles - top and bottom. This CSS dock menu is perfert to add on to my iTheme. Here I will show you how to implement it to your web page.
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