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Nancy Trautmann

Can 'water footprinting' help cut the 500 liters of H2O needed to produce a carton of OJ? - 1 views

    Can 'water footprinting' help cut the 500 liters of H2O needed to produce a carton of OJ? Carbon trading promotes good behavior by creating a standardized currency representing a verifiable environmental benefit. Payments for watershed services do the same for cutbacks in water pollution, albeit on a smaller scale. Now, the Nature Conservancy and the Coca-Cola Company are experimenting with a new method of "water footprinting" that could do the same for total water use - a key component in the development of a market-based scheme that would promote responsible water usage.
Courtney Wilson


    Improvements to Federal Water Use Data Would Increase Understanding of Trends in Power Plant Water Use
Courtney Wilson

Energy-Water Nexus - 0 views

    "Energy-Water Nexus: Many Uncertainties Remain about National and Regional Effects of Increased Biofuel Production on Water Resources"
Nancy Trautmann

NSF News - Precedent-Setting Evidence of the Benefits of Biodiversity - US National Sci... - 0 views

    A new study published in Nature reveals how biodiversity helps remove excess levels of nutrients that commonly degrade water quality in streams. As the # of species of algae in a stream increases, their greater their geographical distribution and water cleaning capacity.
Nancy Trautmann

1st World Problems Read by 3rd World People - Video - 0 views

    "First World Problems read by Third World People" is by the non-profit "Water is Life" to ironically focus on the REALLY-CRITICAL issue of clean water. They enlisted Haitian children and adults to read the everyday gripes and minor irritations that first world citizens post on Twitter."
Courtney Wilson

Oil Spill Mitigation - 0 views

    "As part of the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil leak, chemical dispersants are being utilized on the ocean surface and, for the first time, underwater. Dispersants work like dishwashing detergent - they break up oil into droplets, enabling it to mix more easily with the surrounding water. This presents a trade-off: Mitigating damage to the shoreline and surface means exposing the seafloor and water column to additional oil. This briefing brings together experts on the effects of dispersants to discuss how they work, the ongoing efforts in the Gulf, the toxicological and ecological trade-offs of their use, and the future of dispersant technologies."
Nancy Trautmann

Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being | World Resourc... - 1 views

    This report provides a new approach to examining the links between ecosystem services (the benefits derived from nature) and the poor. Through a series of maps and analyses, the authors focus on the environmental resources most Kenyans rely on such as soil, water, forest, rangeland, livestock, and wildlife. The atlas overlays georeferenced statistical information on population and household expenditures with spatial data on ecosystems and their services (water availability, wood supply, wildlife populations, and the like) to yield a picture of how land, people, and prosperity are related in Kenya.
Nancy Trautmann

The Growing Evidence of the Threat of Fracking to the Nation's Groundwater - Significan... - 0 views

    Includes a map showing that nearly half of all US shale gas and oil wells are being developed in regions with high to extremely high water stress.
Courtney Wilson

Science for a Hungry World Videos - 1 views

    Videos include: - What is the Global Food System? - Land Use Change and Agriculture - Food Security - Water and Agriculture - Climate Change, Agriculture, and NASA
Jim MaKinster

Robert Glennon - Water Crisis - 0 views

    Great video about Robert Glennon's new book "Unquenchable" and the increasing water crisis in the U.S.
Nancy Trautmann - 0 views

    "How is climate change affecting your region? What are the impacts on key sectors like health, water, and agriculture? Find out from USGCRP's Third National Climate Assessment."
Nancy Trautmann

The National Atlas Streamer Map - 0 views

    Streamer is a new way to visualize and understand water flow across America. With Streamer you can explore our Nation's major streams by tracing upstream to their source or downstream to where they empty. In addition to making maps, Streamer creates reports about your stream traces and the places they pass through.
Nancy Trautmann

Cornell University | Learn the Secrets of Clark's Nutcrackers - 0 views

    Taza set up this crowd-funding site to fund satellite transmitters for better tracking of Clark's Nutcrackers than she's been able to do with the hand-held units. "Clark's nutcrackers are pivotal players in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, dispersing whitebark pine seeds and enabling the trees to reproduce and regain their population amid a decline. The whitebark pine trees are critical to the ecosystem because of their role in feeding wildlife and stabilizing the water supply. In light of the severe decline of whitebark pine trees, tracking the movement of the nutcrackers will yield crucial findings which will help managers ensure persistence of the Clark's nutcrackers, whitebark pine and the nutcrackers' important seed dispersal function. Please help support this first-ever satellite tracking of Clark's nutcrackers by giving to this project, which will cover the satellite transmitter costs for one full year. Read on for more information!"
Nancy Trautmann

In Kenya's Mountain Forests, A New Path to Conservation by Fred Pearce: Yale Environmen... - 0 views

    Kenya's high-elevation forests are the source for most of the water on which the drought-plagued nation depends. Now, after decades of government-abetted abuse of these regions, a new conservation strategy of working with local communities is showing signs of success.
Courtney Wilson

EPA Response to BP Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: US EPA - 0 views

    Lots of data - air, water, sediment, and waste management.
Courtney Wilson

A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables: Scientific American - 0 views

    "Wind, water and solar technologies can provide 100 percent of the world's energy, eliminating all fossil fuels. Here's how"
Courtney Wilson

Evolving path of the Mississippi River - 0 views

    "We often think of rivers as following a given path for the course of its life, but really, the path changes over time as the flow cuts into the earth. The water flows through old and new and back again. In 1944, cartographer Harold Fisk mapped the current Mississippi River. It's the white trail. Then Fisk used old geological maps to display old paths. They're the old colored paths. And what you get is this long run of windy, snake-like things."
Nancy Trautmann

Explore Tropical Montane Cloud Forests || Canopy in the Clouds - 0 views

    Examine a tropical montane cloud forest via this immersive video experience. Click on numbered links to access video clips and facts describing each different forest environment. The site includes background information for teachers and standards-aligned lessons for students in grades 6-8 on such topics as water, weather, soils, ecology, and the science processes.
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