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Imtiaz Uddin

Parkbridge Capital and Successful Real Estate Investing - 0 views

    Today's oft-repeated economic narrative is that, with encouragement from Wall Street investment bankers, lenders started playing fast and loose with credit risk and mortgages, enabling an unprecedented number of Americans to buy homes at prices beyond their means. Lenders packaged and sold these subprime mortgages, allowing banks to minimize the risk and resulting in individual and institutional investors gobbling up inadequately underwritten and rated mortgage-backed securities.
Imtiaz Uddin

If the stocks start at just under a dollar, how can an investor hope to become rich in ... - 0 views

    To get the most gains out of your penny stock investments, it's important that you pick up information about certain companies before the news hits the primary media stream. As soon as word is generated about a company, the price of the penny stock soars until it no longer falls in the category of penny stocks at all.
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