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The Man Who Ate Everything - 11 views

    • cmyles17
      This is a reply
    • jrisles5
      I find this essay very interesting and descriptive as he goes into detail what he would and would not eat in the story. For example, if he was deserted on a island, he would eat everything except insects. 
  • Everything
    • cmyles17
      Cool word bruh
    • aagarcia17
      this is a sticky note
  • ...48 more annotations...
  • By closing ourselves off from the bounties of nature, we become failed omnivores. We let down the omnivore team.
    • walkerlott
      I think this is a really good excerpt from the text because it is a really good description of why we as eaters should experience new things and not close ourselves off
  • Nations are like people. Some are good at cooking while others have a talent for music or baseball or manufacturing memory chips.
    • walkerlott
      I found this very descriptive because people are all different but all have unique characteristics that are what make them who they are.
  • suffered from a set of powerful, arbitrary, and debilitating attractions and aversions at mealtime
  • intense food preferences, whether phobias or cravings, struck me as the most serious of all personal limitations
  • Kimchi, the national pickle of Korea. Cabbage, ginger, garlic, and red peppers--I love them all, but not when they are fermented together for many months to become kimchi
  • Nearly forty-one million South Koreans eat kimchi three times a day
  • Returning obsessively to a few foods is the same as being phobic toward all the res
  • Nations are like people. Some are good at cooking while others have a talent for music or baseball or manufacturing memory chips
  • I thought for ten years before buying my last Greek meal
  • We come into the world with a yen for sweets (newborns can even distinguish among glucose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose) and a weak aversion to bitterness, and after four months develop a fondness for salt.
  • All human cultures consider fur, paper, and hair inappropriate as food.
  • Newborns are not repelled even by the sight and smell of putrefied meat crawling with maggots
  • humans need a great diversity of foods to stay healthy
  • by the age of twelve, we all suffer from a haphazard collection of food aversions ranging from revulsion to indifference
  • Just one bad stomach ache or attack of nausea after dinner is enough to form a potent aversio
    • jrisles5
      Good description of what causes him to not feel good 
  • people who habitually avoid certifiably delicious foods are at least as troubled as people who avoid sex, or take no pleasure from it, except that the latter will probably seek psychiatric help
  • People rid their diet of salt (and their food of flavor) to avoid high blood pressure and countless imagined ills.
  • Fear and suspicion of food have become the norm
    • kcronin17
      very true
    • jrisles5
      Good fact, fear of food is now the norm as people have become very wary of what they neat these days.
    • kcronin17
      very few words but uses words that say a lot
  • any food tastes better the hungrier you are
    • anonymous
      Very descriptive because I can relate to this very much. I know exactly what he is talking about.
  • Did you know that babies who are breast-fed will later have less trouble with novel foods than those who are given formula?
  • The variety of flavors that make their way into breast milk from the mother's diet prepares the infant for the culinary surprises that lie ahead
  • My plan was simplicity itself: every day for the next six months I would eat at least one food that I detested.
  • kimchi has become my national pickle, too.
  • My aversion increased sharply.
  • my clam phobia was banished in the twinkling of an eye
  • Later that evening, my lovely wife was kept up by an upset stomach, and I was kept up by my wife. She swore never to eat Greek food again
  • And then I would sit back and complacently listen to her neurotic jumble of excuses and explanations: advice from a personal trainer, intolerance to wheat gluten, a pathetic faith in Dean Ornish, the exquisite--even painful--sensitivity of her taste buds, hints of childhood abuse. And then I would tell her the truth.
  • most serious of all personal limitations
    • aagarcia17
      I found this description effective, because in most cases nothing is stopping you from eating a certain besides yourself (but sure there are cases of allergies)
  • a precarious balance between neophilia and neophobia
    • aagarcia17
      Reminded me of a portion of "The Omnivore's Dilemma" which goes over this concept of us being curious beings wanting to try new things, yet still having to be careful of what we eat since it might have an ill effect on us.
    • Morgan Harris
  • Lard. The very word causes my throat to constrict and beads of sweat to appear on my forehead.
    • anonymous
      Very descriptive because I can picture his reaction and the sweat bead starting to form on his forehead.
    • Morgan Harris
      Good -- this is a great example of "showing vs. telling" - using a visceral, physical sensation helps us feel what the author is feeling.
  • last
  • Step one was to compose an annotated list.
  • He is a jogger
  • Step one was to compose an annotated list.
  • Overnight, everybody you meet has become lactose intolerant
  • ht, everybody y
  • rnight, every
  • Overnigh
  • Overnight, everybody you meet has become lactose intolerant
  • ts. I know several people
  • urants, until 1989, the year that I, th
    • cmyles17
  • at very, very few of us are so seriousl
  • My phobia crumpled when I understood that the anchovies living in American pizza parlors bear no relation to the sweet, tender anchovies of Spain and Italy, cured in dry sea salt and a bit of pepper
    • chancegorman
      This was particularly an interesting description because I can understand that he has seen and tasted both of the anchovies of the world, ones that are sweet and tender, and others that are plain and boring.
  • The rest, most of it simply grilled with lemon and olive oil, was delicious, and as an added bonus I was launched on what still feels like an endless journey toward the acceptance of okra.
    • chancegorman
      This explanation really told me that he had tasted something marvelous from the greek restaurant, and felt like he had been taken on an adventure through just tasting the food.
  • Many cultures find insects highly nutritious and love their crunchy texture
    • cmyles17
      I always messed around when i was little saying how bugs were good to eat and nice and crunchy but never actually thought people ate them for their nutrition.
  • Anything featuring dill. What could be more benign than dill?
    • cmyles17
      anything really 
  • beads
  • wet darkness between the shells

An Alphabet for Gourmets: 1940s Archive : - 4 views

  • said NO so sternly that I promised to wait until May fifteenth, which could easily be labeled Pea-planting Day in Swiss almanacs.
    • aagarcia17
      I found the description both funny and interesting, that over the years people knew the exact day to plant peas, and followed it almost religiously, with good reason since the peas would've been affected by the frozen snap
  • And then on May fifteenth, a balmy sweet day if ever I saw one, my seeds went into the warm, welcoming earth,
    • anonymous
      I believe this is very descriptive and effective because when reading it I can imagine the feeling on the warm soil and I can se her planting the seeds.
  • cream
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • and they did as they were meant to, which is one of the most satisfying things that can possibly happen to a gardener, whether greenhorn and eager or professional and weatherworn.
    • kcronin17
      very enthusiastic and goes into detail about the peas and his satisfaction
  • My peas, that is, the ones that reached an almost unbelievable summit of perfection for me and can most probably never happen quite so fortunately again, met these three gastronomical requirements to a point of near-ridiculous exactitude
    • chancegorman
      This was a great description of the best peas she has ever tasted, telling us how exactly perfect that they had to be in order to take the place as the best peas of all time.
  • I sat open-mouthed at it and can still see the the arc of little green vegetables flow up into the air and then fall, with a satisfying shush, back into the pan some three or four feet below and at least a yard from where they took off.
    • chancegorman
      This was a great description because I can almost see her staring at the pea pods as they fly up into the air, and I can practically hear them when they hit the bowl below.
  • Every good cook, from Fannie Farmer Escoffier, agrees on three things about these delicate messengers to our palates from the kind Earth-mother: they must be very green, they must be freshly gathered, and they must be shelled at the very last second of the very last minute.
    • cmyles17
      Very specific and descriptive. Really specific time.
  • They were right, of course: we had a cold snap that would have blackened any sprout, about May tenth. As I remember, the moon, its rising, and a dash of hailstones came into the picture too…
    • cmyles17
      Another big description and a good mental illustration.

An Alphabet for Gourmets: 1940s Archive : - 1 views

  • Small brown roasted chickens lay on every plate, the best ones 1 have ever known, roasted for me that afternoon by Madame Doellenbach of the Vieux Vevey and not chilled since, but cooled in their own intangibly delicate juices.
    • walkerlott
      I enjoyed this description because it started to make me hungry when I read it. They way chicken was described was a great way to make it sound enticing.
  • Small brown roasted chickens lay on every plate, the best ones 1 have ever known, roasted for me that afternoon by Madame Doellenbach of the Vieux Vevey and not chilled since, but cooled in their own intangibly delicate juices.

An Alphabet for Gourmets: 1940s Archive : - 0 views

  • But the thing that really mattered, that piped the high, unforgettable tune of perfection, was the peas, which came from their hot pot onto our thick china plates in a cloud, a kind of miasma, of everything that anyone could ever want from them, even in a dream.
    • walkerlott
      I thought this was a great description because it made peas seem really appetizing and incredible. Peas are good but not like this describes

Getting Bin Laden - The New Yorker - 12 views

    • adiallo17
      This shows leadership qualities from Obama, and shows his determination to do what ever necessary to destroy this country's threat.
  • symbolic victory it needed to begin phasing troops out of Afghanistan
    • aagarcia17
      moving on
  • two MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters lifted off from Jalalabad Air Field, in eastern Afghanistan, and
    • classnick
      Write something 
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Despite JSOC’s lead role in Neptune’s Spear, the mission officially remained a C.I.A. covert operation. The covert approach allowed the White House to hide its involvement, if necessary.
    • kcronin17
      well thought out
  • Hearing this at the White House, Obama pursed his lips, and said solemnly, to no one in particular, “We got him.”
    • anonymous
      I thought this was very strong cause it was the moment they found out the got Bin Laden
  • Forty-five minutes after the Black Hawks departed, four MH-47 Chinooks launched from the same runway in Jalalabad.
    • cmyles17
      I liked all the code names and it sounded very tactical and intense.
  • If all went according to plan, the SEALs would drop from the helicopters into the compound, overpower bin Laden’s guards, shoot and kill him at close range, and then take the corpse back to Afghanistan.
    • chancegorman
      This Shows how determined they were and how dialed in the soldiers were for this mission
  • During the ninety-minute helicopter flight, James and his teammates rehearsed the operation in their heads.
    • jrisles5
      They are preparing for the battle they are about to fight and imagining victory in their minds.
  • “Eternity is defined as the time be tween when you see something go awry and that first voice report,
    • aagarcia17
      A good description of when something painful or special happens
  • cancelled scheduled visits, ordered sandwich platters from Costco, and transformed the Situation Room into a war room
    • aagarcia17
      found it funny that they got the event catered
  • ion was already veering off course. “Eternity is defined as the time be tween when you see something go awry and that first voice report,” the special-operations officer said. The officials in Washington viewed the aerial footage and waited anxiously to hear a military communication. The senior adviser to the President compared the experience to watching “the climax of a movie
    • kcronin17
      "eternity is defined as the time between when you see something go awry and first voice report"- sums up the whole article
  • No American was yet inside the residential part of the compound.
    • anonymous
      This was very important because I thought it was very significant no american was inside of the residential part of the compound.
  • In the coming weeks, a C.I.A.-led task force examined the files and determined that bin Laden had remained far more involved in the operational activities of Al Qaeda than many American officials had thought. He had been developing plans to assassinate Obama and Petraeus, to pull off an extravagant September 11th anniversary attack, and to attack American trains
    • kcronin17
      crazy that they found this and prevented it from happening
  • The Americans’ night-vision goggles cast the scene in pixellated shades of emerald green. Kuwaiti, wearing a white shalwar kameez, had grabbed a weapon and was coming back outside when the SEALs opened fire and killed him.
    • classnick
  • the compound lacked a phone or an Internet connection. K
  • He never asked who fired the kill shot, and the SEALs never volunteered to tell him
    • kcronin17
      shows how respectful the seals are
  • “You have an adult male, late at night, in the dark, coming down the stairs at you in an Al Qaeda house—your assumption is that you’re encountering a hostile.”)
    • chancegorman
      These Guys were taking no prisioners, Kill or be killed
  • Deploying four Chinooks was a last-minute decision made after President Barack Obama said he wanted to feel assured that the Americans could “fight their way out of Pakistan.”
    • anonymous
      I thought this was very important because of the fact that they had to prepare for the worst.
  • He and the eleven other SEALs on “helo one,” who were wearing gloves and had on night-vision goggles, were preparing to fast-rope into bin Laden’s yard. They waited for the crew chief to give the signal to throw the rope. But, as the pilot passed over the compound, pulled into a high hover, and began lowering the aircraft, he felt the Black Hawk getting away from him. He sensed that they were going to crash.
    • classnick
      This is like video game detail
    • adiallo17
      next level commitment 
  • There was never any question of detaining or capturing him—it wasn’t a split-second decision. No one wanted detainees
    • lamtranbach
    • lamtranbach
  • “Eternity is defined as the time be tween when you see something go awry and that first voice repor
    • jrisles5
      I am not sure what this means but I like the sound of it and it seems that it is trying to send an important message.
  • a decade of cooperation and partnership between the United States and Pakistan led up to the elimination of Osama bin Laden.”
    • chancegorman
      This tells how long the US and Pakistan have been planning the assassination and how stretched out the process was for a 38 minute assassination on Bin Laden.
  • The Americans hurried toward the bedroom door. The first SEAL pushed it open. Two of bin Laden’s wives had placed themselves in front of him. Amal al-Fatah, bin Laden’s fifth wife, was screaming in Arabic. She motioned as if she were going to charge; the SEAL lowered his sights and shot her once, in the calf. Fearing that one or both women were wearing suicide jackets, he stepped forward, wrapped them in a bear hug, and drove them aside. He would almost certainly have been killed had they blown themselves up, but by blanketing them he would have absorbed some of the blast and potentially saved the two SEALs behind him. In the end, neither woman was wearing an explosive vest.
    • walkerlott
      I like the imagery this gives and make you get pumped up about it.
  • Everything we have done for the last ten years prepared us for this,”
    • jrisles5
      They prepared and they succeeded.
  • The final person was bin Laden.
    • lamtranbach
  • A second SEAL stepped into the room and trained the infrared laser of his M4 on bin Laden’s chest. The Al Qaeda chief, who was wearing a tan shalwar kameez and a prayer cap on his head, froze; he was unarmed. “There was never any question of detaining or capturing him—it wasn’t a split-second decision. No one wanted detainees,” the special-operations officer told me. (The Administration maintains that had bin Laden immediately surrendered he could have been taken alive.) Nine years, seven months, and twenty days after September 11th, an American was a trigger pull from ending bin Laden’s life. The first round, a 5.56-mm. bullet, struck bin Laden in the chest. As he fell backward, the SEAL fired a second round into his head, just above his left eye. On his radio, he reported, “For God and country—Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo.” After a pause, he added, “Geronimo E.K.I.A.”—“enemy killed in action.”
    • walkerlott
      I think this is a pretty badass description of this scene
  • . We will kill bin Laden. We will crush Al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national-security priority.
    • lamtranbach
    Shortly after eleven o'clock on the night of May 1st, two MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters lifted off from Jalalabad Air Field, in eastern Afghanistan, and embarked on a covert mission into Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden. Inside the aircraft were twenty-three Navy SEALs from Team Six, which is officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DEVGRU.

Three Trials for Murder - The New Yorker - 0 views

    • adiallo17
  • It was the first time we realized that the lady who had been murdered was the one that I had picked up the dog from.”
    • adiallo17

Birthright - The New Yorker - 5 views

  • They were tested for S.T.I.s and U.T.I.s; they were prescribed birth-control pills and antibiotics; they were fitted for diaphragms and I.U.D.s and cervical caps; they learned how to check their breasts for lumps. They had pregnancy tests and Pap smears and abortions.
    • aagarcia17
      All the purposes it serves and lastly the controversial one, abortions
  • She had a question about her anatomy
    • aagarcia17
      Theres more to it outside of abortions, it serves as a place of education as well
  • Senate that abortion constitutes “well over ninety per cent of what Planned Parenthood does,” Planned Parenthood reported that abortions make up less than three per cent of its services, whereupon a Kyl staffer offered that what Kyl had said “was not intended to be a factual statement.
    • aagarcia17
      Uses a fake fact to try and persuade people, when only three percent of the money goes to the cause that people complain about it shouldn't matter that much
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • After you get off the elevator, you have to go through a metal detector. A guard behind bulletproof glass inspects your bag
    • kcronin17
      bc people protest and bring guns and harm people there
  • Last year, seventeen thousand patients received medical care here.
    • kcronin17
      so many people got helped at just 1 PP
  • “when those guys can’t figure out what to do about jobs, and they can’t, their first target is women.”
    • kcronin17
      i agree with this completly
  • “when those guys can’t figure out what to do about jobs, and they can’t, their first target is women.”
  • Planned Parenthood says that one in five women in the United States has been treated at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
    • kcronin17
      this is so many people!!!
  • Nearly every woman there looked to be in her twenties, and everyone was wearing flip-flops and jeans and T-shirts or halter tops; outside, it was sultry.
    • walkerlott
      I think this is crazy how causal everyone seems
  • Santiago-Rivera believes that the pimp and the prostitute came to her clinic and left, frustrated by the questions they faced at the registration desk. Planned Parenthood reported the man to the F.B.I. At the beginning of February, Live Action posted on the Internet very troubling videos taken at seven clinics, including one in New Jersey, where a clinic manager suggests lying to avoid detection.
    • walkerlott
      I thought this was really interesting and found it intriguing that they went in undercover
  • The fury over Planned Parenthood is two political passions—opposition to abortion and opposition to government programs for the poor—acting as one.
    • kcronin17
      I think this about sums up the issue
  • If a fertilized egg has constitutional rights, women cannot have equal rights with men. This, however, is exactly what no one wants to talk about, because it’s complicated, and it’s proved surprisingly easy to use the issue to political advantage.
    • kcronin17
      very important line to the article!!!
  • dozen women sat in rows of blue plastic chairs, texting. A few wandered over to a display of
    • anishitani
      Group! Yay!
Morgan Harris

dever2016_sickle cell.pdf - 1 views

shared by Morgan Harris on 14 Jun 17 - No Cached
Morgan Harris

tabebordbar2015_DMD.pdf - 1 views

shared by Morgan Harris on 14 Jun 17 - No Cached
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