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Cris Crissman

Order/Chaos Relationship - 0 views

  • According to complexity theory, life is created and sustained at the very edge of chaos. By analogy with Jungian psychology, our personal unconscious stands between the chaotic forces of the unconscious and the orderly forces of the conscious, partaking of, and being influenced by, both spheres. In this way, both our bodies and our minds are delicately sandwiched between chaos and order, and between causality and synchronicity. The Nobel prize winner, Murray Gell-Man (1994), summarizes that for a living system (what he calls a complex adaptive system) to function, conditions must be intermediate between order and chaos.
Cris Crissman

YouTube - Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling - 0 views

    Wow! "Education is an excellent tool if used properly" How did one so young see the fallibility of the system so completely?
Cris Crissman

Free Agents in UK: Militant Optimists and Positive Disruptors | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    " Nick Booth and Steve Bridger and we discussed the idea of Free Agents in the UK. Nick said they existed but they used a different phrase, "Militant Optimists" - a term that was inspired by the book "handmade" by Tessy Britton and coined by Dave Barrie. Nick describes them as " People doing good things because it made sense to it. They get on with it regardless of what the system says." Interesting, challenging but remarkable people Steve Bridger also pointed another type of Free Agent, working from the inside of NGOs called a positive disruptor. "
Cris Crissman

Learning or Management Systems? « Connectivism - 0 views

  • that sees learning less as a product (filling a learner with knowledge) and more of a process of continually staying current and connected (learning as a process of exploration, dialogue, and interaction).
  • As these learners enter higher education, they may not be content to sit and click through a series of online content pages with periodic contributions to a discussion forum.
    "A variety of informal, socially-based tools comprise this space: (a) blogs, (b) wikis, (c) social bookmarking sites, (d) social networking sites (may be pure networking, or directed around an activity, 43 Things or flickr are examples), (e) content aggregation through RSS or Atom, (f) integrated tools, like, (g) podcast and video cast tools, (h) search engines, (i) email, and (j) Voice over IP."
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