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Cris Crissman

Universe Image Creator by Diard Software: Create Your Universe Today - 0 views

    create your own universe
Cris Crissman

Symbaloo Service - 0 views

    cool ideas for creating Symbaloos
Cris Crissman

BPS Research Digest: Power leads us to dehumanise others - 0 views

    Classroom example with creating scenario for students and reflective writing is a good example of the power of literature to engage and lead to inquiry.
Cris Crissman

PLE or VLE? « Beyond Distance Research Alliance Blog - 0 views

    Gabi's PLE inspires me to try out Symbaloo to create my own PLE mind map.
Cris Crissman

Speaking in Lolcats, Take 2 ~ Stephen's Web - 0 views

    cognitive tools -- create artifacts use to think
Cris Crissman

2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning - 0 views

    Learning agents
Cris Crissman

Learning Networks: Theory and Practice ~ Stephen's Web - 0 views

    Helpful to create shared understanding of connectivism, networked learning. Patterson quote: "where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world."
Cris Crissman

Order/Chaos Relationship - 0 views

  • According to complexity theory, life is created and sustained at the very edge of chaos. By analogy with Jungian psychology, our personal unconscious stands between the chaotic forces of the unconscious and the orderly forces of the conscious, partaking of, and being influenced by, both spheres. In this way, both our bodies and our minds are delicately sandwiched between chaos and order, and between causality and synchronicity. The Nobel prize winner, Murray Gell-Man (1994), summarizes that for a living system (what he calls a complex adaptive system) to function, conditions must be intermediate between order and chaos.
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