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Diego Morelli

I wouldn't mind Nostalgia /  #poetry - 0 views

    "I wouldn't mind Nostalgia, / Extensions, Traumas / on Valentino's Day (...)"
Kurt Evans

Exercising Your Imagination: Part 1 - Associated Content - - 6 views

    Have you ever exercised your imagination? What I mean by this is, have you ever gone someplace in your head? Not with your physical body but, with just your mind?
Diego Morelli

Unconscious Babbage / poetry - 0 views

    "Unconscious Babbage in his foggy state of mind approched the idea of sleep and yet.. (...)"
Kurt Evans

Grab Hold of My Hand - Associated Content - - 2 views

    I have but one wish, just one. And that is to lay a kiss on your somber lips. As my eyes stare in yours, I seek to know your internal flame. I see a spark that arouses my curiosity to further explore the inner workings of your mind.
Kurt Evans

The-Passionate-Plea-The-Story-Of-One-Man's-Journey - 2 views

    He stands alone in a land of many and his mind is filled with wisdom. His name is Harvey. He lives in a place of his own creation. Harvey is surrounded by ponds and lush green forest. He talks to the fishes. The fish just look at him in a despondent way and don't reply to his wishes. Harvey sometimes has to go in his house and do the dishes. He is a passionate man that stands alone in a land of many.
Kurt Evans

Poetry From My Heart - 3 views

    With all of the thoughts and feelings that complicate matters, sometimes you just need to get away from it all. If that's the case; come with me, to my tiny little world of poetic bliss. Let's feel what's in our soul and discover what it takes to move our very being. There are many different types of poetry, but I like to rime.
Kurt Evans

The Decision Making Visualization - Associated Content - - 12 views

    This one's really simple. Imagine yourself making decisions about things that are important to you and see your life change in a positive direction as a result. Imagine yourself taking the actions necessary for goal achievement.
    I want to be a teacher because I love kids and I want to give them the best education that I can. There are so many ways to do that, and I'm excited to find my own way in I always try to find new ways to engage my students in the classroom. I want them to love learning as much as I do. I was always the one who brought in new ideas to the classroom. I was always the one who wanted to try something new. Now that I'm a teacher, I feel like my students are the ones who need to bring in new ideas. By essay help reddit I love to learn new things. I think it's important to try and keep an open mind, even if you don't agree with the information being presented.
Kurt Evans

Inspirational Poetry that will touch your heart and soul forever - 3 views

    •I'm a writer; so, I must write. •I seek to provide motivation and wisdom through entertainment.Some of it is short inspirational poetry and some of it is long inspirational poetry. •My writing conveys my witty personality. I like to think of my writing as being both; prolific and profound. •I try to write in a story format; so that it can be easily understood. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.
Dugg Lowe

help with creative essay writing - 29 views

    Great creative essays should flow seamlessly from start to finish. Keep an eye out for any long, clunky, and complex sentences that derail your story. It is a time-consuming job, but it becomes easy if you know how to do it right. It is also helpful to look for essay examples. I found this source to be good Thanks to it, I understood how exactly I had to write my essay. Now, based on my own experience, I can say that a creative essay is a kind of writing that gives you a chance to speak your mind and tell people how you feel about a particular topic. So you have to know that you are using the right words to deliver the message.
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    Writing a good story takes time and talent. I had situations when an essay had to be written on a tight schedule. Unfortunately, my knowledge and efforts were not enough to complete the work on time. What I managed to write was terrible. Therefore, I decided to turn to professional essay service to rewrite my essay and have time to hand over the work to the teacher on time. Fortunately, everything worked out and I did not have to sit for days at textbooks.
    Essay writing was the most challenging assignment at university for me. Once I found a site and decided to turn for help for writing my assignments. After all, if I began to write each work by myself, I would not have enough time for sleep, friends and rest. And this is also important in life.
    The purpose of educational priority statements is to set the direction of the entire educational enterprise. These statements describe what students will learn and must be the focus of curriculum. These statements must provide context for other objectives and goals.Visit for more details. Ultimately, they serve as the foundation of the entire educational enterprise. In other words, educational priorities are "mission statements" that guide curriculum development. By understanding the goals of educational priorities, we will have a clearer idea of how best to achieve those goals.
    I appreciate the journey for help with creative essay writing. If you are looking to elevate your narrative, consider Their expertise can infuse creativity and finesse into your work, ensuring a compelling and unique essay that stands out. Collaborating with professionals can make a significant difference in your writing journey.
    为了保证论文的质量,Paper代写 过程中的每一个步骤都经过精心策划和把控。Paper代写专家首先会仔细研究你的需求和要求,确保写作过程中充分理解你的意图。其次,他们会进行全面的文献调研,从权威的学术资源中获取可靠的数据和信息。接下来,代写专家会制定合理的写作计划,并进行详尽的大纲编写。在写作过程中,会逐步完善每一个段落,确保论文的逻辑性和一致性。最后,Paper代写专家还会进行严格的校对和编辑,确保论文的语法、拼写和格式等方面的准确性。
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